My Dear Precious Child,
I told My children that I have not given to them a demonic spirit of fear, but instead I have given to them a Godly Spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind. Yet, some of My children still have a demonic spirit of fear which binds them to the devil and his destructive works. Instead, I gave to you My Holy Spirit in whom is resident My power over all demonic spirits, so all of My born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit children have My power to cast out every negative, destructive, harmful, hateful, blaming, shaming, spiteful, vengeful, bitter, perverted, lying. divisive, controlling, angry and politically factious demon who tempts them in their thoughts. If you entertain them, they bring destructive works into your life just like Adam did when he allowed them to flood the earth.
Also, in the person of My Holy Spirit is the power and ability to love everyone, seeing beyond their earthly bodies and seeing their need for love deep inside of them. My Holy Spirit of Love lives inside of those of My children who have accepted Jesus Christ's ministry of cleansing their bodies of sin so that My Holy Spirit of Love can come to live inside of them and surround them. His love inside of My children is the power and ability to love everyone, seeing beyond the outward fleshly personality and discerning the need for love deep inside of them. My Holy Spirit gives you My Love to love the unlovable people, the demon possessed people, the physically grotesque people, the foreigners, the poor, the pitifully deprived people, the obese people, the brown skinned people, the yellow skinned people. the unlearned and uneducated people, the people of different religions; in other words, all of My children who are created in My image.
Oh, the blessing of My Holy Spirit's gift to you of a sound, stable, wise, compassionate, peaceful, comforting mind of Christ who lives in your spirit and wants to take over your human mind. (I Corinthians 2:16; Romans 7:25) I gave that powerful mind of Christ to you when I sent Him to live inside of your spirit. He wants to reprogram your human mind until you only have My thoughts and attitudes displayed in your attitudes and actions.
It is through the Holy Spirit that you hear My voice which resonates in your human mind and reprograms that mind of flesh with My wisdom and knowledge, just like Job who said that when I spoke to him that he finally knew Me face to face. (Job 42:1-6) When you meditate with Me, reasoning with Me as Isaiah said, My words to you will cause your sins to become white as snow and you know that you never will feel guilty and condemned again by the devil, thus giving you a sound mind without fear. (Isaiah 1:18) Your sound human mind, having been reprogrammed by My Holy Spirit, causes you to be in awe of Me and My loving gifts to you. When I said that it's the fear of Me that is the beginning of wisdom, that word "fear" means "awe". When you begin to hear My words via the Holy Spirit, you stand in awe of Me constantly because of the revelations spoken to you by My Spirit who speaks only My loving words to you. When the voice of demonic fear speaks to your human mind, you know to cast that demon out of your mind and into the fiery furnace.(Matthew 13:36-43) You learn to discern the voices in your human mind, whether they are from Me or from hell. When they are from Me, you keep them and allow them to reprogram your human mind. When they are from hell, into the fiery furnace you must cast them.
Allow My Holy Spirit to do His wonderful work of creating a new human mind within you. When you do, then you have all of My heaven at your disposal because you are living in My kingdom of heaven while you still live in the earth. Your loyalties change and your motivations change and your actions change, all because you have communed with Me, meditated with Me and reasoned with Me, which means to question Me for insight into spiritual truths.
A sound mind is worth more than all of the money in the world. Don't store up treasures in the earth. Only store up My wisdom and knowledge in your human mind. Then you will have the mind of Christ.
Your Father of Life Changing Words
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Friday, October 30, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
Job's problem is the problem of many people in your world, even people who think that they know Me. Job said that he had only heard about Me from someone else who thought they knew Me. (Job 42:1-6) After Job listened a long time to his three friends who tried to console Job with their opinions about why Job was cursed in every area of His life, I spoke individually to Job and asked him if he was so knowledgeable about Me, where was he when I made the world and everything in it. I went into detail with Job about that subject. Job realized that he had not had a firm foundation in intimately knowing Me at all, but after meeting Me face to face he repented for saying things about Me that were untrue.
That poem in your Bible about Job represents every person who has ever been born. They think they are established in facts about My true personality as having been taught to them by religious people, but they are far from where I want them to be. Not until they are intimately acquainted with Me one-on-one, hearing My personal words to them, do they know that I am Love and that I have always been Love. It is My Holy Spirit who reveals My Love in a person.
Love does not destroy. Love does not curse. Love does not condemn. Love does not judge.
Love heals. Love restores. Love builds. Love rejuvenates. Love forgives. Love went to hell for you and all of mankind. Love overcomes a multitude of sins. Love works goodness in your life. Love does kind deeds for you. Love does not belittle. Love does not speak ill of anyone. Love is patient. Love never takes offense at anything you do. Love is never vengeful. Love is never resentful. Love is never jealous. Love hopes that you will seek a close relationship with Me. Love never fails. Love never comes to an end.
That is a description of Me, your Heavenly Father.
Seek Me, seek My righteousness, seek to know My Love. When you do, you are established on My rock and nothing can move you off of it, not hurricanes, not tornadoes, not false teachers, not demons, not floods, nothing will move you off of the revelation that I am LOVE.
When someone tells you that I destroy, kill and maim, tell that person, "Not My Father. He is Love."
Pity the people who think that I destroy the world. They do not know Me. They are like Job, only knowing Me by the hearing of his ear from someone else who also does not know Me.
I am eager to establish My love inside of you. Come to Me for perfect peace, perfect harmony and perfect Love.
Your Caring, Nourishing, Perfect Father.
Thursday, October 29, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
A man said a very wise phrase; that being that politics makes strange bedfellows. Spiritually that is true as well as it's true worldly. Occasionally they are mixed together, the spiritual with the worldly. In other words, when My children who are called by My name by being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit are not led by My Holy Spirit by being completely guided by Me through Him, instead they are led by their worldly emotions. They are bound politically and religiously to a person who is controlled by anti-Christ demons in order for them to attain what I promised to give them by My Holy Spirit; but they depend instead on political/religious people who are using Me and My name when they don't even know Me.
Some of My deceived children are abhorrent to me because they approve of anti-Christ behavior in their leaders and excuse it as if it is not cursing your nation and the people in it. Hear My words: some of My children are even blaming Me for the fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and pandemics instead of placing the blame where it belongs, on the actions of the devil. The antics of anti-Christian political leaders who curse and demean the poor, the single mothers, the children, the immigrants, the blacks, the Asians, Muslims, people of different religions and the disenfranchised people who are seeking asylum from cruel dictators. Yet, My children in your country who call themselves by My name curse themselves and your entire nation by acting like cruel dictators while they are espousing to seek a white, nationalist nation of their own making.
I told all of My children that it's never by human might or human power that anything good can happen, but it's always by the power of My Holy Spirit. Human might and power is always affected by the devil because he targets governments in order to oppress My children who are made in My image. Anyone who persecutes the very least fortunate of My children are persecuting Me. My Son Jesus Christ made that clear, (Matthew 25:40) Yet, some of My own children whom I have blessed by baptizing them in My Holy Spirit have left Me and have bound themselves to political/religious leaders who exhibit the attitudes and actions of the anti-Christ demons and are still attributing those actions to Me and My plan for your country. They do not remember My grace and they adopt human might and power, calling it My will. They are deceived by the same demons that were in the political/religious leaders who accused Jesus Christ of being a lawbreaker and a child of the devil.(Matthew 22:29)
My deceived children resort to exerting human might and human power over other people in order to accomplish their own political desires because they have not learned to be guided by Me to bring about change by their praying in My Holy Spirit and being guided by My Holy Spirit. They don't know Me, even though they call themselves by the name of My Son, and so you have a country that is controlled by a host of Jobs who never took time to intimately know Me and instead listened to other people who also did not intimately know Me. (Job 42:1-6) And so everything in your country is cursed and the lives of the innocent are cursed with the same curses as Job because My own children have remained spiritual babies who are bound with the devil but they are still using My name. They left Me a long time ago when they resorted to human might and human power to change their lives and their country instead of allowing Me to be their God and Savior. (Mark 12:24)
Those political/religious leaders who are calling themselves by My name are doing so blasphemously when they claim to be My children yet they speak demeaning, cruel words about the least fortunate people of your world. (Matthew 5:22-23) There is no peace in their actions, yet they claim to be cleansed by the blood of the Prince of Peace. They need to repent and change their actions or they will never enter into My peace in their lives on earth; plus they are in danger of losing their souls by being completely taken over by the anti-Christ demons who are already controlling your country through political leaders whom I don't even recognize as My children.
You must research in My Book of constitution and bylaws under My old covenant with Israel and learn that when the kings and priests oppressed the least fortunate people in their countries, they invited the devil to pour his curses into their nation in the form of droughts and floods. Your own country is now cursed with fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, a pandemic and social unrest because you have turned your country over to the same anti-Christ demons who were in those old covenant kings by allowing your leaders to authorize cruel actions toward people who are made in My image. I don't recognize some of My own children.
Seeking human power and human might by political/religious means always leads to catastrophes for humanity. (Zechariah 4:6) I said that I gave the power of My Holy Spirit to you so that the excellency of great things done in your behalf might be of Me and not of humans. (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:I7 and 18; I Corinthians 4:7)
Begin to act like My children by abandoning human might and power and instead allow My Holy Spirit to do miraculous works in your behalf.
Your Father of Life, Love and Wise Guidance
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
Your enemy, the devil, never gives up. The devil, that harbinger of evil who is the father and therefore the hero of all demons, does not want to give up one of the humans whom he has worked through to bring division, strife, hatred, jealousy, quarreling, envy and destruction into their families and into the world. Previously when those humans saw My Light they were drawn to My light and lived a life of victory from the devil's destruction. Then the devil sent his demons in someone else to entice the person back into the hell that he or she had previously lived. The devil never gives up enticing you back into hell while you live in the earth, and you must learn to distinguish his voice in your thoughts from your thoughts and My thoughts.
Remember, those demons never wear the costumes of evil. Sometimes they are family members or friends who appear as angels of light but inside they are filled with bitterness and conflict, eager to entice you back into their fold The demons systematically and slowly poison the spirits of their human conquests, feeding them evil words which result in eventually making the person into their evil image again. Those demons have accomplished the orders from hell that they were given, which was to introduce the curses of hell back into the life of someone who had experienced My miracles and been changed into Light for a time. The reason the demons slowly introduced hell back again into the person's life so slowly was in order to escape detection. But soon My child who had previously enjoyed My love and the blessings of My kingdom of heaven in his or her life is again wallowing in hell and has returned to poisoning his or her own family again.
You must know that I am more determined than the devil is in My quest to woo every person back to Me who has tasted My goodness and walked in the joy of experiencing My miracles but who has been deceived into returning to the devil's family by using false prophets who call themselves by My name but who have fallen for the trap of the devil to return to the devil's pig pen themselves.
You must pray that the blinders are removed from the eyes of My child who is rapidly falling into despair because the devil is a cruel taskmaster. It will be difficult for you to hear any more poison emerge from the mouth of your loved one as you watch the so descent into the pigpen that the devil has for your loved one and My loved one. You must intercede in My prayer language until the offending demons are sent to the fiery furnace, which is My judgment upon the devil and his demons. You have the authority of My Holy Spirit. When you pray in the language of My Holy Spirit you and and My Holy Spirit together send the offending demons out of the earth and into hell. Then the person will be rescued and shine like the sun in the earth. (Matthew 13:36-43)
Rescue the perishing. You will be surprised what your intercessory prayers do. They woo everyone who has left My protection and care. My words of remembrance in his or her mind about the "good old days" when the person was in communion with Me and felt covered with My Love and My mercy will produce great results . That's what love does, jerks a person back from death into life,
Love rescues the person and then rewards him or her. You provide the mouth for My Holy Spirit to send My words of rescue to the person who wonders where his or her joy went because the person doesn't connect the loss of joy to the relative or friend whom the devil sent with the lies which robbed the person of his joy and sense of peace. The relative or friend is deceived, too. Include the relative in your prayers.
Your Father of Joyful Truth
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
When My children, because of impatience, leave Me out of the equation and begin to operate in human might and power the result is always a war of some kind between individuals or masses, according to the wisdom that My Holy Spirit gave to the prophet James. (James 4:1) He said that My children pray and then get impatient, forgetting that I said it takes patience for them to wait until I am able to efficiently and perfectly answer their prayers. So they barrel ahead in their own human power and try to produce an answer to their own prayers by using their human might and human power which always works in opposition to My will. Then they ask Me to bless that method, which is impossible for Me to do. My children who resort to human might and power end up running over multitudes of My other children, leaving a trail of hatred and division behind them. Sometimes they even pattern their attitudes and actions after the spirit of anti-Christ who so easily has deceived them. Their behavior is fleshly, which means it is demonic, because they never really knew My Holy Spirit as their guide. They don't know that things of the flesh always war against My Holy Spirit. (James 4:1-10)
James wrote that when the rich oppress the poor, that the rich might as well begin to weep quickly because miseries are coming to them. (James 5:1) My Spirit wrote through James that their wealth will erode away, their clothes will be eaten with moths. He said that My privileged children had hired laborers whom they did not pay. He wrote that the cries of the people that were cheated are crying out to Me and I hear their cries. The rich who call themselves by My name have condemned the innocent and killed them by ignoring their cries for assistance. It should not be so.(James 5:2-6)
My Spirit wrote through James to My children who have not been deceived by the demon of the love of money. He told you to be patient in waiting for My salvation to come to you in the form of the standard of Jesus Christ being raised in your land in contrast to the opulence of the privileged few who call themselves by My name. He said that the rich oppress the poor, the diseased, the single mothers with children who have been abandoned by their husbands, the sojourners who have fled evil rulers but have come under even more evil government rule in your country. They oppress the depressed, oppress the heartbroken and others. They are people whose sins are causing Me to be unable to hear them because of the impurity of their hearts. (Isaiah 59:1-4) I said through My Holy Spirit that the people in need of My help must be patient because I will send rescuers into their midst who will display My love to everyone who has been oppressed by the false prophets with anti-Christ attitudes and actions and their deceived followers.
Through James My Holy Spirit wrote that a person who calls himself or herself by My name who goes on being deceived by the spirit of anti-Christ through political/religious leaders will be identified as not being able to control his or her own tongue from which proceeds evil words that are set on fire by hell itself. They speak words that praise Me but they curse their neighbor who also calls himself by My name. I said through Him that it should not be so that cursings and blessings both come out of your mouth or the mouths of your officials. He said wherever there is jealousy, strife and disharmony there are demonic spirits from hell who are cursing everyone. (James 3:13-18) I also said through him that My wisdom from Me through My Holy Spirit is pure, peaceful, kind, considerate, full of compassion and goodness. There is no partiality or hypocrisy in My wisdom.
Another gauge which you must use to identify false prophets from My true teachers is whoever helps widows and orphans and keeps themselves unspotted from the evil that rules your world, those are true followers of Jesus Christ. (James 1:26-27) I said through Jesus Christ that the peacemakers inherit My kingdom of heaven in their lives on earth. (Matthew 5:9)
Do not become depressed when it seems like evil is winning in your world and when some of My own children are binding themselves to the anti-Christ spirit. Things are subject to change and My goodness will always overcome evil when My true, loving, peaceful children persist in their trusting Me to defeat the evil with their agreement in intercessory prayers with Me. You must also work with Me by forgiving your brothers and sisters who are deceived by the anti-Christ spirit and also you must work with Me by your extending My love to all people.When you do, everything will work together for your good.(Ephesians 2:20)
Your Father of Gloriously Perfect Ways
Monday, October 26, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
One of My children who experienced the gospel of Christ in his life and wrote most of the description of the new covenant of My Holy Spirit in your History and Instruction Book wrote that he was not ashamed of the good news that Christ accomplished because it is the power of God that brings salvation into the lives of My children. (Romans 1:16) The good news that Jesus Christ taught about related to the coming into the earth of My Holy Spirit to live inside of people and give to them the same power over the works of the devil that He had.
When you heard the good news that Jesus Christ talked about you were elated because you had been taught in your childhood church that you had to wait until either you went to heaven to enjoy the utopia of My heaven or until Jesus came back to earth. That was not real good news to you because it meant that you had to go through life in the earth experiencing many evil events which made you depressed, sad, troubled, emotionally depleted and defeated. But eventually you left that church which did not know about the entire gospel of Christ because it limited its beliefs to the teaching of John the Baptist, refusing to teach the good news that Jesus Christ taught about My Holy Spirit. (John 14, 15 and 16 and Acts 1:1-4; Acts 2:1-5)) Because you were not taught about My Holy Spirit in that church, you became judgmental and exclusive rather than forgiving and inclusive. Instead of being filled with My Holy Spirit's power over the works of the devil you were constantly trying to dig out from under the devil's generational curses in your family.
Eventually the good news that Jesus Christ taught to the Jews came to you through people who had experienced the full gospel. You were experiencing hell on earth when you heard about My power that was available to you which would change your life from having hell on earth to your having My heaven in your life on earth. When you saw that it was in your Bible all the time, you were amazed that no person had told you about the works of My Holy Spirit in the earth, how He could live inside of you and give you spiritual power to refuse the temptations of the devil and how He could speak My instructions through your mouth in My heavenly language which would reverse the evil curses in your life and turn them into My miracles and blessings. When you were at the lowest point of your life, being spiritually, mentally and physically exhausted from living a life of hell on earth, you came to the place of choosing a life of blessings from Me over the curses from hell. If you will remember, I was able to speak softly in your mind asking you, "Would you rather have earthly garbage or heavenly gold in your life?" You chose the gold that I offered to you. You immediately knew that you had made the right choice and you have lived an exciting, joyful, loving, glorious life in the earth since then.
You have experienced My changing the generational garbage in your life into gold in every area. You have experienced more miracles than you can count. You have experienced that the devil never gives up so he brings devastation and tragedy that broke your heart at the time, but you always professed that you personally knew Me and that you knew that I, and only I, was able to miraculously take care of everything that the devil sent your way; even when you were emotionally depleted. (Romans 10:14: II Timothy 1:12) You never gave up when the devil had you at the lowest point with outward tragedies. You continued to speak your faith that I, and only I, through the power of My Holy Spirit inside of you, would win every battle. And I have because you continue to believe and to fight the battle against the devil of despair. You and I have been victorious every time by the power of My Holy Spirit.
Never be ashamed of the good news that Jesus Christ taught about My Holy Spirit coming into your life and never being ashamed of the Holy Spirit's mighty miracles over every work of evil that has presented itself. Don't ever be afraid to tell about My works in your behalf, no matter how impossible they seem to human minds. When My Holy Spirit caused the angels to shake the earth in order to open prison doors for Paul and other prisoners, one of the guards wanted to kill himself for allowing Paul and the other prisoners to escape but Paul made sure that the guard became born of My Holy Spirit before Paul and his friend Silas escaped from prison. Paul made sure that one of the guard was converted and then he immediately went into seclusion and told that testimony so that other people would believe for the impossible to come into their own lives in the form of miracles. (Acts 16:25-35) The judges who had sent Paul and Sinas to prison sent word to Paul that He and Silas were free to go because they knew that they had experienced a miracle. Peter had the same experience of My angels shaking the earth around a prison so that he could also escape. (Acts 5:15-26)
If Paul and Peter had never spoken about those miracles, in doing so allowing people to write about them, throughout history I would not have been able to do miracles easily where faith in Me is present. This is why I am encouraging you to readily share the miracles that I have done in your life. To refuse to tell about them means that you are in some way either ashamed of them or you're afraid that you won't be believed. That is not your job, to be concerned about being believed. Just do what I called you to do, which is to tell what I have done in your life. If you will remember, I told you that if you will let Me do miracles in your life that I would then send people to you to hear your testimonies. I said that then you would make sure to let the listeners know that the miracles are done by My Holy Spirit who is Lord in your life in the earth.(I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18) You must be ready to freely share the glory of miracles that I've done in your behalf on earth.
How will people know if you do not tell them that My miracles never stopped because some people never stop believing and praying in the language of My Holy Spirit? Speak the truth about My miracles that I've done in your behalf. They are food for the spiritually hungry and drink for the spiritually thirsty. The more you give testimony to them, the more miracles will come your way. (Mark 4:24; Matthew 13:11-12)
Your Father of Multiple Miracles
Sunday, October 25, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
Sometimes it is hard for Me to recognize My own children because they have become so polluted by political/religious leaders who have left Me and have bought into the lie of seeking a political kingdom on the earth instead of having My kingdom of love inside of them. They want to legislate morality instead of allowing people to have free will which is My gift of love to them. They want to build a kingdom on earth of their own design instead of seeking Me and allowing Me to build My kingdom inside of them. It has happened for centuries in the earth when people don't want to seek Me in order to know Me intimately but they want to build a political kingdom of power over other people instead of seeking Me and My righteousness in order for Me to build My kingdom of power over evil.
Because some of My children want to skip the important step of seeking My righteousness and allowing Me to build My goodness and kindness inside of them on the way to allowing Me to build My kingdom of unconditional love inside of them, they build a kingdom of evil of their own design when they seek political power instead of seeking spiritual power of My Holy Spirit. (Matthew 6:33) They want the easy way instead of being willing to follow the way that I designed which is through your seeking Me and My righteousness, which will bring all good things into your life. They want to legislate morality for other people when they, themselves, are filled with judgment and condemnation of others which are characteristics of the anti-Christ spirit that was in the Pharisees and scribes of Jesus days in the earth. (Matthew 5:20)
When My children are born of the Holy Spirit and baptized in the Holy Spirit, they have all of My power of the universe resident inside of them. But, if they don't seek to know Me personally through the Holy Spirit's revelation, they are open for the devil's deception from false prophets because he always controls masses of people who think they know Me but only know Me through other people.
A one-on-one relationship with Me has nothing to do with the masses. That is why I said that I always have a remnant of people who remain in close relationship with me, indicating that the world is filled with people who call themselves by My name who only know facts about Me but never know Me face to face. (Job 42:1-5)
In the parable of the sower of seeds, Jesus made clear the difference between people who intimately know Me and other people who only know facts about Me. He said that some people hear about My wonderful works in behalf of people, but they don't understand fully and seek to know Me intimately so the devil comes and steals what has been sown in their heart. There are other people who hear about My wonderful works and they welcome it with joy, but they don't seek to know Me intimately and so when a trial comes from the devil or some persecution comes, then they fall away at once because they thought it was going to be easy. There are also some people who hear words about My wonderful attributes but they have evil attributes in their mind, so when worries of the world come or deceitfulness of riches presents itself, they choke out the good news about what I can do for the person and then I can produce none of My miracles for him in his life. There are some people, a remnant, who receive the good news about My wonderful works in behalf of people and they understand the words as truth. They continue to seek My kingdom and My righteousness wholeheartedly. In those lives I am able to do super abundantly more for them than they dare think, ask or pray because of My power of the Holy Spirit that lives inside of them. They reign in life over the works of the devil because they know that it is the devil who is their enemy, not other people. They love everyone with My love which creates a perfect atmosphere for Me to create My miracles in their lives. (Matthew 13:18-23; Ephesians 3:16-20)
All of those people heard the same exciting words about My ability to do wonderful things for them. Yet the motivations of the hearts of the people were different. The only people who are able to attain having My heaven in their lives on earth are the ones who pursue a one-on-one relationship with Me, becoming intimately acquainted with Me, not veering to the left or right, but always remaining steady in their belief that I am the only way to their having heaven on earth. They never stop seeking Me personally for the answers to questions and they never stop seeking to have My Love flow into their thoughts, speech, attitudes and actions. They are My children who are genuinely identified by My name, while the others are not. (Matthew 6:10)
People who seek political/religious power over the least fortunate people in the world have left My family and joined the devil's family of domination. (John 8:44) They blaspheme My name by calling themselves by My name but their thoughts, speech, attitudes and actions are far from Me. They are responsible for causing multitudes of people to run from Me rather than their running to Me for My help. The political/religious people blaspheme the Holy Spirit which cuts them off from My blessings. (James 2:5-7)
There is always repentance but it is hard when they are in bed with political/religiously deceived people who do not know Me but claim to be My children. My Spirit said they have been bewitched and don't know it. (Galatians 3:1-5)
My children of promise rejoice that they have My life inside of them. They refuse the call of political/religious demons and remain pure and untouched by the evil desire to judge and condemn other people and exert dominion over others like the people who call themselves by My name but they cannot even discern the demons in their political party which has become their idol.
When I said to keep yourself untouched by the world I meant to refuse to seek a political kingdom which is controlled by the devil like many deceived people who are bewitched by false prophets. Their fall will be great.
Your Father of Warnings and Cautions
Saturday, October 24, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
I spoke through Jesus and told you that not one word of His advice to you would pass away but that they would be good advice for eternity. It was misinterpreted by Jewish Law-oriented people to mean that not one of the old testament laws would pass away, but that is erroneous because His words are the constitution and bylaws of My New and Last Covenant with people. You can see that is true in that He said that the old laws said not to kill, but He said that if you do yield to a demon of anger that you are in danger of eventually allowing your temper to escalate until you hurt someone or even kill someone. He said if that ever happens that it might take your entire savings to defent yourself in court. (Matthew 5:17-19) So the advice of Jesus Christ was more informative than the old law that only said you should not kill.
Later Jesus Christ told you that you must not judge anybody or anything by their outward appearances because you do not know what is really going on in the lives of people who make mistakes just like you do. If the devil can get you to judge someone by outward appearances, the person might be entirely innocent of what you have judged him when you quickly yielded to judging the person. (Matthew 7:1-2) ) Jesus said that He does not judge or condemn anyone. What he does is discern what demonic spirits are working in the life of a person. He understands a person's actions because He knows the power of the devil's temptations and so He judges the demon who tempts someone to do evil instead of judging the person. As My child, you must learn by the power of My Holy Spirit's guidance to do the same thing, judge the demon behind a person's actions, to not judge the person.
Jesus knew that if the devil can get you to judge someone by outward appearances then you are binding yourself to the demons who are driving the person to sabotage his or her own life. (Matthew 7:1) When you judge the person, who is the outward participant of a demonic temptation, you will invite the devil to also judge you because you have left My kingdom of heaven and wandered into the devil's kingdom of hell by judging the person. The devil became the authority or the judge of the world when Adam turned the world over to him and his demons. Adam gave to the devil and his demons all authority in the earth that I gave to Adam at the beginning. You will receive My judgment of the demon by your binding yourself to anybody by judging him or her in your mind. That is why Jesus told you not to judge anyone; because, when you do, you join yourself to the kingdom of hell and you invite into your life My judgments of evil demons.
What you call sins are actually the actions from a person who obeys a temptation of the devil as a result of the devil's demons ministering to the mind of a person. Your judging of the person is also a sin because you have yielded to the demon's temptation in your mind to judge the person. I observe the cause of both sins which are demons. That is why Jesus Christ told you that when you are tempted to judge someone for what you think is sinning or disobeying a law, then you must cast out the demon of judgment from youself and send it into the fiery furnace. (Matthew 13: 36-43) Your yielding to the demon of judgment is just as evil as the person who yields to a demon that is tempting him or her to do what the devil's will is in the earth. You become guilty of sinning just like the person whom you judge of an outward action as sinning. (Matthew 7:3-5) I forgive the sinner and also the person who judges the sinner. But when you obey My instructions you will not judge anyone because you don't know what demon by which that person is being tempted. If you succumb to the demon's temptation to judge the person, you are also yielding to a demon of judging and condemnation so you are no longer innocent.
Just like My Holy Spirit told Paul to teach you that the old covenant Jewish Law was given by Me to help people to identify evil temptations that come into their minds so they could learn to resist them yielding to them. However, the devil through Jewish political/religious leaders tempted the leaders to use the laws to judge and condemn people, which are opposite to the reason that I gave them to Moses for the Jews. All of My words are in some way given to you to enable you to be able to identify the temptations that come into your thoughts as being from the devil, not from Me. My guidance of the Holy Spirit in your mind teaches you how to yield to My words of love and kindness and He admonishes you to refuse to yield to the devil's temptations to judge which come into your mind all the time.
After Jesus taught encouraging words to you that you must refuse to judge other people by their outward actions, He continued by saying that you must not, by judging anyone, give to the demonic pigs of the devil's heaven the life of one of your fellow humans by judging him or her because of what will happen if you judge a person is that you allow the devil to, in turn, will turn on you, judge you, and tear your life apart because of your yielding to the demon's temptation to judge someone. He called it casting your pearls before swine. (Matthew 7:6) That scripture pertains to judging someone. The description of Jesus was that if you judge someone that the devil will trample the person whom you judge, turn on you for your obedience to judge the person, and tear both of you to pieces by his destructive works in your life.
My instruction to you is that you do heed every instruction that came out of the mouth of Jesus Christ. My Holy Spirit magnifies in your mind the truth in all of His words of My New Covenant. If you follow them, you will live a life free from all of the works of the devil in your life. That is My legacy for all of My children, that each and every one of you will live a life free from the works of the devil in your life in the earth. I told you how. Now you just need to heed My words and stay free from doing the devil's will in the earth.
Keep constant watch over your mind to discern the voices tempting you to judge other people. Their object is to entice you to give them permission to curse your life.
Your Father of Clear and Concise Instructions
Friday, October 23, 2020
My Dear, Precious Child
Unfortunately, until people become born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, there is a demonic veil/blinder over their minds so that they cannot adequately discern the devil's work in their own lives or the lives of others. They call evil good and they call good evil. (Isaiah 5:20-24) I said "woe" to them, meaning there will be problems and destruction in their lives because they wrongly identified evil as being good. My righteous judgment is upon the demons who cause people to call evil actions good actions.
I don't judge people. Jesus Christ explained that I judge no one and He doesn't judge anyone.(John 5:22-24; John 8:15-16) He said if He does judge that it's righteous judgment, meaning that He judges the demons who cause people to sin, never judging the person. I judged the devil and his demons at the beginning of the world after they tempted Adam to allow them to flood the earth with their death and destruction. I said that their end would be in the fiery furnace where there would be gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 13:36-43) So if you make the devil your father by being filled with hate and discord, like Jesus said the Pharisees do, then you receive the devil and his demons' judgment from Me because you place yourself in his family.(John 8:44) When your thoughts, attitudes and actions reflect My character traits, then I surround you and bring every good thing to you that I have in My family of heaven. If you bind yourself to the devil by calling good evil and evil good, then you have placed yourself in the devil's family whose actions are destruction and death. You have inherited My judgment of the devil by joining his family. You have not been judged by Me but, in essence, you have been judged by the devil.
The Pharisees, who were the political/religious Jewish leaders of Jesus' days in the earth, called My spiritual power that was in Jesus Christ as being from the devil. (Matthew 12:24-28) Jesus answered them by saying that anyone who speaks against My Holy Spirit, that person and the demon motivating the person to mock the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, neither in this world nor in the world to come. (Matthew 12:32-37) The person cannot be forgiven because he or she has joined the family of the devil whose end is the fiery furnace which also became his inheritance from hel. .
When you place yourself in the family of the devil, you receive My judgment of him. You have hell on earth because you have demonstrated evil actions in the world and so you inherit destruction and death from hell.
I repeat, I do not judge you. Jesus Christ does not judge you. The devil judges you.
If you bind yourself in loyalty to a political/religious leader who claims to be My child but his attitudes and actions reflect the spirits of the demonic anti-Christ, whose characteristics are opposite of Christ's, then your rewards from the devil are that you have hell on earth. By binding yourself to the devil in adoration of his emissaries in the earth, you end up calling good evil and evil good. You have failed to listen to the spirit of discernment of the Holy Spirit and you have discerned wrongly. You champion the devil's work instead of honoring Me for My work of love and goodness.
Jesus also said that you are judged by your words. (Matthew 12:35-37) If you curse a person by calling that person derogatory names and speaking lies about the person, then you are speaking for the devil in the world and the devil will reward you with his destruction and death. (Matthew 5:22) If you deny food and lodging to the hungry and homeless people of the world, then you are displaying the character of the devil and you will inherit his hell on earth because you have furthered his will on earth. If you enable a person who displays anti-Christ characteristics to continue in his or her judgments of other people, then you have enabled evil to multiply in the earth and the devil will reward you with his sickness, judgment and even death. (I John 2:19)
The principle spoken by Jesus Christ relating to those attitudes and actions of judging people is found in His teaching about judgment. He said if you judge someone that you will, in return, be judged by the devil because you have sown seeds into his evil garden and you will grow his plants. (Matthew 7:1-5) Jesus said that people judge by the flesh, meaning by the outward appearance, but He judges the evil spirits motivating the person. If there were evil spirits motivating the person, then He discerned the demons and cast them out. You must not judge a person; but, instead, if you discern devil spirits motivating a person, then cast the demons out of the person in your prayer closet. If the person is amenable and if you have My Holy Spirit's anointing when you discern the demons operating in a person you can cast them into the fiery furnace.
Do not make bed fellows with the devil and his demons by calling good evil and evil good. If you do so by binding yourself to false prophets, then you inherit by osmosis My judgment of the evil spirits. That grieves Me and My Holy Spirit.
Your Father of Merciful Love
Thursday, October 22, 2020
My Dear Precious Children.
When I gave instructions though Moses that the children of Israel should not commit adultery, the Jewish political leaders added their amendment to it and made a law that any man or woman who committed adultery should be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:10; Deuteronomy 5:18) So in punishing the adulterer, they broke the commandment that they should not kill anyone. How could that be?
When men made themselves experts in religious laws, they perverted the original ones with other laws. When I said for people not to steal, My original words said nothing about killing a person who steals. (Deuteronomy24:7) When men perverted the original ten commandments, the religious laws became punitive, filled with punishment, instead of being helpful in identifying the temptations of the devil that constantly happens in the lives of people on earth. My original ten commandments were given so that the Jews could recognize the devil's temptations.
Not until My final, last and new covenant of the Holy Spirit entered into the world did the prophet Paul write the real reason for the original commandments that I gave to Israel, that being that the ten commandments were given to identify the works of the devil in his temptations in the thoughts of people. (Galatians 3:19-21) Paul said that he never would have known not to yield to the temptation to covet if I had not given the command not to yield to the devil's temptation to covet someone's property or goods.
The real adultery that I oppose is the spiritual adultery when My children leave their relationship with Me and fraternize with the works of evil spirits in worshiping the gods of sex, money, adoration of religious leaders/political leaders, nationalism and other false idols, (Jeremiah 3:6-14; Ezekiel 23:37-38)
Jesus identified the demon behind sexual adultery, which is lust. (Matthew 5:27-30) He said that the acts of adultery themselves are a result of the demon of lust and if a man looks upon a woman with lust he has already committed adultery in his heart. His antidote was to cast that demon of lust away from you. He said that if you yield to lust of any kind, whether sexual, the lust for power, the lust for money or the lust for things which belong to other people, which is called jealousy or coveting, that you have left Me and joined with the devil as a result of yielding to his temptations.
My Holy Spirit wrote through Paul that you should not yield to the devil's temptations and lust after anything. (Romans 6:12) I wrote through him also that you should not consume the words of the devil through false prophets and also consume My words. (I Corinthians 20-21) If you do, you have committed spiritual adultery with the devil.
My children who are born of the Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit who fraternize with evil spirits of false prophets will inherit the curses of the devil. They will end up biting and devouring each other, all in opposition to one another. (Galatians 19:14-24) Then, because of their spiritual adultery, their evil attitudes, words and actions show that they have chosen the devil's will and the result will be that the earth will be flooded with the works of the devil from hell in the form of floods, hurricanes, droughts, fires, earthquakes, tornadoes and tsunamis.
Watch out for the words of the political leaders of your day who are fraternizing with the devil. (Pharisees and scribes) They are the governmental lawmakers of your day. If you unite with the current day Pharisees as your hope for a peaceful life and put your faith in those politicians, you will cause the devil to flood your life with his rewards of destruction. (Matthew 23:13-29)
Spiritual adultery brings more curses into your life than sexual adultery. Spiritual adultery causes you to leave My kingdom of God and enter into the devil's kingdom of hell and destruction. You must be fruit inspectors.
Judge (discern) the attitudes and actions of the politicians and examine if they are loving to all people, if they are peacemakers, spreaders of goodness and kindness to the least fortunate people, merciful to sinners, joyful, patient and compassionate, which are all indications that they are walking in the guidance of My Holy Spirit. If they are full of hatred, strife, division, discord, sexual irresponsibility, anger, feuding, jealousy, name callers and blaming others, then they are spiritual adulterers who are being guided by the spirit of anti-Christ, and they will cause you to inherit hell in your life on earth. (Luke 20:46; Colossians 2:8; II Peter 3:17-18) They are influenced by hell, even though they call themselves by My name. I said that your righteousness must exceed their attitudes and actions or you will not be able to reap the benefits of My kingdom of God while you live in the earth. (Matthew 13:36-42)
Your Father of Goodness and Kindness
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Not by Merciless Human Power
My Dear Precious Child,
You have heard that politics makes strange bedfellows. That is a spiritual truth as well as a human truth. When My children who call themselves by My name blend themselves with power hungry politicians they create new images of Me in their own minds according to the demons who flood into nations where religion has been combined with their politics. The two of them together create an image of Me that is judgmental, unforgiving, critical, destructive and they say that I am a God who is judgmental and vindictive rather than merciful and loving. They attach to Me the character of their cruel and judgmental political and religious leaders.
Have you not learned anything from the actions of the Pharisees, Sadducess and scribes, who were the conservatives, liberals and lawmakers in the days when Jesus Christ walked the earth? Those political leaders joined with the spiritually powerless high priests, priests and other Jewish religious leaders to oppose everything that Jesus Christ told His followers to do and what He showed them to do. They accused My Son, Jesus Christ, of being a lawbreaker, a rebel and a messenger of the devil because He met the physical, emotional and mental needs of the people. He did what neither the politicians nor the religious leaders could do. Jesus promised the people a kingdom that has power over the accusatory, bitter and vindictive nature of the political and religious leaders. He favored eating with sinners and lawbreakers because they were drawn to Him by His love and His forgiveness instead of being drawn to the judgment and condemnation of the vindictive political and religious leaders. The leaders became jealous of Jesus Christ and thought that He was building a kingdom on earth to rival their country. Their jealousy consumed them.
Yet, still, throughout the history of mankind many of My children have continued to worship the wealth and the judgmental domination of the political/religious leaders because they had been taught that their cruel attitudes and actions are reflective of My character while they are actually reflective of the spirits of anti-Christians. Their actions spoke disparaging, vindictive words about the poor, the hungry, the disenfranchised and the homeless as if they had chosen their stations in life. Jesus Christ said the judgmental words from the politicians and religious leaders were from hell. The poor, unfortunately, have inherited demons of poverty from their fathers just like the politicians have inherited generational demons from their religious/political fathers of judgment, condemnation, ungodly, anti-Christ-like personalities. The people who call themselves by My name but who display those anti-Christ attitudes and actions grieve My Holy Spirit who came into their lives to duplicate a loving, peaceful attitude in them which results in their doing good, kind things toward the least fortunate of My children.(Ephesians 4:29-32) Instead, the people become judgmental and vindictive just like the politicians and religious leaders who worshiped money and ruled over their nation of Israel in the days when Jesus Christ walked in the earth. They showed no similarity in their lives of being a refection of Me or My Son Jesus Christ. (Galatians 5:19-26) They are reflections of the anti-Christ demons. (I John 2:15-19) Multitudes of My children follow those anti-Christ-like men as if they were sheep led to the slaughter. They were told that the curses of unbridled fires, worldwide hurricanes, floods and droughts are from Me instead of being from the devil's storehouse of hell. Those people who are called by My name do not even know Me.
When My children do not know Me, they become bound to the devil and their cruel ways have separated themselves from Me and caused them to be joined with the devil and his family.(Isaiah 59:1-4)
Your Nonpolitical Father
Monday, October 19, 2020
My Dear Sweet Precious Child,
When I told you that it's not by human might or by human power but by My Spirit, you accepted it as truth, but you did not ask Me why I cautioned you not to use your own human might and power in dealing with other people. (Zechariah 4:6) My answer is that human might and power always bring curses from hell instead of blessings from heaven. Jesus explained it in one of His first teachings. He said that His disciples had learned that man made Jewish laws that were added to the original Ten commandments given by Me said that if someone poked your eye out that you could legally poke out his eye, or if someone hit you in the mouth, knocking out your tooth, that you could retaliate and knock out one of the aggressor's teeth according to Jewish laws added by the Pharisees. That law could lead to death of one or both because the retaliation might never end. That is why My Holy Spirit called those added laws the laws of sin and death. They were amendments to the Ten that I gave.
When Jesus taught about some of those amendments to My original Ten, He said that observance of the old law is not His way to handle aggressors. He said that My way to handle aggression against you is to never strike back, but instead to offer your other cheek to the wicked man for him to strike you on that cheek. In other words, never return evil for evil done to you but instead you must always return good for evil done to you. You have observed that instruction by Jesus Christ, knowing that you authorize evil to increase in your life if you return evil for evil done to you. (Matthew 5:38-48)
The deeper truth behind that insight to never return evil for evil done to you is that when a person strikes you he is doing it as led by a temptation of the devil and in striking you he sows the devil's will in his own life which will return to him more evil because he has sown into the devil's garden of evil. If you do not return evil for evil done to you, and only return good, then you are sowing seeds into My kingdom of heaven, and your returning good for evil done to you will signal Me and My angels to pour My blessings into your life from My garden of Eden. You have made a choice between good and evil and you have chosen to act on the side of My goodness which returns My blessings into your life on earth. (Deuteronomy 11:26-28)
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil is indicative of your life on the earth. There was only good done in the earth by Adam and Eve until they allowed the devil to invade their earth and become lord of the earth by distributing his demons into the earth to curse the lives of people. Cursing the lives of people is the devil's delight because he is getting back at Me for throwing him out of heaven. If he can entice My children to do his own will in the earth it authorizes him to flood their lives with his curses of destruction and death. So if you retaliate to the person who strikes you, you are inviting the devil and his demons to further curse your life by making both of you angry enough for one of you to kill the other one. But, if you do not return evil for evil and instead return good for evil done to you, then you are authorizing Me to flood your life with My blessings of peace for your mind, joy unspeakable and My divine love being shown to you by Me.
So My instruction to you to only return good for evil done to you is not a way for you to prove your piety. (Galatians 6:7-10) It's your chance to invite My blessing to flood into your life because you have sown seeds into My kingdom of God where Love is the power that overcomes all of the works of the devil.
The revelation is that there are two spiritual kingdoms vying with each other for your soul, My kingdom of love and the devil's kingdom of hatred and conflict. When you are tempted to do evil, if you choose to do what I have instructed you to do, which is to return good for evil one to you, you have chosen for Me to flood your life with blessings from My heaven. If you yield to the devil's temptation to do evil by returning evil for evil done to you, then you have chosen to authorize the devil to flood your life on earth with his curses from hell of destruction and death.
It's all so simple. Choose to return good and live a long, happy life on the earth that I have given to you. Reject evil in every area of your life.
Your Father of Justice and Great Rewards
Sunday, October 18, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
My children whose personal relationships with Me are not firmly established will always build their spiritual houses on shifting sand, being tossed about by every wind of doctrine from hell.(Ephesians 4:14-15) Just because some person claims to know the scriptures fundamentally and thus claims to know Me spiritually is deceived. Your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said that My Holy Spirit would reveal to you My true character, not some person's interpretation of the Bible.(Romans 5:5) Because people don't intimately know Me by the revelation of My character through the actions of Jesus Christ and the tutoring of My Holy Spirit, they build their faith on the image that some preacher, some priest, some teacher or some politician claims to know about Me, but that person only knows Me by the hearing of their ears from somebody else's incomplete image of Me.
That lack of knowledge about My true character was Job's problem in the poem written about some legendary person named Job. Job was cursed in every area of his life because of his lack of knowing Me intimately. He had an image of Me as being punitive, always eager to punish lawbreakers. Yet Job knew that I had done wonderful works for people, so his image of Me was convoluted. He wondered if I was good or evil or a combination of both. When his three friends consoled him, they added more confusion to Job's search for My true character. They logically assessed My character by the condition of the world and so they added to Job's confusion with inaccurate assessments of My true character. Not until I appeared to Job and quizzed him if he was present when I created the entire world and all the excellence that was in it at the beginning. He was not present with Me, so how could he know the excellence of My genius. (Job chapters 38-41)
I told Job that he and his friends were all wrong about My true character. I revealed to Job that I am Love and that all of My works in the lives of people are good, peaceful and kind. Job admitted to Me that he had only known Me by the descriptions of other people instead of seeking to know Me face to face. He admitted that He finally knew Me for My true character. The false impressions of My character spoken by all of Job's friends are still circulating in your world in religious circles and they are still polluting the image of My character in the minds of My children. They are the devil's lies spoken through the mouths of false prophets who only know Me from the words of another person who also does not know Me intimately, face to face. (Job 42:1-6)
My children who truly want to know Me will seek Me with their whole heart, like Paul did, who spent three years alone with Me, becoming intimately acquainted with Me as revealed by My Holy Spirit to him. (John 16:13) You will never truly know Me through the eyes of political/religious leaders whose only association with Me is to increase their own power over other people. In their minds the devil creates an image of Me as being punitive, eager to punish, waiting to catch you in a sin in order for Me and the political/religious leaders to judge you and punish you. When My Holy Spirit is allowed to reveal My true character to you, then you become loving, kind, good, peaceful, joyful, merciful and patient with people. Your own character becomes My character and people are drawn to you because you are a Light in a dark world.(Romans 8:18: Romans 5:5) I was able to reverse Job's curses that came upon him from the devil only after Job forgave His friends for their erroneous descriptions about My character. ( Job 42:10 and 12)
Don't be like Job or like any living teacher in spiritual matters who only know Me by hearing about Me from other people. Very often they are whited sepulchers, like Jesus said, all clean and purified on the outside but inside they are ravening wolves. (Matthew 23:27) If their faith on Me is built on sand, when problems comes to them from hell they retreat from their faith because their houses are not built on solid rock. Check their actions by Love. If they are not loving and kind, their relationships with Me are not built on solid rock. (Matthew 7:24-27)
Loving your enemies is the first thing that Jesus Christ taught about Me, that when you can have loving thoughts, attitudes and actions toward your human enemies, then you have built your spiritual house on My solid rock of love. Refuse to call anyone derogatory names; because if you do, you are speaking words from hell and you will be judged by hell. (Matthew 5:20-27)
Your Loving Father
Friday, October 16, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
You must become a watchman, always keeping vigil so as to recognize evil when it presents itself in your mind through temptations to judge, condemn, yield to anger, and other urges from hell, and also be a watchman when it is resident in false prophets. (Isaiah 21:6; Psalm 127:1) If you don't know the difference between good and evil, you will unfortunately call evil as good and good as evil just because the demonic wolves come in religious sheep's clothing. Evil spirits never call themselves evil. They always identify themselves as My children, invading entire churches and even nations that call themselves by My name. The false prophets tout My name and deceive even the elect.
If you remember, Peter, who walked with Jesus and traveled with Him for three years, saw Jesus crucified, observed Him when He appeared to Peter and the other disciples when He was resurrected from the dead. Plus, Peter was a primary leader when My Holy Spirit landed upon the people waiting for My promise of the Holy Spirit, and Peter spoke to the crowd about the wonder of the kingdom of God when it came upon them in the upper room and they all started prophesying in My heavenly language. Yet, later Peter was deceived by false Jewish prophets who convinced him that men of the new covenant of the Holy Spirit must also be circumcised physically, resurrecting the old law of sin and death in their lives which brought condemnation and death to the people if they continued mixing the two covenants. In other words, those men placed themselves and their families back under the devil's rule and domination as their father instead of their continuing in the freedom found in My new covenant with Jesus Christ as their savior, the Holy Spirit as their Guide and with Me as their Father.
The prophet Paul later called Peter to task for leading the churches into
bondage again to the political/religious Jewish laws and thus the devil's judgment and condemnation. Paul wrote to the Galatians asking who had bewitched them or tricked them. (Galatians 3:1-5) He reiterated to them that the reason for the Jewish law was to identify sins and the devil's temptation to sin, but the political/religious rulers had enticed them through Peter to return to trusting in the law for salvation while knowing that no one could keep all of the laws.(Galatians 3:19-22) He also reminded them that only faith in Jesus Christ could qualify them for the kingdom of God to enter into their lives on earth through their being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. (Galatians 4:3-7)
Peter repented and turned from mixing darkness together with his new life of walking in My Light. Paul was a good watchman, well equipped to identify the evil that had deceived Peter. They made peace between themselves, but Paul's revelations and insights completely out shined Peter's. I do not love Paul better than Peter. Of course not. Paul's life in My new covenant of the Holy Spirit was more victorious while he lived in the world because he spent three years alone with Me after His being born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit as he was taught directly by My Holy Spirit. He could discern good from evil efficiently.
Don't be deceived into thinking that loving others means that you should not recognize when deception has entered into some teachings of previously good teachers. The devil never gives up on his desire to poison My family. If he can't keep you from being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, he will pollute the teachings of a prophet in order to deceive the masses and deceive you into placing your trust in man made doctrines which glorify money, national pride and people of political/religious positions instead of your being led by My Spirit and your learning My pure, unadulterated truths through Him. Paul chided Peter for his preferRing to meet with Jewish leaders who enjoyed the laws instead of meeting with Gentile believers who never had the written laws. Paul was concerned that Peter was going to allow Jewish false prophets to pollute the gospel of Jesus Christ in believers. (Galatians 2:11-21)
Never let your guard down. You must discern between truth and lies, between faith in Jesus Christ and faith in religious laws which have no power to lead you into all truth. (John 16:13)
Your Father of Pure Truths
Thursday, October 15, 2020
My Dear Precious Sweet Child,
Can you imagine having broken every law of a country, going to court and hearing that every crime had been already removed from the court records because someone else had gone to prison in your place and was serving your sentence in prison and then put to death for your lawbreaking?
That's the way it is with Jesus Christ. Even though He had not committed any sins against humanity and in fact healed them and made their lives better, He plead guilty to breaking all the laws for everyone who lived in the world and whoever had lived in the world before Him and whoever would live in the world after Him. It is written by the Holy Spirit through the prophet Paul, "Jews and pagans were all under the domination of the devil. There was not one good person left, not one; not one person who understood the problem and sought for God's help." (Romans 3:9-11)
Jewish laws could not justify any person in My sight because the reason the laws were given by Me was to reveal the temptations of the devil to people so that the people would recognize them and refuse to obey his evil temptations.(Romans 3:20) Instead of using the laws for what they were meant, which was to identify the temptations of the devil in the minds of people, the political/religious leaders, at the guidance of the devil, used the laws to condemn and judge people, punishing and sentencing them to being beaten and even death for the slightest infractions. There were no efforts at rehabilitation, just punishment and death. The political/religious laws became vengeful, sentencing people to death instead of the laws being used merely for individuals to identify the devil's temptations in their thoughts so that they would make the right choice and refuse to obey them. (Romans 3:21-26)
I sent My Son Jesus Christ into the world to identify My real characteristics as being Love instead of My being vindictive even with the punishment of destruction and death, which is the character of the devil. Then Jesus was judged as being guilty of breaking Jewish laws, which He did in healing people on the Sabbath, gathering corn for His disciples to eat on the Sabbath and other minor infractions of Jewish laws. The Jewish political/religious leaders insisted to the Roman rulers that Jesus be judged and sentenced to death, which He was. Even though He was innocent of sins, He went to hell to satisfy the devil's judgment of all mankind, paying the price for the sins of the whole world. (John 3:16-17) Since My Son was crucified and sent to hell, even though He was innocent, that satisfied the devil's judgment for people who believe in the death of Jesus in their place. When you are born of My Spirit you become My child, just as Jesus was, and so you have already been punished and died for your own sins because He was your substitute. There is no longer any condemnation or judgment for sin because the payment demanded by the devil has already occurred in full when Jesus died for your sins. You are at peace with Me and thankful for My wonderful plan for saving you from the punishment for sins that the devil and his children, the political/religious leaders, required of you. I sent Jesus to earth as a substitute in your behalf. (Romans 5:1-2)
There are still temptations that come while you live in the earth, and you will sometimes suffer by resisting them, but those sufferings bring patience, patience brings perseverance, perseverance brings hope and the hope is powerful because My love has been poured out in your heart by My Holy Spirit which was My gift to you. Before Jesus Christ died for all people, all people were helpless to solve their problems that occurred by their yielding to the temptations of the devil. It's not easy to die, even for a good man. What proves that I love you is that I sent Jesus Christ to die for your sins while all people were still sinners. He died to make you righteous, which is having My character. (Romans 5:4-9) When you were a child of the devil by obeying his temptations, you were a victim by osmosis of My anger that is reserved for the devil because you were bound to the devil. But when you were reconciled to Me by the death of Jesus Christ, you became reconciled to Me, white as snow, all sins obliterated even from the records of hell because the price was paid. You are filled with joyful trust in Me because of My plan for your being saved from the works of the devil. (Romans 5:10-11)
By the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of you, you must not again let sin reign in your human body by your yielding again to bodily passions of anger, hatred, blame, shame, fear, impurity, strife, discord and other passions of the flesh. Don't allow your body to again become a servant of the devil instead of your being My child who has been brought back to life by My Holy Spirit. Always offer yourself to Me as a weapon by fighting on My side. When you do, the devil's temptations will no longer dominate your life since you are living by My gracious plan which made you pure and forgiven in My sight and also in the devil's sight. You must not yield again to the devil's temptations that get their power from the laws which require death instead of the rehabilitation that I give you through My loving grace and forgiveness when I come to live in your body in the person of the Holy Spirit. ( Romans 6:12-14) You must live by the guidance of My Holy Spirit instead of your former life of being guided by the devil's will.
There is always a struggle against evil desires and temptations. You have My power of the Holy Spirit to resist the battle for your life. When you resist the temptations and cast those demons out of your life, they leave and go to the abyss into the fiery furnace that I created for them. (Matthew 13:36-43). You have won that battle and you enjoy the blessings of living in My kingdom of heaven while you live in the earth. There is rejoicing in earth and in heaven.
Your Spiritually Empowering Father
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
Jesus Christ made it plain that there are no perfect people, regardless of their elected positions, their family's wealth, their attainments, their wisdom, their revelations, their spiritual insights, their many degrees, even their lack of apparent problems because there are present many thoughts of judging other people, if not obvious verbal judging of other people. My Holy Spirit said through Paul that you have all sinned, everyone has in one way or another, so everyone is guilty.
My Holy Spirit did not say that to condemn or judge you. He spoke that truth so that you will know that you cannot claim, even in your own mind, that you or someone else is pure and innocent and in turn judge other people in comparison. All people yield to the devil's temptations to sin in some way. There are no little sins and no big sins. There are only sins. He wrote that by Adam's sin, which means yielding to the devil's temptations, demons entered into the world and death came by those sins of yielding to the demon's temptations; so death passed upon all people because all have sinned in some way.(Romans 5:12-13)
Then My Spirit wrote through Paul that just like sin (demons) came into the world through one man, Adam, so also did My grace of forgiveness also enter into the world through one man, Jesus Christ, who knew no sin, so that makes it a free gift since He had never sinned but died for your sins, which makes forgiveness simply by My undeserved favor, or grace. So your receiving My forgiveness of all of your sins, and then the gift of My Holy Spirit to live in your body, that makes my forgiveness of you a GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS which causes you to reign in life in the earth as My children who have the power to resist sin's temptations and no longer be a victim of sin but to be victorious over sin, that being the devil's works. (Romans 5:14-21) My gift of the power of My Holy Spirit is a gift because it can never be deserved by a person being good because there are no people who are all good because all people have sinned. When My children are born again by belief in Jesus Christ obliterating all of their sins, then they qualify for the gift of My Holy Spirit. It is not their own goodness that qualifies people, but it is My goodness that lives inside of their bodies in the person of My Holy Spirit that purifies them for the entrance of My kingdom to come into their lives on earth.
Just like sin (the devil) reigned in the lives of My children before they were born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, so does My righteousness reign in their lives because of the payment of Jesus Christ for their sins, even though He never yielded to the devil, meaning He never sinned. Yet, He paid the debt of the devil by dying on the cross for all people.
Along with My resources of the power of My Holy Spirit living inside of you, combined with your allowing your human body to serve as My body in the earth and your allowing Me to speak My will in your life in the earth through your praying in the language of My Holy Spirit, that righteousness will reign in your life on the earth only by the power that is My power of My Holy Spirit.
Let My Holy Spirit reign in your life and you will have peace on earth, which is what I intended from the beginning of the world. That presence in your life is the light that lights the world. Let Me be Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient in the earth through you. You can allow Me to be Lord of the earth through your praying intercessory prayers and walking in the Spirit of Love. (I Corinthians 3:16: II Corinthians) Then, and only then, is when the fervent, fiery prayers of a righteous person produces wonderful results because it is My righteousness living in you that deserves the gift of My Holy Spirit and His mighty gifts to you of love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy and patience.
They are My gifts to you. Enjoy them.
Your Father of Valuable Gifts
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
My Dear Sweet, Precious Child,
During the ministry of Jesus Christ He broke many, many burdensome religious laws in favor of helping people. As an example, one of My laws through Moses was that the people would observe the 7th day of every week as a day of rest. Under Egyptian rule, as slaves the Jews were required to work 7 days a week with no rest for their bodies to regenerate and recuperate from back breaking labor. So when Moses freed them from being slaves to the Egyptians, I told Moses to tell the people to take a day of rest every seven days for their overworked bodies. Remember that I also told them to rest the land from growing crops every 7th year in order for the ground to store up nutrients from rains and become fertile again. It's the same principle since man was created from the dirt of the earth. It was for the good of people that I gave My commandments, never for My own good or for them to show their loyalty to Me. My commands/instructions were always given for the well being of My creation, for humans, as well as the earth itself. So the religious law telling people not to work on the 7th day of every week was for their own good because I am a loving Father.
You must know by now that the devil always perverts My words in the minds of religious leaders, and so the religious leaders, instead of asking Me the reason for My instituting the day of rest for people, the religious leaders plunged ahead in their own human thinking, coached by the devil, and made it illegal for anyone to do any work on the 7th day, even if it was to seek for food for their children. The laws that I gave to Moses which were to benefit the people, became punitive laws requiring punishment instead of beneficial guidance to help improve the lives of the people. Eventually the laws became reasons to punish people instead of to benefit them. People were arrested and killed for doing the slightest things on what became known as the Sabbath because what I commanded for the reason of people resting their bodies after 6 days of labor became national/religious laws instead of beneficial instructions in the minds of religious leaders and their followers. The laws became gods and I was left out of the equation. So the fundamentalist Jewish religious leaders and their followers became the conscience of the people instead of Me and My Holy Spirit being their conscience.
I sent Jesus Christ to come into the world and begin His ministry of healing the sick, casting out devils and teaching about My new covenant of the Holy Spirit which was coming into the earth after Jesus finished His ministry, that being My kingdom of heaven coming into the lives of My children who seek Me with their whole hearts. My Son Jesus knew the real reason for My commanding instructions and the reason was not to judge and punish anyone, as is believed by the fundamentalist political/religious people. Jesus knew that the reason for My instructions is to benefit the lives of My children, just like any good father. The political/religious Jewish leaders followed him around in His ministry just to catch Him breaking the laws in order to bring Him up before the Roman rulers for punishment, which was flogging and then death.
They saw Him teaching in their church and saw Him heal a man. The political/religious leaders were incensed that Jesus was healing on the Sabbath. They accused Him and He told them that the laws were made for people; people were not made for the laws. Then Jesus and His disciples were hungry and Jesus went into a corn field to pick corn so that they could eat. Again the Jewish political/religious leaders accused Him and asked why He broke the laws of the Sabbath. Jesus told them that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath, meaning that the Sabbath law was not His Lord, showing that the laws had become the lords of the political/religious leaders, not Me being their Lord.
Jesus asked the Pharisees and Sadducees, who were the conservative and liberal political leaders of that day, if it was lawful to do good on the Sabbath or to only to do evil on the Sabbath, to save life or to destroy life? In other words, Him being My Son, was it illegal to save a person, like Jesus did, but was it not also illegal to destroy a person, which is what the leaders and their strict adherence to the law did? (Luke 6:1-9) Then He healed a man with a withered hand which inflamed the leaders so much they began to plot how to destroy Him.
You know how His ministry ended, the Jewish political/religious leaders convinced the Roman rulers to declare Him guilty of being a lawbreaker and crucify Him, even though He only did good works on the Sabbath. Pilate, the Roman leader, knew that Jesus was innocent but the Jewish leaders insisted that Jesus be crucified. In fact, Pilate knew that the Jewish leaders were jealous of Jesus and that's why they were requiring His death. (Matthew 27:18)
What Jesus was endeavoring to teach the Jewish political/religious leaders is that the laws were meant to benefit people, the first one was originally given to allow people to rest one day a week. They never understood what He meant, that all of the laws of Moses were given to enhance the lives of people, not as tools with which to judge people and condemn them.
Those experiences of Jesus are prime examples of how fundamentalism will destroy people instead of bring freedom to them. (Romans 8:2; I Corinthians 15:56) The nature of people, after Adam allowed the devil to flood the earth with his demons, has been to seek vengeance and punishment for other people instead of being like Me and seeking forgiveness and mercy for them. When My Holy Spirit inhabits the bodies of My children, He teaches and requires forgiveness instead of judgment. The devil requires judgment. When fundamentalists Christians make the political/religious laws their god, they depart from Me and join with the devil in his use of the laws to punish and condemn people instead of using them to forgiven and extend My mercy to all people. That is why Jesus said to watch out for false prophets because they will influence you to use My words as laws for which to seek punishment for people instead of allowing My Holy Spirit to be your guide and tutor to extend mercy. (Matthew 23:13-29)
It's the difference between law and grace. The law kills but My Spirit brings grace and mercy.
Run from people who use My written words as a guide to judge people. Judging others will bring judgment onto you.
Your Gracious Father
Monday, October 12, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
An orchestra in which every instrument is fined tuned will be in harmony with each other and the music will be pleasing to the ears, to the souls and to the spirits of everyone present. But if one instrument is out of tune, then the music is offensive to the ears, the souls and the spirits of the listeners. That is an ideal replica of a spiritual truth. I cannot enter into a situation, a family, a country, a relationship or a congregation in which there is disharmony, strife, blame, shame, jealousy and discord because of the presence in the spiritual atmosphere of an abundance of those demons because My Light cannot exist where darkness is preferred. It's not that I don't want to enter and begin casting those demons into the abyss, but when the humans have exhibited a preference for strife and darkness, then they have attracted every evil demon from hell to join into their FEAST OF DEMONIC DISHARMONY. (James 3:16)
I told you through the prophet Isaiah and also through Jesus Christ that in areas where there are multitudes of demons present I cannot enter and answer the prayers of the people. Isaiah said it very emphatically when he said that My arms are not so short that I cannot save My children from evil and My ears are not so deaf that I cannot hear the cries of people, but I said through Isaiah that their sins, which are demons, form a barrier between earth and heaven so that I cannot their prayers, enter the situation and heal them and their lands. Jesus said that He, Himself, as My Son in the earth, could not enter certain towns and do many miracles because of the demons of unbelief that were present in those towns.
I told you years ago that if a member inside of your family was discordant, that you must find a way to be in harmony with that person instead of becoming angry, discordant or oppositional in return. You found that you could always, with My help, find an area in which the two of you could agree, even if it was just over what to have for dinner. Because of the power of agreement, the attitude of the discordant family member became harmonious with you and with the rest of the family. I told you that if the family member was a D sharp on the musical scale that you must become an F sharp, which is a harmonious sound to his. If you remained an E key on the scale, then you were not in harmony with the person. You had to find an attitude and action that made you harmonious with the person who was discordant. You found that with prayer and seeking My wisdom that you were always able to do it.
There is so much to learn about the spiritual dimension around you. When you realize that your enemies are never flesh and blood, but that they are always demonic spirits from the devil's kingdom of hell which the devil ushered into the earth when Adam allowed him to enter the earth and become lord of it, The devil remained lord of the earth in the lives of people until Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world and sent My Holy Spirit to live inside of your body and the the bodies of My other children who have been baptized in My Holy Spirit. That is when I, as your Father, was able to become Lord of your portion of the earth and I was able to flood your life with My blessings as long as you stay in harmony with Me and with everyone in the earth. ( I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18)
When you can stay in harmony with every friend or foe that ever enters into your life, then you will not have paved the way for death to prematurely enter into your life on earth. Heed My words and you will inherit My blessings in your life on earth.
Your Father of Harmony
Sunday, October 11, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
An angel woke the prophet Zechariah up and showed him several things that confused him, those being some candlesticks and almond trees. Zechariah asked the angel what they were. The angel asked Zechariah if he didn't know that they were, and he told the angel he had no idea what they were. The angel explained it simply to Zechariah. He said that My word to the prince was this: "NOT BY MIGHT, NOT BY POWER BUT BY MY SPIRIT," says the Lord of angelic hosts. (Zechariah 4:1-6) That phrase is the key to preventing many conflicts, many wars, many unanswered prayers and many unsolved problems. And, even more important, when My own children try to do something by their own human might and their own human power, they not only cause it to fail but they add the devil's might and power to the matters and everyone emerges cursed with problems that might take years to solve. The original problem not only escalates, but additional problems are added to the existing ones.
If My individual children will learn this valuable lesson instead of taking troubling matters into their own hands and messing things up, if they will turn the matter over to Me by their praying in the Holy Spirit and being led by My Holy Spirit which allows My words and My carefully aligned strategies through Him to solve the problem, then peace will be the result rather than turmoil. I will get credit for the success because the result will be so supernatural that humans could never initiate the strategy. This is the most difficult lesson for My children to learn until they learn that they are powerless against evil unless they have the power of My Holy Spirit active in their lives and allow Him to be Lord over everything in their lives.(I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18)
You and My other children must learn that anything that comes from your fleshly power and might is inadequate and usually results in your having turned things over to the devil instead of turning them over to Me. That reason is why I spoke this valuable lesson to Zechariah, because the tendency is for a person to try solve his own problems instead of delegating the authority in every matter to Me. I am your Father. Every good Father desires to help His children avoid problems and I am the perfect Father to My children. From My position I have a much better and complete perspective than My children do.
Your own governments have initiated wars that killed millions of My children and they have done it in My name. They have shamed My name instead of honored My name, all because they were impatient in their idea of what My answer was to what they perceived as a problem. They proceeded in their own might and power and killed millions of people who needed to hear about My salvation, but your government annihilated them before they heard it because your officials endeavored to evangelize the middle East through human might and power. They bypassed Me and followed the demons of politics and religion instead of following the leading of My Holy Spirit. The results is that they sowed seeds into hell and your country is still inheriting curses from hell as a result of that mistake.
It happens every day in the lives of My children of promise who have been born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. They have My perfect Guide inside of them but they are impatient to bring a result to their problems so they depend upon their own might and power to hurriedly produce a solution. They plunge ahead in their own might and human power and ask Me to bless their endeavors which are far from their doing My will. The result is that anything of the flesh is destruction and death and so the result is destruction and death in their lives on earth.
I said it's by faith in Me and patience that you inherit My promises.(Hebrews 6:12) Do you hear me? I said it's by FAITH IN ME AND MY ABILITIES, NOT faith in your own erroneous strategies and abilities, but it's faith in Me through which you inherit My promises. The devil uses your fleshly impatience to discourage you and he encourages you to take every troubling matter back into your own hands, which bypasses my abilities to perfect My will in your life by using My Holy Spirit's strategies.
Get to know Me intimately and you will deal with miracles in your life every day.
Your Faithful Father
Saturday, October 10, 2020
My Dear Precious Child,
There are genetic curses in the lives of every person you meet. The attitudes and actions produced by those genetic curses may be different from the ones that were activated in your genes by your parents but they all come from the same source, that being from hell. Genetic curses came to live in Adam and Eve's offspring at the beginning after Adam allowed the devil to enter into the world and become the lord of his life. Adam and Eve's DNA was changed at that time to reflect the character of the devil instead of reflecting My character and personality of love, peace and joy in their lives on earth.
There had been complete unity between Adam and Eve and Me before they began fraternizing with the devil and allowed him to flood the earth with his destructive temptations which caused curses in their lives which accompanied their yielding to the demons. They had no fear of Me or shame from being naked before they allowed the devil and his demons into the earth. If you will remember, the demons of shame and fear caused Adam and Eve to hide from Me when I came to enjoy our morning communion together. When I confronted Adam about his knowledge of being naked, because he had no knowledge of being naked before, he lied and told me that it was all Eve's fault because she had caused him to listen to the devil. That is when the demons of lying, blame and irresponsibility were identified as having become resident in Adam. Eve also hid from Me and was conscious of her nakedness, but she was more honest with Me. She told Me that the devil had tricked her, which was true. Because of their fraternizing with the devil, I told them that curses were already operating in their lives because they had made the devil the lord of their lives instead of Me.
I identified the curses to Eve as saying that there would be strife between the devil and her all of her life, that she would have a desire for a man to be her god, her prince charming, and that he would dominate her, all as an identity of the curses that all women would have in their lives on earth. I told Adam that he had allowed the devil to curse his life with problems in his work, and that the ground that he tilled would grow weeds instead of produce to eat. (Genesis 3:14-19) That is all the devil's works in the lives of people, not My works. Adam and Eve went from being blessed in every area of their lives to being cursed in every area of their lives because most of My good genes had been replaced by evil genes in their DNA. That is called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2:15)
Later after Adam and Eve had two sons, the demonic genes of jealousy, strife and killing came to the surface in their son Cain and he plotted to kill his brother Abel. (Genesis 4:3-7) I told Cain that a demon was lurking at the door of his mind and that he must master that demon instead of yielding to it, which is the key to the identity of the demons who have been passed down into your life by your parents. Whichever demons to which your ancestors yielded determines which ones are the most active in your life. If your ancestors somewhere in your background yielded to a demon of lust, then you and others of your relative have a lifelong problem with being tempted by lust.
Lust can take many forms, there being lust for sex, lust for money, lust for power, lust for attention and lustful control or domination over people. Many heads of governments who have lust in their family DNA from their ancestors have yielded to lust in every form. According to scripture, eventually the demons of drunkenness and perversion were identified as being in the DNA of Noah, becoming evident when Noah planted grapes, made wine and became drunk. His youngest son went to care for his dad in Noah's drunken state of lying naked on his bed, Ham noticed his dad was naked, told his older brothers, and Noah accused his son of improperly gazing upon his nakedness, as if with lustful intentions. (Genesis 9:20-25)The activities of those three demons, drunkenness, accusations and perversion, became evident in the lives of Noah's children. Also the demon of slavery became evident in the lives of Adam and Eve's children because Noah pronounced judgment upon his younger son Ham, the father of Canaan, and said that Ham would become a servant to his older sons merely because he had gazed innocently at their father Noah's nakedness. Those demons, accompanied by the demons of condemnation and punitive judgment of Ham, the father of Canaan, manifested themselves as living in the lives of Adam's children. The presence of more demonic genes had been revealed through the action and attitudes of Noah's family members.
As you can see by the Biblical history of mankind, the devil's personal traits continued to come to the surface in mankind and I called attention to them in My History and Instruction Manual as an effort for them to be revealed. In certain families the people refused through the ages to yield to the temptations of certain demons, but in other families the family members yielded to those demons, so nobody was completely innocent. Eventually Jesus Christ died for all of the sins of the whole world. He died for the people who yield to the punitive and judgmental demons, the lustful demons, the killing demons, the blaming demons, the shaming demons, the fearful demons, and on and on. He sent My Holy Spirit to live inside of My children and give them the power to refuse to yield to the temptations of the demons in their family genes to sin and then inherit the devil's curses.
Can you see, then, My child, why it is that you must not judge anyone for sinning/lawbreaking? You have the same tendency to yield to the demons who tempt you to sin/break the laws. If you judge someone, you are in essence judging yourself and nobody escapes the curses of the devil. Do not judge or you will be judged by the devil in return. (Matthew 7:1-5)
Your Father of Complete Forgiveness