Thursday, March 11, 2010


Dear One,
The healing balm that you so often hear about accompanies My Words that I speak to you.
The power that is in My Words is so powerful and all encumpassing that there is no way to adequately describe it. It covers you inside and outside with a healing balm that is not found in the earth. It is a combination of tangible love and tangible peace. It heals body, soul and spirit. Even though it is not visible to the eyes, it is substance in the heavens around you. There is immediate results from this balm, no waiting and no lingering. The result of it is overwhelming peace and an overwhelming sense of being loved. Then the peace lingers and does its full work. It is miraculous because it calms the mind and levels the emotions. It is the oil of the Holy Spirit and it has powers that men cannot fathom. It is My gift to you for whateever you need Call upon Me and I will provide it for you.
Love, God
Jeremiah 51:8; Mark 16:12&13; Hebrews 1:9; James 5:14-15;

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