Dear One,
Guilt is self judgment, deeming yourself guilty of failure, guilty of sin, guilty of not measuring up to yours or another person's ideals. Guilt immobilizes and robs you of joy, happiness, energy and purpose.
Repentance does not involve a debilitating feeling of guilt, it involves a determination to abandon the present injurious actions and turning to different, righteous, fulfilling actions.
Self judgment through guilt is just as destructive as judgment of others because it activates further judgment in the spiritual dimension from judgment spirits to bring self fulfilled curses to you.
Forgiveness of yourself releases you from the judgment curses and prepares you for a change of direction, which is what repentance means.
Turning from destructive actions to constructive actions will bring blessings into your life. Continuing in guilt and self judgment will only keep you on the path of destruction.
Choose whether you want to do things My way, which is the righteous way, the way of love, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, patience and faith; or whether you want to do things the devil's way, the way of guilt, self judgment, judgment of others, condemnation, failure and destruction.
My way brings success and prosperity in all areas of life, spirit and soul and body.
You always have a choice. I gave you the ability to choose your destiny, either My wonderful ways or the devil's destructive ways.
I will even give you the power of My Holy Spirit to resist the destructive ways if you will ask.
I provide everything necessary for the abundant life. They are yours for the asking and taking.
Love, God
John 10:10; Matthew 6:33; Matthew 7:1; Matthw 7:7-11; II Peter 1:3-7
Guilt is self judgment, deeming yourself guilty of failure, guilty of sin, guilty of not measuring up to yours or another person's ideals. Guilt immobilizes and robs you of joy, happiness, energy and purpose.
Repentance does not involve a debilitating feeling of guilt, it involves a determination to abandon the present injurious actions and turning to different, righteous, fulfilling actions.
Self judgment through guilt is just as destructive as judgment of others because it activates further judgment in the spiritual dimension from judgment spirits to bring self fulfilled curses to you.
Forgiveness of yourself releases you from the judgment curses and prepares you for a change of direction, which is what repentance means.
Turning from destructive actions to constructive actions will bring blessings into your life. Continuing in guilt and self judgment will only keep you on the path of destruction.
Choose whether you want to do things My way, which is the righteous way, the way of love, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, patience and faith; or whether you want to do things the devil's way, the way of guilt, self judgment, judgment of others, condemnation, failure and destruction.
My way brings success and prosperity in all areas of life, spirit and soul and body.
You always have a choice. I gave you the ability to choose your destiny, either My wonderful ways or the devil's destructive ways.
I will even give you the power of My Holy Spirit to resist the destructive ways if you will ask.
I provide everything necessary for the abundant life. They are yours for the asking and taking.
Love, God
John 10:10; Matthew 6:33; Matthew 7:1; Matthw 7:7-11; II Peter 1:3-7
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