Sunday, July 19, 2009


Dear One,
You have seen farmers vigorously sowing seeds in their fields by hand, throwing seeds to the left, in front and to their right. If you could see into the spiritual dimension you would see that all men vigorously sow seeds continually by the aura radiating from their thoughts and their words. Often there are polluted seeds radiating, being sown along with healthy seeds. However, often the good plants that grow from the good seed will choke out the plants grown from the polluted seed, if there is a greater ratio of good seeds sown. Yet the bad seeds will produce bad crops.
What you need to realize is that all seeds sown will activate spirits in the spiritual dimension, good or evil, and the plants produced will be after their own kind.
Immediately pluck out any negative seeds of fear, guilt, judgment, condemnation, strife, jealousy, anger or contention, and replace them with positive seeds of faith, forgiveness, goodness, kindness, joy, patience, meekness, self-control. The world is your field and the spiritual dimension is your field. If you want a good crop yield you must plant good seeds, well formed, healthy and full of proper nutrients. Healthy seeds produce healthy crops. Positive seeds produce positive crops. Loving seeds produce love. Joyful seeds produce happiness. Forgiving seeds produce forgiveness. Faith seeds produce prosperity in all areas of your life.
Love, God
Matthew 3-9; II Corinthians 9:9-11; Galatians 6:7-9

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