Saturday, March 31, 2012


Dear One,

Blessings to you.
My blessing to you.
When I bless you I extend My hands of goodness and mercy and abundance to you.
My hands are overflowing with everything you will ever need, everything you will ever want, everything you will ever desire.
The next step is for you to receive them, for you to take them from My overflowing hands and clutch them to your bosom with a grateful heart, knowing that they are sent to enrich your life.
Reach out your hands to Me and receive every gift that I send. They are free, already paid for by Jesus.
People have fathers and brothers who go to war for them. They battle for freedom and a blessed way of life for their familes.
You have a Father and a Brother who went to war for you against your spiritual enemy, the devil. We won the war so that you would receive the spoils which are blessings beyond compare.
Stretch forth your hands and take what I give to you. You will be forever glad and eternally grateful.

Love, God
James 1:16-18; John 10:10-11; Hebrews 12:1-3; John 3:16-17; Deuteronomy 28:1-14.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Dear One,
When there is spiritual unity there is one blood supply, one mind which is the same as the mind that was in Christ Jesus. There is one purpose, one devotion and one desire, to overcome the works of evil in your life.
My desire and purpose has always been to be in total unity with all of My children so that I can protect them, guide them, empower them, heal them, shepherd them, deliver them from darkness, provide their needs and be their loving Father in every way.
My Holy Spirit seeks those who have the same purpose and desire, total unity with Me. Then unity is established when I enter into a person through My Spirit. As a result, watch out, great things are bound to happen.
Love, God
John 10:11; John 17:9-23; Ephesians 3:14-20.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Dear One,
People readily visualize people shaking hands in agreement. It's hand in hand unity, hand in hand cooperation, hand in hand working together and a sign of peace between the two of them.
Can you also begin to visualize heart to heart and spirit to Spirit unity, cooperation and working together for your good?
My children who are led by My Spirit are that way, unified with Me as one heart, one Spirit, one being because we are One just like Jesus prayed, that you and I might be One just like He and I are One.
Visualize that oneness, that unity, that cooperation that Jesus prayed. He prayed it for you because He experienced it with Me.
He said he only said what He heard Me say and he only did what He saw Me do. He heard My words in His Spirit and He saw Me do My works in visions and dreams. He was totally dependent on Me.
My visual perspective is better than yours. My spiritual perspective is better than yours. My power is better than yours.
Stay in unity with Me and all of My resources are at your command. I give them to you to make your life in the earth easier and more productive.
Love, God
John 13:34-35; John 17:9-23; John 5:19-21.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Dear One,
Trust Me that my mercy really does endure forever.
Trust that events and happenings that you have never seen before with human eyes are all being designed and instigated in my mind with great joy for your future. You will see the events happen and you will marvel at their majesty. Yes, their majesty will be greater than you have ever seen.
Do you trust Me enough to give Me your past, your present and your future? Let Me erase the heartaches of the past, let Me anoint your present and let Me orchestrate your future. I perfect your past, your present and your future because you have always sought Me and My ways.
Trust Me that when you forget all that is behind you and you run the race that is set before you, when you keep your eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith, that only glorious events will be encountered, beyond your wildest imagination.
Trust Me!
Love, God
Psalm 100:5; Psalm 101:1; Hebrews 12:2; Ephesians 3:20.Hebrews 2:13-14.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Dear One,
Trust that My ministering angels surround you.
Trust that My protective angels encamp round about you.
Trust that I send My words forth from your mouth in My prayer language to do My will in your life, which is healing, prosperity, peace, mercy, freedom from depression and oppression, joyful situations, calm circumstances and loving relationships.
Trust that I will never leave you or forsake you.
Trust that you are called according to My purpose and all things will work together for your good. Those "all things" are your praying in My Spirit, your being attentive to My personal words to you, and your walking in love with all people.
Trust that I WILL do more than you dare think or imagine, according to the power that is in you. The power that is in you is My Holy Spirit, so there is no way your thoughts could ever imagine the marvelous and glorious things that He has in store for you according to My will.
Trust Me in that regard, that you could never extend your mind to the fullness of My glorious plan for you.
Trust Me that your eye has not seen and your ear has not heard all of the glorious things that I have for you in accordance with My love for you and your love for Me.
In other words, like I have said before, "TRUST ME."
Love, God
Psalm 11:1; Psalm 20:7; Psalm 28:7; Psalm 31:1; I Corinthians 2:9-10; Ephesians 3:14-20.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Dear One,
Always remember that appearances do not reveal the true nature of a person and appearances do not reveal the true activities going on behind the attitudes and activities of a person. The person may be wresting with My Holy Spirit who is calling attention to a wrongful word or thought or action. Maybe the person is wrestling with making a decision to change from evil habits to godly habits. All you see may be the effects of the inner battle, not the final life changing decision. Whatever appears on the outside is not what is happening on the inside of a person, in his soul.
That is why you can't go by what you see, only go by what I say about the situation and the person, that all things will work together for your good.
Rejoice when things look bad because going up toward good is the only way it can go, which it eventually will go if you are praying in the Spirit for the person and walking in love.

Love, God
Matthew 7:1-6; Romans 8; II Peter 1:3-11.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Dear One,
My children spend so much time fighting each other over doctrines and religious tenets that they don't have time to battle the devil and his demons who are their real enemy.
Remember that it is My goodness that brings a man to repentance.
Therefore, it is your goodness that brings a man to repentance and unity with Me.
Learn who your real enemy is. It's not Me and it's not your brothers and your sisters in the earth.
Love, God
Ephesians 6:12-18; Romans 2:4.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Dear One,

Mercy begets mercy.
Judgment begets judgment.
Cruelty begets cruelty.
Love begets love.
In other words, whatsoever kingdom you sow into, from that kingdom you will reap.
Sow into My kingdom, My family of love, and you will reap the benefits from My storehouse.
Sow into the evil kingdom, satan's destructive family of demons, and you will reap the curses from the evil storehouse.
Sow and reap. Sow and reap. It never ceases.
Always sow love and you will reap love.
That is why Jesus taught that you should do to others as you would have them do to you, because that is exactly what happens, you sow good seeds in the lives of others and you will reap good crops.
Sow and reap.
I teach you My attitudes, My thoughts, and My principles so that you will reap from My family the inheritance that you desire as My child.
I never exhaust My efforts to teach you that sowing and reaping is always in effect as it was from the beginning when I gave men free choice. When Man let satan into the earth in the Garden of Edan, evil began to function in the earth. Then men had the choice between good and evil.
The principle is so very simple, sow and reap, sow and reap.
Follow My leading and guidance and sow to My spiritual family where all good things return to you.

Love, God
Matthew 13:3-9; Matthew 13:17-23; Matthew 13:24-30; Matthew 13:31-43; Mark 4:26-32; II Corinthians 9:6-12; Galatians 6:7-10.
(I cannot recall where I found this photo. I had it in my archives and it fit so perfectly I decided to use it. If it belongs to anyone who sees it, please let me know and I will give credit where it is due.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Dear One,

To have unwavering faith in the midst of an ever changing world is impossible without My Holy Spirit living inside of you. What is meant to have faith is to know that My Holy Spirit is ever working in your behalf to perfect things in your life, that His efforts are unceasing, unrelenting and He is always giving orders to the angelic hosts to fulfill My promises to you.
When Jesus said that My Holy Spirit takes what is mine and gives it to you, He meant that He will speak My plans, My orchestrations, My strategies and My formulas to His workers, the angelic hosts, to bring into being what I have ordained as the solution to your problems.
All of the things that Jesus said and did while in the earth are being carried out by My Holy Spirit. Even the words of Jesus are revealed to you by My Holy Spirit.
Healings, miracles, gifts of wisdom and knowledge, your prayer language, prophesies, spiritual languages and their interpretations are all My gifts to you delivered by My Spirit. Yes, even the gift of overwhelming faith is given to you by My Spirit.
My Holy Spirit gives the peace that is the fulfillment of what Jesus said He gives, peace that passes understanding. He is also the fulfillment of My promise to My children to live in them and to be their God.
My Holy Spirit is My life source within you, My creative power and My loving comfort to you.
All salvation comes through My son Jesus and all salvation is carried out by My Holy Spirit. Give both of them their due honor. The function of each one is necessary, honorable and effective in saving you from the workings of evil in the earth.
Love, God

I Corinthians 12:1-11;Romans 5:5; John 3:16; John 16:13-15; Philippians 4:7-10; Galatians 5:22-26; Romans 8: 11-17.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Dear One,
Hope feeds the body as well as the emotions.
Hope gives My children the stability and expectation that leads to faith.
Faith takes over from hope and is convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that every need will be filled. Faith and patience join together and the next step is complete fulfillment.
Faith always begins with hope. Hope says I can but faith says I will.
Enjoy the benefits of hope until faith grows in your heart and is convinced that I will do what I promised. Faith says I am true to My word, which I am. I am not a man that I would lie.
Hope thoughts and confessions might waver a little bit. Faith thoughts and confessions are unwavering.
Remember the song I gave you.
"Hope gives me confidence in Jesus.
Hope says that He will see me through.
Hope is the promise of the Father.
But faith gives substance to the hope in me.'"

Love, God
Psalm 22:8-9; Psalm 37;5-6; Psalm 119:43-48; Psalm 143:8-9; Psalm 147;11-15; Matthew 8:5-10; Matthew 17:20; Mark 11:23-24; Hebrews 11:1-3.

photo from

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Dear One,
People say, "Changes are a-coming."
Changes are always coming. Nothing ever stays the same. People, situations and events are never stagnant.
Let changes come willingly. They bring beneficial attitudes to people, fresh views to circumstances and new understanding to difficult situations. The changes may only be inward and it may be a long time before the changes are evident on the outside, but even minute changes affect the outside and the inside of a person.
Welcome the changes because when you are praying for a person or a circumstance or a situation, good changes are bound to come on the outside and be evident.
It's guaranteed.
Love, God
Matthew 13:3-9; Hebrews 6:11-12; I Peter 1:5-8; John 3:16.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Dear One,
My children don't like to hear it, but there are persecutions, trials, temptations and adversities because you live in the world that is cursed because of the presence of the origin of sin. The good news is that I sent a way out of every temptation, trial, persecution and adversity.
Jesus told My children, "In the world you will have tribulation; but, be of good cheer. I have overcome the world."
Through every persecution, tribulation, trial, temptation and adversity, keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. He endured for you such persecutions that you can't imagine by keeping His eyes on Me, knowing that the end result would be glorious.
It was. It gave you the power to overcome all of them.
Hold onto My hand and I will guide you with the power of My Holy Spirit so that the result will be glorious for you, too.
It will be glorious, I say.
I said I would give you perfect peace when your mind is stayed on Me. Keep your mind on Me and your eyes on Jesus and His victory in your behalf. Then victory is yours and you will overcome.
Love, God
John 16:33; Hebrews 12:2-3; John 16:13-15; Isaiah 26:3-7.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Dear One,

Deny the enemy its power.
Deny the reality of its lies that things will never change, that destruction and devastation and disease are inevitable in every disturbing situation.
If you buy into its temptations to be depressed and fearful, then you will agree with its mind-sets and give it the power it needs to accomplish the deeds that it has planned.
When you refuse to entertain negative thoughts the way Jesus did by using My words against them, then the enemy is denied the human power that it needs to carry out its evil plans. It can do nothing on its own. It has to use fear and cooperation from humans for its power.
I have to have your faith to be able to do My works in the earth. I need your human power of belief for my purposes.
You must know that the good outcome of every situation depends on your faith and belief in Me.
Will you cooperate with Me by having faith in Me, or will you cooperate with your spiritual enemy by having fear and thus cooperate with him?
I want your trust in Me to be your overwhelming attitude. Then I can move mountains for you.
You and I are partners in the mountain moving business.
Love, God
Matthew 4:2-11; II Timothy 1:7; Matthew 6:25-34.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Dear One,

If you will be attentive to events in your life you will see that My timing is always perfect.
People come into your life at the right time and I arrange chance encounters at the perfect time, also. You will marvel when you realize that My orchestrations are synchronized in an exact meter so that you are elated and excited at their precision.
Some people are not spiritually observant enough to notice the splendor of My arrangements in their lives, but you are. You delight in them.
Delight in all My ways and you will find joy at every turn.
You must find time to rest from your mental labors at every opportunity, time to reason with Me and time to receive My peace that passes your understanding.
These are times when you are emotionally drawing on your reserve, but you need to replenish the reserve by getting much needed physical and emotional rest, ceasing from your labors.
You know how to build yourself up, by praying in My Holy Spirit and spending valuable time with Me to hear My loving and exhilarating personal words.
If you do not get the much needed rest you will not perceive the kisses that I send your way in the form of orchestrations of perfect timing. You don't want to miss them. They thrill you and build on your already established revelation of My love for you.
Rest in Me and watch for My loving and willing participation in your life.

Love, God
Philippians 4:7-9; Matthew 11:28-30; Romans 8:14-17; Jude 20; Romans 5:5-11,

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Dear One,
You have had upsetting days where it seems like everything in the world has come against you. It really hasn't, even though to you it seemed that way.
Always think about the glory that is going to be revealed when all the elements come together to perfect that which I have ordained, that which concerns you. I have the perfect solution to every problem.
You have been obedient to pray My words in the Holy Spirit. I said that no word that I speak is void, but that it will accomplish that which I send it forth to do.
I told Jeremiah that I am even eager to accomplish what My words speak forth into your atmosphere.
Everything will be done according to My words.
Love, God
Psalm 138:7-8; Romans 8:14-18; I Peter 4;13; Jude 20; I Corinthians 14:18; Jeremiah 1:9-12.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Dear One,
Evil spirits are minute little creatures, just little powerless beings. They are so minute that they can't be seen with the human eye. Yes, they can be seen under a microscope.
Think about germs and infections and bacterias and diseases. They can only be seen under high magnification and they are evil because they kill, rob, steal and maim My children. Most of the time they can be killed with medicines or sprays or antibiotics. They are the enemy of all living beings.
There are others that must be cast out out so that a person can have peace.
Many disease evil spirits are like worms. They can only be seen under a microscope, with the naked eye you can see their works, their afflictions.
All evil spirits must obey you. They have no choice. They know who is boss.
Love, God

Romans 8:38-39; Ephesians 1:17-23; Ephesians 6:12-18.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Dear One,

Don't look at anything or acknowledge anything in the earthly dimension as being permanent or true reality. Look beyond, into the heavens. Look to and acknowledge everything in My heaven as being lasting reality, solid substance and true evidence. That's what faith is.
Believe my promises and My things of substance will become substance in your world.

Love, God
Hebrews 11:1-3; II Corinthians 4:18.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Dear One,

There is a calm during the storm in which the courageous person declares, "As God is My strength, I will never give up. I will never retreat. I will live and not die and I will declare the works of the Lord."
Those words reverberate in the heavens and they bounce back and forth like an echo. Disease and strife and destruction fall to their knees and say, "I do give up. He is too strong for me."
That happened when Jesus rose from the dead. It happens millions of times a day when My children choose to live and not die, when they choose to be the head and not the tail.
My strength infuses the person who is determined to proclaim that he will never be defeated because he is dependent on Me.
I am obligated to My Holy Spirit and to My children who declare confidence in Me.
My power is flexed and permeates every cell, muscle, bone and sinew of the one who so declares it. My angels gather around to lend their assistance.
Then anything is possible.

Love, God
I Chronicles 16:23-29; Psalm 9:11; Psalm 19:1; Psalm 66:16-17; Psalm 71:17-19; Psalm 73:28; Psalm 97:1;-5 Psalm 107:21-22.
photo is of my husband who is battling cancer, Thank you for your prayers.


Dear One,
Evil presents itself handily because it has ruled in the earth so long. Every living being has yielded to its temptations so easily and so often that the devil is used to ruling in the earth.
When a person partakes of my life and becomes empowered to refuse evil, then the authority shifts back to that person and away from the demonic beings.
Evil doesn't like relinquishing its power to a person so it tempts and tries and entices the person so as to allow itself to enter the affairs of the person again so it can have a human body through which to work its destructive deeds.
Be on the lookout to refuse the temptations and enticements of evil. You have the power through My Holy Spirit in you to refuse the whispering in your thoughts to judge, condemn, abuse, rant, rave, covet, steal, kill, fornicate, lie, worry, cause strife and dissension, maim, or other acts of violence and strife.
You have the power through My Holy Spirit to cast out everything that exalts itself over you and tries to exalt itself over Me.
You have My power and you have My weapons. Use them.

Love, God
Matthew 4:1-11; I Corinthians 10:4; 7; Ephesians 6:13-18; James 4:7-8.

Monday, March 12, 2012


Dear One,

Most of the time My children turn to me as a last resort. I don't mind standing in the wings until everything else fails you. I'm not a Father with human emotions. I never take offense at a wrong suffered. I understand My children and their proclivity to try every human solution until everything fails and then they turn their thoughts to me. I know it is easier to try solutions that you can see, touch or hear. Sometimes there are solutions that work. Sometimes there are not.
When you do turn to Me, I am there immediately to hear your request because I was there observing all the time.
Jesus said that I know what you need before you ask. The secret to that key to My kingdom is that I have to be asked before I can supply the answers. That is because of the free will that I gave to all of My children at creation, which is your gift of free choice.
You must choose for Me to enter into a situation with My solutions. Asking is your exercise of your free will. Then I rush into the situation with My solutions and plans for the perfect outcome. Earthly fathers do the same thing but I have more resources to enable the perfect outcome.
My powers and abilities are able to accomplish more than you dare ask, think or imagine according to the power that is in you.
Ask in faith and you will receive.

Love, God
Matthew 7:8-12; Matthew 21:21-22; I Corinthians 2:5; I Corinthians 4:20; II Corinthians 4:12. -

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Dear One,
To meditate on my words means to let them steep in your mind like a tea bag steeps in hot water. My Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, provides the heat to your mind that will let the truth of My words begin to emerge from their bags and flow into your mind, bringing revelation and understanding to you. That is when the power is released and when the power is active, permeating every area of your mind and body because it flows from your spirit where My Spirit lives.
Without the boiling water, the tea inside the tea leaves in the bag is not released.
The tea in the tea bag is not comforting to a person until it is steeped in boiling water. They are only dried, old tea leaves until the heat is applied to the bag.
The caffeine in the tea bag is also not available to the drinker until it is drenched in boiling water, proving extra energy.
The written words of My Instruction Book to you, the Bible, are comforting to My children and beneficial to My children and energetic to My children when they are steeped in the heat provided by the fire of My Holy spirit, baptising you in My comfort, My compassion, My truths and My love.
My power that is inherent in My written words becomes dynamic and authoritative when My Holy Spirit releases the Truth in them to you, providing revelation. Power comes to you with revelation because knowledge is power.
Meditate on My words. They will empower you.
Love, God
John 8:31-32; John 14:22-23; John 15:7-12; I Timothy 4:14-16; Joshua 1:8 9; Psalm 1:1-3; John 14:17; John 16:13-15; Ephesians 1:17-23

Love, God

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Dear One,
I want you to be steady and solid in your emotions so that your health is unaffected by situations that cause you to release chemicals that are injurious to your mental health and your body.
"Hold steady in the wind," I say to you and your boat will not capsize in tumultuous waters. Only when the captain takes his hands off of the wheel will the boat toss to and fro and capsize.
A steady hand on the wheel or rudder will assure you of stability until disturbing circumstance are changed and the silver lining to the clouds produce golden results.
"Steady on the wheel."
Love, God
Ephesians 4:11-16; James 3:10-18.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Dear One,

You have experienced again the truth that you cannot get emotionally upset over something that happens because in a matter of minutes or a few hours or only a few days things will change and circumstances will be altered so that new events bring happiness to you.
Negative events are only temporary and will change, so becoming sad or grievous is unnecessary. Don't waste you tears over momentary upsets. You will be tossed about if you do.
Remain steady in your emotions, always abounding in love, joy, peace and faith, knowing that your prayers have already covered the events that looked so distressing. Changes have already begun toward turning them into silver lining events.
Love, God
Matthew 6:25-34; Psalm 37:1-11; Matthew 8:16; Luke 21:19; Romans 12:12; Romans 15:4-5; Hebrews 6:12.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Dear One,

When you are a slave you have no choices. You can only do what the master demands.
When you are the owner, you have every choice because you are the authority.
Choices come to those who are free, not to those who are in bondage to another person.
Your choices affect every area of your life, your family, your health, your business, your spiritual life and your social life.
Freedom gives you the option of making good choices or bad choices. Good choices bring good things into your life. Bad choices bring bad things into your life.
Heed My voice inside of you. I will cue you into the good choices that present themselves to you. Then it's still your choice whether to take My advice or not.
Choose righteousness and all good things will come to you, giving you the abundant life.

Love, God
Deuteronomy 30:15-19; Proverbs 12:28; Proverbs 18:21; Romans 8:2-6; Galatians 5:18-23; James 1:5-8.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Dear One,

When you realize that evil has no power in the earth without the permission of human beings, then you know that you have power over it in the name of Jesus. Demons need human power and human authority in order to work their devastation in the lives of people.
When I said that every knee shall bow, I was talking about the devil and his demons. They have to fall on their faces in submission to the name of Jesus and to you because I live in you. They have to obey you and come out of a person or out of a situation. They have no choice. They are petrified when you command them in the name that has authority above all other names, the name of Jesus.
When He walked in the earth, He and His name were feared by evil beings. It is the same today, they still cringe and cower in fear when you cast them out in My name.
You have no reason to fear evil. You are spiritually branded with My name, the name that is powerful and superior to anything in the earth.
Use My power and authority to cast out the evil beings who harass you.

Love, God
Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:10-11; Matthew 8:16, Matthew 12:28; Mark 16:17.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Dear One,

Mountains can become molehills when you have mustard seed faith in your authority to cast the mountains of principalities and powers into the abyss and believe that it will come to pass in your heart.
The principalities and powers of the devil have no choice but to leave and go into the abyss. All that is left is the dust left over from their exit.
My authority inside of you is recognized by the demonic kingdoms. They know that their existence in the matter is spiritually illegal because of the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus. The demons know that they have to bow down and be obedient when My children speak with My authority.
Remember that the battle is never with flesh and blood but the battle is with the mountains of principalities and powers of the air. They know My power and they know their judgment is in the lake of fire. Cast them into the abyss where they belong.
Begin by casting down all imaginations and all things that exalt themselves against My knowledge and My power.

Love, God
Matthew 10:7 -8; Mark 16:17-19; Matthew 8:16; Matthew 17:20-21; Matthew 21:21-22; Mark 11:23-24; Philippians 2:9-11; II Corinthians 10:4-6.

photo from:

Monday, March 5, 2012


Dear One,

Waiting for the culmination of the answers to your prayers can be devastating to your emotions. You want to see the end results quickly and I want you to see the end results quickly, so there is a meeting of the minds as well as agreement of the Spirits.
There are spiritual beings who oppose us and they increase their attacks as you increase your faith and as I increase My activity in your behalf.
The objective for you is to increase your prayers and increase your professions of faith and your confessions of faith. Your proclamations of your faith in Me are deafening cymbals in the ears of our opposing forces. Eventually they have to leave you alone with your faith and your trust in Me. Then it is easy for the answers to prayers to flood into your domain.
Keep up your attacks with the deafening cymbals of declarations and proclamations and professions of your faith. Those are weapons of your warfare, the word of faith which speak loudly of your trust in Me.
The evil forces will flee from you the more you speak of your trust in Me.

Love, God
Romans 10:8-11; Romans 10:17-18; II Timothy 1:12-14; Hebrews 11:3; Ephesians 6:14-18; I Timothy 6:12; Hebrews 10:23-24.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Dear One,

You should not be influenced by negative things that you see. They are temporary.
You should not be influenced by negative things that you hear. They are temporary.
You should not be influenced by negative things that you experience. They are temporary.
You should not be moved emotionally by what you see. They will change in answer to your prayers..
You should not be moved emotionally by what you hear. Bad reports will change in answer to your prayers.
You should not be moved emotionally by what you experience. Negative events will change to positive ones in answer to your prayers.
You MUST be influenced by what is spiritual reality that you experience, like out of the mouth of two or three witnesses a thing is established.
You MUST be moved to belief and action by what you see spiritually in My Instruction Book.
You MUST be moved to belief and action by what is established by faith, the substances hoped for and the evidence of things not seen by human eyes.
You know the reality of My spiritual dimension, My spiritual beings and the power of My Holy Spirit.
Count on Me and count on them. They will never change.

Love, God
Hebrews 11:1-3; Romans 4:16-20; II Corinthians 10:3-6; II Corinthians 4:17-18; Matthew 7:7-11.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Dear One,

Having faith in people is foolish because they will always fail you in one way or another because they are human beings, not eternal beings.
Having faith in institutions, whether religious, business or political, is unstable because they are built on shifting sand, always changing with the influences of people.
Even faith in your country is frivolous because it is tenuous and always changing because of the political climate.
"I Am" the only reliable, trustworthy, stable, sound, never changing and eternal being. "I Am" your rock, your salvation, your fortress, your bulwark, your hiding place, your guide, your light, your eternal life, your ship in a storm, your healer, your all in all. "I am" your faith.
You should never place your faith in anything that is capable of changing, capable of ceasing or capable of perishing or capable of failing.
"I Am" the only eternal force in your life. I never change. You can count on Me to always be loving, kind, good, gracious, merciful and peaceful. You can always count on Me to be there for you without condemnation or judgment.
"I Am" love, so My love is your foundation and your stability.
Stay baptised in my love and you will know solid foundational stability without fear of anything.

Love, God
Matthew 11:28-30; Romans 1:8; Romans 1:17; Romans 3:21-22; Psalm 18:1-3; Psalm 18:46-49; James 1:16-18; I John 4:18-19.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Dear One,

I gave people free will and with free will comes the right to make choices. You must give people the right to make choices without judging them for their choices. Their choices are made with the limited knowledge that they have at the time, just like you.
No logical person would make a choice that he knows will hurt him. His limited knowledge of the repercussions of the choices is what is the problem. You have done the same thing.
People are not your responsibility that you would judge them for their choices, right or wrong ones. You can encourage them to make right choices but you can't make them choose what you want them to choose, whether it's life or blessings, or whatever.
Your prayers can impress upon their subconscious mind that they need to make a change in their behavior, but even your prayers cannot force a person to make the choices that will enhance his lives.
My promises for you are yes and amen and you know that because you are My child. Don't judge a person who does not know that truth in the deepest area of his heart.
Remember that forgiveness means to release a person from your judgment, from your punishment for wrong choices and from your disapproval. You must do it for your own good as well as the other person because he might already feel guilty for making a wrong choice. He doesn't need your disapproval, punishment and judgment also.
Release him from the guilt as well as releasing him from the results of bad choices. In doing that, you release yourself from being judged by others. Both of you are released from the clutches of judgment which wants to extract every ounce of life from you.
Judge not that you be not judged. Boomerang judgment is a sure thing.
Boomerang forgiveness is a sure thing, too.

Love, God
Matthew 7:1-5; Luke 6:35-36; Matthew 6:14-15; Deuteronomy 30:19; Proverbs 11:19-20;Proverbs 18:21.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Dear One,

"Patience, patience, patience," you have said to your own children a thousand times. I have said it to all of My children a million times.
The only difference is that I give My children patience as one of the attributes of My character. You, as My child, can draw on the patience that is inside of you because it is My patience, an outgrowth of My Spirit who lives within you.
Patience is merely faith at work, the willingness to see the full manifestation of the answered prayers without falling apart and having self pity parties before the final result is evident.
Patience is one hundred percent trust in Me, knowing that what I began I will complete.
Patience is calmness between asking and receiving. It is trusting Me between seeking and finding. Patience is total reliance on Me between knocking and walking through the door to collect your blessing.
Patience is the perfect companion of faith.

Love, God
Galatians 5:22; II Thessalonians 1:4; I Timothy 6:10-12; Titus 2:2; Hebrews 6:12; James 1:3-4.