Thursday, September 23, 2010


Dear One,
To some of My children busyness is a poor substitute for the Sabbath rest that I promised. Busyness only superficially and temporarily fills the areas of their lives that I created to be filled by My presence so that we might commune together, sharing our lives with one another.
Busyness never satisfies because then only the outer man is occupied and the inner man, the spirit, is neglected.
Busyness becomes insatiable because of the lack of satisfaction of the spirit, so the outer man strives even more to do things so that he will feel fulfilled, yet the unfulfilled part is the spirit, the inner man. The outer man becomes preoccupied with activities while the inner man is unsatisfied.
Only one-on-one communion with Me and hearing My life-filled, love-filled words will satisfy the yearning heart of My children.
Some of My children have glamorized the busy life rather than glamorizing time spent with me in unity with Me. The busy life sows to the flesh. Communion with Me sows to the spirit because the Holy Spirit, who sows My words in you, is the source of life.
Love, God
Hebrews 3:18 & 19; Hebrews 4: 1-6; Hebrews 4:10-13; Matthew 11:28-30

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