Monday, November 30, 2009


Dear One,
The patterns for future events are stored in your mind, so you should only imagine good thoughts.
When bad, fearful, dreadful imaginations enter your mind, change the form of the images to good ones and the pattern for your future will follow the good images.
You have only a little peek into the realization of the power that is in your mental images. Your mind is where the images of good and evil appear and you make the choices between which ones you desire to have, and they become substance in your life in the future.
Images are patterns and if you believe for the patterns they will become substance. That is why I made promises to you, so that you can believe My promises and they will be real in your life.
Fear causes you to choose to dwell on bad images, expecting bad things to happen in the future. If you believe that the bad images will be brought into being, they will become real in your life. Fear is the power that causes the bad images to become negative realities in the future.
Faith is what makes substance and evidence of the patterns that you image in your mind. Faith says that I can bring good out of every bad situation and circumstance, and faith imagines good results.
I AM and Faith IS.
Love, God,
Hebrews 11: 1-3 ;Philippians 4:8 & 9

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Dear One,
Good results are what most people are after.
Good results are rarely guaranteed.
The only 100% guaranteed good results in life come from the prayers prayed by the Holy Spirit who guarantees the best, most effective, perfect results possible.
When you are dealing with people and their free will, you know that moving mountains is easier. However, I know what it takes to reason with men in their thoughts and I know what it takes to motivate them to change their actions and change their minds. It often takes a while to get My ideas across to their thoughts but I will effect a good result every time.
I am determined to destroy the works of the devil in every situation and every circumstance in every person's life.
When you pray in the Spirit you are giving Me the opportunity to speak my will in the matter and My angels hearken to My words, performing My orchestration in the matter.
Jesus is the guarantee.
Love, God
Hebrews 12:2; Colossians 4:12; Hebrews 13; 20 & 21

Monday, November 23, 2009


Dear One,
If I were human I might say, "Get your grubby hands off of My property," when you have given a person to Me or a situation to Me in prayer and then you keep interfering by worrying, fretting or using your own ineffective, limited ways to try to solve the problem. Since I'm not human and I don't use harsh words, I simple just tell you,"Trust Me." It's the same principle, to release unfounded worry and fretting from your mind you must get your hands off of the situation.
I work much more efficiently when you totally filter your thoughts, refusing to let negative thoughts and images occupy your mind. Your worry and fretting activities block My work.
Faith and trust always release the person and situation to Me. Worry and fretting binds them to you and creates a barrier that is hard for us to get through to bring miracles to you.
Release them and let them go into the promised land that I have created for them.
Love, God
Psalm 27:1-11

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Dear One,
ALL that concerns you also concerns Me.
Everything related to you concerns Me.
Pray and pray and pray and pray and give Me a chance to do My perfect will in every situation.
I have My angels in charge of all of the members of your family and I will protect and advise and perfect them. Your desires for them are My desires for them. Give Me complete control and complete leeway in their lives by your ceasing from your well intended labors. I will show them love and regard and deference and preference and favor until they know that they are loved and prized by Me.
I am right in the midst of the thing called life that you are in, and I have given My life to you in the person of the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide and lead and protect you. I promised you the love filled, peaceful, joyful, abundant life and it is at your disposal because you are My child.
Love, God
John 10:10; Psalm 37:4; Matthew 6:10; Luke 12;32

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Dear One,
To trust in a man is frivolous. To trust in all men is dangerous.
Reserve all of your trust for One who never fails you and can always be trusted to do the best for you.
Only completely trust Me, your Heavenly Father, because I am the only One who has your best interest at heart.
Trust only the One who neither lies to you nor manipulates you. I am not a man and I don't lie or trick you for My good. I do not tempt you or try you or shame you or condemn you or make you feel guilty or unworthy.
Trust Me with your family, your future, your prosperity and your whole life.
I know all of your comings and goings. I know the most beneficial paths for you to take. I know the best decisions and choices for you to make. I will lead and guide you into the perfect ways if you will listen to My voice and heed My loving instructions.
No human being can protect you like I can protect you.
No human being can love you like I love you.
Love, God
Psalm 23; Psalm 121

Friday, November 20, 2009


Dear One,
Can you bring love and peace to every situation?
In the midst of turmoil and unrest if you can bring peace to it, and then everyone leaves in peace, then you have brought my kingdom to earth.
If you can bring love to a hate-filled situation, and if everyone leaves with a sense of having walked in an atmosphere of love, then you have brought My kingdom to earth.
Jesus prayed that My kingdom would come and My will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. When you disburse peace and love in tumultuous situations, then you have fulfilled the prayer of Jesus. You have the power of love and you have the power of peace, so you can accomplish and fulfill the desire of Jesus.
The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you and He can quicken your mortal body with love and peace and they will change every situation in which you find yourself into the image of heaven.
It takes My power to accomplish changing anything bad into something good, but you can do it when you operate in My love and peace. Nothing can withstand the power of love and the power of peace.
Love, God
John 14:27; II Thessalonians 3:16; Romans 5:5-9; Romans 8:238 & 39; I Peter 4:8

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Dear One,
Exercises that benefit the body are not always enjoyable. They are often a chore, but you continue to engage in exercises to promote your physical and mental health.
Exercising your faith is often laborious, too, but you engage in it because the end result is answers to your prayers.
When you feel like you are climbing a huge mountain of faith, sometimes you actually are, you are trudging up the mountain to the top where the fulfillment of wants and desires reside.
Think about the correlation between exercising your faith and exercising your body when you are patiently awaiting the answers to your prayers. Think about the results. It is easier if you keep your eyes on Me, the author and finisher of your faith.
Let the gift of faith enter into your mind, giving you the gift of knowing that you know that you know that I will perfect that which concerns you.
Love, God
Colossians 4:12; James 1:3 & 4; Romans 1:17; Romans 4:13; 20-22

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Dear One,
Prudence is important.
Prudence in relationships is important, taking time to show love.
Prudence in business is important. Success depends upon prudence.
Prudence in time management is important. Procrastination is abuse of yourelf because it brings last minute frustrations.
Prudence in spiritual matters is important. Following my wisdom and insight will save you from the traps of depression, disgust, judgment and anger.
Prudence in prayer is vitally important. Taking time to pray in the Spirit about everything that concerns will assure that you are triumphant in all situations.
Prudence is being vigilant in your responsibilities.
When you are prudent in everything you have matured as My child.
Love, God
Proverbs 12:16; Proverbs 14:9; Proverbs 14:18; Proverbs 15:5; Proverbs 16:21; Proverbs 18:15;
Proverbs 27:12
photo is smallest Grand child....a reason to be prudent in prayer...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Dear One,
When you devote yourself to another person in prayer you are living the song, "Bless Be the Tie that Binds our hearts in Christian love." You are binding yourself to that person and your prayers are covering him with love, peace, tranquility, mercy and joy. You have become one with the person and with Me. My Words in prayers are the ties that bind us together. We become a threesome. The person is blessed, you are blessed and I am blessed by your love and devotion to another person and to prayers.
There are times when you feel the oneness and there are times when the other person will feel the oneness, even if he doesn't know what to call it.
Our oneness is the sharing of everything that I have for you and for others. When we are all bound together in love, nothing can break us apart and miracles happen.
Love, God

Ecclesiastes 4:11 & 12; Colossians 3:12-15; I Timothy 2:1-4; Jude 20

Monday, November 16, 2009


Dear One,
When you pray without ceasing you see the results of those prayers in the lives of others and also in your life. You see mountains moved and deserts replenished, lives saved, fortunes restored, relationships preserved and bodies healed.
When you pray without ceasing you are bringing the activities and powers of the heavens into the earth and you are seeing My will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Be sure and remember that very often you do not feel the faith that you profess with your mouth while you are waiting for the answers to prayers. Most often your mouth is professing faith while your emotions are trying to convince you that you are crazy for believing that good will come as a result of your prayers. At that moment you must choose to believe your profession of faith and you must rebuke fear and unbelief. Tell your emotions that I am the author and finisher of your faith, and that I am not a liar, I will prevail until the answer becomes established in the situation.
When you profess with your mouth and believe in your heart, I will do what you ask. I AM your loving Father.
Love, God
Luke 6:45; Romans 10:8-10; Mark 11:23

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Dear One,
How blessed it is to be loved by you!
Every person you love is blessed.
Every person you bless is loved.
Every word that you speak should be full of blessings to others.
When your words bless others, you become more blessed.
Every day you live is blessed.
I have not left you comfortless. I have come to you and I live in you to bless those whom you bless.
When you bless others you disburse My blessings. My blessings are dispensed by My angels who administer the answers to ALL of your prayers. ALL of your prayers.
Even when you feel powerless to do anything in a situation, bless everyone individually who is in the situation and My angels will bring the solution to the problem. All of your prayers are missiles of blessings catapulted into every situation that concerns you. Those blessings will exalt and honor and love and comfort.
Bless, bless, bless, bless and you will be blessed beyond imagination.
Love, God
Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:38; Romans 12:14; Hebrews 6:14

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Dear One,
Blessings are yours to give. Blessings are yours to receive.
Blessings are given through thoughts, prayers, words, attitudes and actions.
Blessings are projecting the very best things into the lives of others.
I told you to bless those who persecute you and do all manner of evil against you. Those blessings will change the thought patterns of the person who is persecuting you and doing all manner of evil against you. He will eventually cease the persecution because his thoughts, attitudes and actions toward you have been changed by your blessing him.
Blessing seeds always grow blessings in the one who does the blessing.
Blessings are powerful anointings that you give to people. They are carried by My angels and they turn the hearts of the persecutor toward good instead of evil.
Blessings are capsules of fortune that you verbally and emotionally send to people.
Bless everyone you know and casually meet so that their lives will be full of grace and mercy and redemption. Then you will reap the benefits of peace in a life filled with blessings.
Love, God
Matthew 5:11; Matthew 5:44-48; Romans 12:14-21

Friday, November 13, 2009


Dear One,
LOVE actively gives support to others.
LOVE actively gives comforting touches to others.
LOVE actively lends emotional support to others.
LOVE actively seeks wisdom for others.
LOVE actively lifts the spirits of others.
LOVE actively meets the needs of others.
LOVE actively unselfishly gives time to others.
LOVE gives. That is the action of LOVE, to give to meet a need.
LOVE never takes from others, not dignity, not self respect, not necessary earthly possessions, not valuable time. LOVE always gives
I am LOVE and it is my good pleasure to give My life and My kingdom to you. Do the same with others.
Love, God
Matthew 7:11; Luke 11:13; Romans 11:29; I Corinthians 12:1-12

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Dear One,
I told you that a habit of lamenting about your trials in life or another person's trials in life is having a parade for the devil and his works. It is like praising his horrible activity.
When you truly love yourself and others, you don't glorify the bad things that happen, you put love to work by praying in the Spirit for them to change the bad situation to a good one.
Love is always active. Love is always motivated to do the highest work of love, which is extensive prayer until a perfect result is reached.
That is what I meant when I said that if you do good things but have not love, then you are like a clanging cymbal, parading the works of the devil in a parade for him by speaking about the evil works instead of loving enough to pray until the bad situation is perfected.
Do not have a parade for the devil with clanging cymbals and gongs, calling attention to his negative works. Have a parade for Me and My works by praying My powerful words in prayer. Then you will have a joyful parade of telling about My works in the situation to reverse negative situations and making them glorious situations. Others will also join in the praises because good overcame evil. .
Love, God
Psalm 145:4-12; I Corinthians 13:1; Luke 19:37 & 38

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Dear One,
Participants in perverted religious groups are not willing participants. It may seem that they are willing, but they are actually manipulated by fear to join and they remain in the group because of fear.
Those participants deserve your pity because of their naivete and their absolute submission to the manipulation. They are controlled by satan through men to do his bidding. You have seen how manipulative he is and you broke from his control. Pray for the other people to see the devil's hand in the perverted messages. Their eyes need to be opened.
You have been deceived in the past. Pray that the eyes of other people will be open to the deception. Also pray that they will know the truth and the truth will set them free from the bondage of being controlled by satan through fear.
Remember that I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.
Love, God
II Timothy 1:7; John 10:12-18; Matthew 10:26; Romans 6:15

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Dear One,
Can you wait for the fulfillment of a promise?
Of course you can wait, because you are My child and the fruit of patience is one of my gifts that I have given to you.
Waiting is easy when you know the end result.
When you know My promises to you and you trust My words, then you know that waiting expectantly is what is required of you until the promise is fulfilled.
Very often, keeping your head in the clouds with me is a good thing. When your thoughts and reasoning are with Me, then there are no negative spirits present to rob you of faith and patience. When your head is in the heavens with Me, you see the very best result possible and you hear My words of encouragement and you see the substance of the final result before they appear.
Keep your mind on Me and My promises and you will see the culmination of My promises to you.
Love, God
Read all of Hebrews 11

Monday, November 9, 2009


Dear One,
You determine what affects you.
You can let bad news affect you or you can choose to pray until the bad news becomes good news.
You are unaffected by bad news when you become the praying aggressor against bad news rather than becoming a defender of yourself by shrinking in fear.
My children must not fear any bad news. They must welcome the opportunity to pray in faith with fervor until My words become flesh in them and in the situation, manifesting the answers to prayers.
You must make the choice to be unaffected by bad news, welcoming the opportunity to pray until a positive result is attained.
Love, God
James 1:2-8; Philippians 4:8; Romans 8:26; I Thessalonians 5:17

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Dear One,
Dramatic answers to prayers are worthy of dramatic praises.
Dramatic praises come in many forms, one of which is testimonies to other people about the problem and then the answer to the prayers that were prayed. That is a high form of praise, sharing the stories with others who need to hear about My promises and My solutions to problems.
Another form of dramatic praise is the praises of gratitude that come from your lips toward Me in our times together, the intimate, sincere thanks from your mouth in genuine praise of My abilities and My power.
Another form of praise is praise in a congregation when unity is established around My benefits that I offer to you.
The highest form of praise is when you lend your inner ears to My voice to hear My words, and then your heart is overcome with gratitude because of the wisdom and knowledge that you hear . That form of praise does not involve words from your mouth. It is the silent language of the grateful heart that is enthralled and awed like a child who is engulfed in the Love of an adoring Father. That is the praise that thrills My heart, the wordless, awe-filled, heartfelt, spontaneous, private emotion of appreciation between just the two of us.
Yes, there are times when words are not adequate in praise, only the oneness we share is enough praise for both of us.
All forms of praise are beneficial for you. The highest form of praise resulting in our oneness and unity is the form of praise that changes you as well as circumstances and situations.
Love, God.
Psalm 100:4; Psalm 107:15; John 17:11; John 17:17

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Dear One,
You experience overflowing joy when you see answers to prayers.
When you don't see answers to prayers you can have overflowing joy because you know that the answer is on the way and you rejoice in that knowledge.
When you rejoice before you see the results, you are declaring your confidence in Me and in the outcome of your requests.
Thanksgiving is a welcoming gesture to the answers to your prayers, calling things that are not as though they were. Then they become evident and there is even greater rejoicing.
Love, God
John 11: 41-45; Romans 4:17; Psalm 26:7 Psalm 69:30; Psalm 100:4

Friday, November 6, 2009


Dear One,

Let your declaration be, "IT'S DONE," to any negative thought that enters your mind related to a prayer that you have prayed.
"Done," is the affirmative response to declare your belief that I am working in the situation and that the outcome will be beneficial to everyone involved.
"Done," is the declaration in relation to healing.
"Done," is the declaration in relation to miracles.
"Done," is the declaration in relation to finances.
"Done," is the declaration in relation to salvation for family.
"Done," is the declaration in relation to relationships.
"Done," is the declaration in relation to all things, situations and people.
"Done, done, done," is the stamp of approval.
When I say it's finished, it's finished, completed, finalized and totally complete.
"It's done," says that I am the author and finisher of your faith.

Love, God
John 19:30; II Timothy 4:7; Hebrews 4:3; Matthew 18:19; Hebrews 12:2

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Dear One,

When you accept all men for what they are, striving to be respected and honored, then you must look past all of the negative spirits that so easily beset them that have been passed down through generations.
Everyone you know and everyone you meet is struggling against those familiar spirits of one sort or another. No one is exempt. Even if you see no evidence of it, there are hidden urges and temptations that are harassing them.
Have pity, sympathy and empathy for all men in their struggle, and then mercy will emerge as your constant attitude toward others. Mercy always accompanies forgiveness. Where there is no forgiveness there is no mercy.
You can operate in the blanket of forgiveness for all men, just like I do, when you know the extent of the harassment that they have experienced from the negative spirits.
Spread forgiveness just like you spread love, engulfing everyone. Great seeds are sown in that atmosphere.
Hebrews 12:1&2; Ephesians 6:12; Matthwe 7:1-4;Luke 6:37 & 38
Love, God

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Dear One,
Allow everyone you know and every person you meet the privilege of being imperfect, just like you are.
Allow every person the right to be the only person he knows how to be, which is imperfect, like you are.
Every person would be perfect if he had the power, intelligence and knowledge to improve himself. You are the same way, a project in the works, just like every other person in the world.
All of you are learning to be what you truly desire to be, but the path toward that image is difficult. Appreciate every person like I do, as a person who wants to please Me, wants to please himself and wants to please others. You are all in the same boat, striving for perfection but still full of imperfections.
I only see the desire to improve in everyone, not the lack of improvement.
You are all running the same race. It is not a contest, it is a challenge. Appreciate that in everyone, that they have the same desires as you do. It's all about improving. You will be linking arms in unity with everyone as a body, My body.
Love, God
I Corinthians 1: 24-27; Hebrews 12:1-3; Romans 12:4&5

photo compliments of NatashaP at

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Dear One,
First comes the design or image, then the instructions, then the energy for the work.
First comes the thoughts (designs), then come the instructions (words), then come the attitudes and emotions (energy) which generate faith.
That is the construction of your prayer life, thoughts, words of instructions to the angels by praying in the Spirit, and then attitudes and emotions fuel your faith. So thoughts and prayers do travel on the same spiritual frequencies.
Words derive from thoughts. Then attitudes are generated from your thoughts and words. Then spiritual, emotional or mental energy is produced by your thoughts and words and attitudes. What follows is that actions follow thoughts, words and attitudes, either faith laced prayers or fear and anger laced actions.
Perfect your thoughts and you will perfect your actions because you have perfected your words and attitudes.
Think on positive things. Think on My promises to you which cover every area of your life. Think on peace and love and goodness and kindness, forgiveness and mercy for all men, and your actions will be of the same kind. Then every good thing will come into your life because you have sown the seeds of goodness in your life and in your prayers.
Love, God
Philippians 4:8; James 1:26; James 3:6-12; Matthew 3:3-9

Monday, November 2, 2009


Dear One,
When you are walking in the Spirit, trust that your decisions are My decisions.
When you are walking in the Spirit, trust that My guidance to you is sure and will lead to success in every situation.
When you are walking in the Spirit, trust that every act, every thought, every attitude will be acceptable in my sight because you are keeping your mind on My insight and input rather than what your earthly eyes and ears see and hear.
When you are walking in the Spirit and praying in the Spirit, trust that everything will work for your good and the good of your family.
When you are walking in the Spirit trust that My angels will protect you and your family because I have given them charge over you.
It's much more rewarding to walk in the spirit and pray in the Spirit instead of walking in the passions of the flesh; isn't it?
I gave My Spirit to My children to be their guide, counselor, protector, intercessor, teacher, strengthener, standby and helper. He is My life inside of you. Take advantage of His ministry inside of you. Then you will truly be walking in the Spirit.
Love, God
Isaiah 26, 3; John 16: 7-15; Romans 8:16

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Dear One,
Take advantage of everything that I, as your Father, offer you.
You would do the same thing with an earthly father, you would not refuse even one of his gifts because they would enhance your life.
I have given My Holy Spirit to My children to lead you and guide you into all truth. I said that He takes what is mine and gives it to you.
My gifts through the Holy Spirit to you are many and varied. He gives the gift of spiritual language, the languages of the heavens and the earth to perfect your prayers and to display My power. My prayers for you though the Holy Spirit will change every bad thing in your life to good so that you will have the abundant life that I promised.
The Holy Spirit gives My healing power to help you overcome the destructive works of the devil that bring sickness, infirmity and disease into the earth.
The Holy Spirit gives the gift of working of miracles to you to reverse the effects of natural laws that have caused you to have less that perfection in any area.
The Holy Spirit gives the gift of discerning of spirits so that you can recognize the identity of demonic spirits who harass you and your family and others and then you can exert your authority over them and their works.
The Holy Spirit gives you the gift of faith to believe for the unbelievable, to supernaturally believe for the impossible.
The Holy Spirit gives to you the gifts of wisdom and knowledge so that you will be able to have My insight into matters which concern you, guiding you into solutions that are available to you to eliminate those problems.
I said to seek My kingdom and everything will be added to you. That's what I do for you as your Father, give you everything that belongs to Me so that you will have a happy, prosperous life.
Accept all of My gifts and you will have what you and I desire for you, that life of joy and abundance.
Love, God
John 10:10; John 4:14; John 14:16; John 16:23& 24; I Corinthians 12:9-12; James 1:17
Love, God