Men say that I am omniscient, filled with all wisdom and knowledge.
Yes, I created the heavens and the earth and I know the inner workings of the heavens and earth.
Men say that I am omnipresent, always present.
Yes, I am always present in the earth in the person of the Holy Spirit, whom I sent to be My presence in the lives of those who welcome Him. I am always present in My personality in the spiritual dimension around you.
Men say that I am omnipotent, unlimited in power and authority.
Yes, I am filled with all power and authority, more than men can think or imagine. However, I am limited in using My power and authority in the earth by men.
When I gave the earth to men, I limited My power and authority because in the beginning I gave men the power and authority to subdue the earth, to have dominion over it. Through that act, I limited My own power and authority in the earth because I cannot come into the earth to exercise My power and authority unless men invite Me into their domain. That is what men call prayers. Prayers are an open invitation to Me to become part of their situations and bring the answers to their problem from My heaven into your world by using My omnipotence, my power and authority, and using my omniscience, my supreme wisdom and knowledge.
When a man in the earth gives a home to his son, the man cannot legally enter the son's home and make corrections, additions or restructuring of the home unless invited by the son. It is illegal unless the man is given authority by the owner, his son, to perform his wise and knowledgeable work in the home.
The same is true of the earth and heavens. When I gave men authority in the earth, I gave them the right to choose between bad and good. That is called free choice. I gave them the right to either accept or refuse My help when they needed help beyond their abilities to fix bad situations.
I eagerly await your invitations through prayers to enter your domain and bring all of My spiritual helpers with me to reconstruct, correct, add to or clean up your life in the earth. But, it takes your invitation through prayers for Me to begin My work.
A prudent son will always invite his father to assist in building, rebuilding, restoring, adding to and cleaning up his home. He knows his father has wisdom and knowledge because of his experiences in life.
A child of Mine who is prudent will come to Me through prayers, inviting Me and My laborers into his life to do our work because My child knows that I have all wisdom and knowledge to correct every mistake that men make. My children know that I will come into their lives with love, mercy, compassion, understanding, wisdom and knowledge to assist in ways that you cannot even imagine, perfecting everything that concerns you.
Better yet, give Me an open invitation by constant communion with Me to use My omniscience and My omnipotence to bless you.
My omnipresence is in you because you invited Me to use your body as the temple of My Holy Spirit. Now you must allow Me to do My work in you and for you at your invitation.
Love, God
Matthew 6:6; Matthew 7:11; Matthew 18:19 & 20; John 14: 23;I Corinthians 5:19;
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