Sunday, June 28, 2009


Dear One,
Please do not relinquish one area of your life to the enemy. Refuse to give up. Refuse to lose. Refuse to let him steal from you and kill people and rob all the beneficial things from your life. Refuse to compromise with him in his quest to deceive you into believing that you cannot win in all areas of life.
The devil wants you to believe that total success is impossible because men are still under his curses and that you cannot reverse that destiny. He knows that his destiny of failure has already been reversed and it was reversed when Jesus defeated him on the cross and in hell and then rose from the dead.
I sent My Holy Spirit into the earth to live in men, and since then every man who receives Him has My power to reverse the destiny of failure in his own life and in the lives of members of his family.
I will lead you into the paths of success, the paths of My power, the paths of My righteousness so that success is guaranteed and failure is eradicated.
Remember, I desire that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.
Love, God
John 10:10; I John 3:8
A Kiss From God: Photo from NatashaP at

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Dear One,
Loneliness is a state of mind where you separate yourself from Me and from My life in others.
I created all life, therefore I am in all living things. You can appreciate My life in other humans, in animals, in plants, in flowers and in trees.
You are never alone when you realize that My life surrounds you and inhabits you. Then you realize that loneliness is never real, it is only a perception of being alone. Loneliness is never reality, only a state of mind that the evil one projects onto your mind in an effort to continue to separate you from Me and the rest of My children.
Loneliness is a choice, a state of mind permeated with poor-me thoughts. Open your eyes to see that all of My life in heaven and in the earth is available for you. Surround yourself with life and you will never be lonely again.
Love, God
II Corinthians 2:14 & 15; I Thessalonians 1:2; Hebrews 10:24 & 25

Friday, June 26, 2009


Dear One,
Life is the beholder of all things, and you are a participant in all of its joys, sadness, delights, mistakes, disappointments and its celebrations.
Since life is full of every spectrum of situations, there is much to be learned simply by experience. However, the best way to learn is by listening to My voice inside of you.
The nuggets of information to be learned are very valuable to you because they keep you from making the same mistakes again, again and again or taking the wrong roads again and again.
My Holy Spirit is the perfect tour guide though the journey you call life. Since He is in all things, He can guide you around the rocky places and He can take you though the easy places because He is a good planner and plotter. His plans are perfect for every situation and He will rescue you if you need rescuing when you get off of the narrow path of safety and into the wide path of destruction. He will save you again and again.
Love, God
Matthew 7:12-14; John 16:7-15

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Dear One,
Always know that the best is yet to come!
When you realize that ALL of My promises to you and your children are yea and amen, then you will reap the crop of the good seeds that you have sown.
Realize that My best is your best, that My benefits are your benefits.
Your continued Holy Spirit led prayers are the seeds that guarantee your excellent crops.
Refuse to accept less than the best for all of you.
Since I have given the best to you and you can appropriate it by faith, then your prayers will do their work, they will bring the harvest.
Outward circumstances mean absolutely nothing. They are only the outer covering which will shed when the inner promises emerge.
Looking to the inner promise, forget the negative outer wrappings. They are temporary.
You were created for the best of everything because you are My child. Your heritage is nobility.
Love God
Philippians 3:13 and 14; II Corinthians 1:20; II Corinthians 4:18
photo compliments of Richard Nix at

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Dear One,
If you will monitor your attitudes you will be able to assess the paths that your thoughts are taking, because thoughts are a precursor to attitudes.
It is impossible to have a poor attitude unless your thoughts have been negative, too.
It is impossible to have a good attitude unless your thoughts have been positive.
Take inventory of your thoughts and you will be able to assess what your future will be like.
You will be able to assess your future, whether it will be beneficial to you or detrimental to you.
Your mind is the determinant of your future, whether you will walk in peace, harmony, joy and prosperity or whether you will walk in conflict, condemnation, strife and poverty.
Thoughts affect your attitudes and your attitudes affect your words, whether they will be of My kingdom or whether they will be of the kingdom of failure.
Think My positive thoughts about every matter and see that you will walk in the way of happiness.
Love, God
Philippians 4:8; Proverbs 23:7 &8;

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Dear One,
The devil is an evil stepfather in the lives of My children.
He abuses, cheats, tortures, robs, steals and kills My children.
A good father loves, leads, directs, guides, rescues and provides for his children.
The religious leaders during the time Jesus walked the earth were being led by, guided by and directed by the father of lies, the devil, or they would have recognized Jesus as My son. Their eyes were blinded to the virtues of Jesus and His Sonship. They also heaped guilt on people the same as the devil, who is called the accuser.
Jesus came to earth and died so that you might have a good life and have it abundantly. He showed you what I am, the Good and Perfect Father.
I am available to be your Guide, Comforter, Counselor, Salvation and Rescuer. Come to me and experience My Love, the Perfect Love that casts out fear.
Love, God
John 10:10; John 14:16-18 and 26-27; I John 3:8

Friday, June 19, 2009


Dear One,
Everything grows and flourishes in an atmosphere of love.
Even if they have been previously abused and neglected, they will flourish and bloom in an atmosphere of total, unconditional love. That is what I meant when I said that love covers a multitude of sins. It is like a baptism of fire which burns out the bad experiences of life. Then total love restores and transforms and redeems everything, spirit, soul and body.
Things change and people change in an atmosphere of love. They cannot resist unconditional love .
I am Love. Therefore you are Love when you live and move and have your being in Me.
Love, God
Romans 5:5-8; Romans 8:38 &39; I Corinthians 2:9 &10; Ephesians 2:4

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Dear One,
You have spiritual authority over everything that affects you in your life because I have given you the Holy Spirit and His authority. Every place you put your feet is holy ground because He is in you.
You need to become ENVIRONMENTALISTS of the spiritual atmosphere around you. Do not pollute the world with negative words about anything.
When you hear negative words spoken you need to render them powerless, discharging the demons who grabbed them with the purpose of intending to use the permission of the speaker to bring the negative things about. The speaker had given his permission to bring destruction into his life and the lives of his family members by speaking negativity. You need to retract those words, send the negative demons to hell, then speak positive words to counteract the negative ones.
The pollution of the spiritual atmosphere by men is the parent of the pollution of natural resources. Environmentalists work to clean up the natural environment. You must, likewise, use your authority to clean up the spiritual atmosphere and only allow peaceful, loving, kind words to be spoken around you. Only allow those words to take root and grow good crops in your life and the lives of your family members.
Seeds produce every time, good and bad. You must only allow good seeds to take root and grow in the spiritual atmosphere around you. You will reap the benefits of them in the form of peace and the abundant life that I promised.
Love, God
Matthew 12:35-37; James 1:19; James 3:2-18
Photo is one of our last trips to visit family

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Dear One,
My desire for My children is that they hear My Words and understand (perceive) them.
My desire is that we fellowship with each other and that you allow Me to lead and guide and direct you into safe paths so that you will constantly be happy and joyful and blessed with all of the benefits of being My child.
Doctrines of men will come and go, and you will hear many doctrines in your lifetime, but My desire is that you and I become so enmeshed together that you don't even know where you begin and end and where I begin and end in you.
Doctrines of men put Me in a box and say that I cannot perform outside of that perceived way.
My desire is that My thoughts become your thoughts, that My Words become your words, that My Powers become your powers to heal people and restore them, and that My Wisdom becomes your wisdom.
I desire that you walk in My Love for you and that you pass that Love on to others so that others will be benefited by the life changing power of My Love.
My desire for you is that you receive the benefits of My Love and My Power and My Wisdom and that you share them with others so that they can be changed spirit, soul and body just like you are transformed.. Then we will transform your world.
Love, God.
Matthew 13:14 & 15; Ephesians 1:16-23; Ephesians 3:14-20

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Dear One,
Things are not always as they appear outwardly.
Sometimes the bad outward appearance of something for which you've prayed is going to have a dramatic change in the immediate future and the change will be the manifestation of your answered prayers. Therefore, you must always spiritually see the positive answer to your prayers in your mind rather than the negative current status.
If you press onward toward the high mark, the answer, then you are not cognizant of the fact that the situation in its immediate state has not changed visibly, but it is changing spiritually. You must visualize the end result before it is evident. When you do that, then the end result will become more real to you than the current outward situation.
This is what I meant when I said to speak the things that are not as though they were, because when you visualize them as real they are real in the spiritual dimension. They are answered prayers before you pray them, but the final outcome is only a matter of time.
Since there is no time in my dimension, then all prayers have already been answered. You will see the good results in your time related dimension eventually. Keep the answer before your eyes in the field of your imagination and you will eventually see the good answers with your earthly eyes.
What is more real to you, what I say about the situation or what the earthly appearance seems to be? I want the best things for you, so believe for the best.
Love, God
Matthew 6:8; Romans 4:17-22

Monday, June 15, 2009


Dear One,
Thankfulness grows from other seeds of thankfulness.
Begin to think and speak words of thanksgiving, giving thanks in all situations, in all circumstances, in all seasons, and you will find that you have a heart full of thankfulness. Then your gates will have been opened to receive more of your blessings.
A thankful heart and mind and mouth are prerequisites to fulfilled promises because of the magnetic attraction that is set up by the attitude of thankfulness. You open yourself up to Me and you thank Me with genuine thanksgiving, which in turn swings open the gates of your life to receive more of your inheritance. Your attitude of thankfulness is a magnet which attracts success to you in every area of your life.
Sing thanksgiving, speak thanksgiving, think thanksgiving and many other things for which you can be thankful will be attracted to you.
Thoughts and words are personal magnets.
Love, God
Habakkuk 3:17-19

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dear One,
Begin each day with joy and you will find joy in everything that happens that day.
Joy is like a suction, it draws all My characteristics from your Spirit to the outer man. Joy will produce love, piece, peace, faith, goodness, kindness and mercy.
With the introduction of joy to the outer man, your flesh, My other characteristics appear readily and easily. The fruit of My characteristics are like grapes, they come in bunches; however, the fruit can differ in type in the bunch. Each different kind of spiritual fruit (characteristic) has within it the ability to reproduce from its own seeds. Therefore, all of My Spiritual characteristics will be reproduced when they grow in your life, ready to be picked, consumed and then reproduced in your life and the lives of others again.
Every Spiritual fruit produces health, prosperity and success to all who consume them.
Love, God
Galatians 5:22

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Dear One,
You must begin to fully realize the spiritual powers behind negativity and you must begin to realize the spiritual powers behind positivity.
Negativity brings curses into your life.
Positivity brings blessings into your life.
Negativity brings poverty into your life.
Positivity brings prosperity into your life.
Negativity brings infirmity into your life.
Positivity brings health into your life.
Negativity will negate all blessings and success.
Positivity will cause you to possess all blessings and success.
When a blessing is negated by negativity, it is canceled. It becomes nonexistent in your life.
When a blessing is expected, it is obtained, and then it becomes permanent in your life.
Negative thoughts are the sowing of curses into your spiritual atmosphere and expecting the worse things to happen.
Positive thoughts are sowing of blessings into your spiritual atmosphere and expecting the best things to happen.
Choose every day whether you will sow negativity or positivity into your life by choosing your thoughts.
Expect the best and the best will come.
Love, God
Deuteronomy 30:19; Philippians 4:8

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Dear one,
Take time to love deeply.
Take time to show love completely.
Take time to sow love seeds plentifully.
Love is patient.
Loving requires time because time sacrificed for another person is love.
Love, God
I Corinthians 13:4

Monday, June 8, 2009


Dear One,
Harmony produces peace and love, goodness and mercy.
Discord produces unrest and strife, conflict and judgment.
David used music to calm the savage beast in Saul when evil spirits were ministering to Saul.
Music which is played or sung in harmony has powers in the natural and spiritual worlds.
Harmony among people produces even greater results in the natural and spiritual world.
Where there is harmony there is agreement, and where two or three agree on a thing it is established in the earth. When the principle of harmony and agreement is in operation in the earth, then prayers are more easily answered because of the attendance in the spiritual dimension of My host of angels serving the people who are in harmony, thus being in agreement.
Lack of harmony is discord and it breaks the bonds of unity. Discord calls in evil spirits to minister their evil work in the lives of the ones involved in the discord.
The cords of harmony cannot easily be broken and that is why where there is agreement everything will be done by your Father in heaven.
Where there is strife there is every evil work.
Keep harmony with all men so that your prayers will be answered and your lives will be full.
Love, God
Matthew 18:19; I John 5:8;
photo from krisdecurtis

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Dear One,
When you hear melodious music and see the calming, peaceful influence it has on people, then you can experience in the natural world what harmony among people produces in the spiritual world.
When there is harmony (which if often called oneness) among people then the Holy Spirit and My angels are able to efficiently enter into a situation and perform miracles according to My grace and mercy.
Harmony produces peace, love, grace and mercy in every situation.
Always keep harmony with all men if possible and then you will more readily see miracles performed in every situation.
Love, God
Isaiah 26, 3; I Corinthians 14:33; Ephesians 4;3;

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Dear One,
Many times it seems to you that you are praying in the flesh rather than in the Spirit, but know that you will always end up praying My will in the Spirit even if you begin in the flesh.
I have set aside and trained multitudes of My children by having them praying in obedience without any revelation of what their Spirit led prayers can do. They pray without knowing the interaction between My words spoken from their mouths with the words of others and the uniting of the angels to do My bidding for them. They will have revelation of the importance of their intercessions and their yielding to My desire that they pray without ceasing.
You must tell people that if they want startling results in the lives of their families and startling results in answer to their needs, then they must lend themselves to intercession in the Spirit.
Remember that My Spirit's prayers through your mouth are always My perfect will being expressed. Your spirit adds the prayers of your heart and results will be so much more dramatic than ritualistic prayers of the flesh. The activity between your spirit and My Spirit will release more power to get your needs met and My needs met on the national and international scene.
I'm your Father. Everything I do is for your utmost good.
Release My words from your mouth in relation to every need you have and watch for startling results. My Words are always Love Words.
Love, God
Acts 2:4; I Corinthians 14:17; Ephesians 6:17; I Corinthians 5:17
NatashaP photo at

Friday, June 5, 2009


Dear One,
In the past I could not find very many people who were willing to be praying intercessors but now many are answering My call. The results of those prayers will be more immediate because of the abundance of the angelic hosts that are being incorporated into the tasks at hand.
Continue to intercede on the national and international scene as well as for your own family and friends. You will see the results of your praying.
I said that My good news would go forth with power and might and the hold of the enemy will be loosed. His days are numbered and they are few.
The earth has been waiting for the days in which you live when My children put their spiritual enemies under their feet of authority and send them into the abyss. Demons are powerless when you use your authority and My power.
Be conscious of My Spirit within you and always be listening for My leading and prompting in every matter that concerns you, either relating to your family, your country or world affairs.
Consider yourself dead to the promptings of the devil and he will flee because he doesn't like to fail where you are concerned because you are My child.
Refuse to yield to his temptations in the forms of depression, negativity, strife, conflict, pride, anger, selfishness, dissension, envy, political and religious sects, impurity and drunkenness.
We are the winner in the fight between good and evil. You must begin to act like it.
Love, God
Galatians 5:19 & 20; Romans 9:19 -21

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Three of the California Grand Children from last years visit

Dear One,
I have My people everywhere in every country of the world who are praying just like you are praying. There are people in enslaved countries who are praying and speaking My will concerning My children just like you are praying.
As My Words go forth in might and power from your mouths the results are more immediate than they were in the days of the old covenant that I had with men. There were few men who would speak My words as there are today.
As you set yourself apart to intercede, be conscious that the prayers from your lips by My Spirit will join the ones spoken by others in the air and the agreement will bring about dramatic results.
In other days as people would intercede there were few who truly submitted to My Spirit to pray My words, so there was not the agreement that exists today.
Be conscious of the reality that words are motion and they carry life with them. My Words from your mouth meet the prayers of others in the air and the agreement will create new beginnings and new motives and new events for people.
My instructions to pray without ceasing were not idle words. Things are transformed and reformed as you pray. That's what I do, change things for My children from bad to good.
Remember, I'm the Good Guy, your Loving Father.
Love, God
I Thessalonians 5:14-22; Matthew 18:19

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Dear One,
Concerning your child for whom you have prayed and released him to Me, now commit him to Me so that his entire future is entrusted to Me.. Then My plans for his life will be fulfilled.
Now is the time to completely commit him to me and I will see that all of your desires and his desires for his life are fulfilled.
My hand has been upon him from the beginning of his life because you dedicated him to Me. Now you have committed him to Me and I can work My plans for his life.
I have shown you that he is secure in Me in the Spirit's eye, now commit him to Me so that I can bring all of My plans for his life quickly.
I will use your intercession to bring most of it to pass but I have already prepared many paths for him.
Relieve yourself and him of any fear or anxiety. I will do the same. I want all of you free from fears and anxiety. When you truly commit a person to Me then there is no fear for his future.
Love, God
Psalm 31:5; Psalm 37:5; Proverbs 16:3; I Peter 4:19;
photo of Edan and Pamela

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Dear One,
The heart of every human being longs for, craves and desires unconditional love, because every human spirit knew My Divine Love before he became human. The heart's deepest desire is for that same unconditional love that he knew before his journey to earth.
People seek unconditional love from other people,. When human love fails, as it always does because it is limited, then he searches for it again and again, only to be disappointed.
When he finally sees My Love in you he is drawn to Me to seek his heart's desire, My Unconditional Love.
When a person if filled with My Love, then he is complete. He is satisfied and he can also pour My Love out to other people. My Love is then miraculously multiplied in the earth.
Religion limits My Love by promoting codes of ethics and obedience to those codes, saying that I withhold My Love unless a person is obedient.
I know that it is impossible to obey all the code of ethics that religion puts on the back of people. My Unconditional Love is just that, unconditional, never withheld or limited because My Love can never be limited. It is all encompassing and has the power to free people from bondage to religion and its limited acceptance.
My Love accepts you just the way you are and heals you, frees you and promotes you.
Come to Me for My Love and you will never seek love from those who only have limited love.
Love, God
I Corinthians 13:4-7; Ephesians 3:16-19

Monday, June 1, 2009


Dear One,
You have had many instances of experiencing My glory. When My glory is evident, the supernatural has become evident in the natural. Sometimes it will be by visual means, when you have had a fleeting vision, other times it may be when you hear My words in your thoughts, which is My knowledge coming to your understanding.
Other times you may experience My healing ability in your body or hear about My healing results in the body of another person.
Other times you may experience My words of wisdom or discerning of spirits. Those are evidences of My glory. Sometimes you may be shown things to come, things in the futures. That is a manifestation of My glory.
Anytime My supernatural power from My dimension becomes manifested in the natural world, then My glory has been manifested.
My glory is yours as My child and it will be manifested when there is a need for supernatural power and ability. I manifest My powers and abilities when your natural powers and abilities are inadequate. When you invite Me into a situation to apply My powers to anything in your world, there are glorious results.
Love, God
Isaiah 11:9; Habakkuk 2:14; Matthew 6:13; Matthew 24:30: Luke 2:9
photo compliments of SulviaDeLute at