Thursday, January 2, 2014


Dear One, Repeating My insight to you; I do not need your defense. I said vengeance is mine. Doesn't that say that I don't any defenders in the earth? My methods of defense in the earth has always been the same. Love is your only effective power in the earth. All of the working of My Spirit come from love. Joy, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, patience, faith and flexibility are all powerful tools in the earth which work from love. When you engage in defense of Me and My ways, you get into
religious doctrine which has always caused problems between people. You must pray for My spirit of discernment to reveal to you when someone is being used by the evil one to entice you into doctrinal arguments supposedly in defense of Me. All wars between countries have been fought in defense of some doctrine which was only partial doctrine, anyway, because if the people touting the doctrine had even an iota of My wisdom they would know that the devil is the father of religious doctrines which separate people. My children will build an entire religion around some doctine which is only partially complete in revelation. They will kill others because of it, all it defense of Me, they say. In reality, they destroy people and property because of their doctrine, not because of My truth. If they knew my truths, my elementary and rudimentary truths, they would know that turning the other cheek and refusing to return evil for evil are My truths on how to handle differences in doctrines. There are political doctrines which people hold dear to their hearts which are erroneous and strife-filled, yet My children use them to separate themselves from and oppose others of My children. They demonize the opposition as if they were children of the devil. It should not be so. Then you wonder why there are devastatng storms that happen because of emotional storms between people. Diverse wars are all fought because of religious or political doctrines. Any political or religious doctrine which teaches opposition, strife and hatred are doctrines from hell. They are products of the antichrist spirit which has been ministering in the earth forever. Jesus said that the antichrist spirit was around when he walked the earth. He saw it operating in the Pharisees and the Saducees who spouted religious and political doctrine of the time. He revealed their doctines as false and adding burdens to the lives of My children. Wars which kill and maim My children are fought in defense ot Me. That is not My will. My methods are to turn the other cheek when you are met with opposition, to bless those who curse you, to do good to those who spitefully use you. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He died to bring peace to the earth, yet people make doctrines at the behest of the devil which cause disagreements, arguments, wars and destruction. It should not be so. I do not need any defense. I can take care of Myself. When you are met with opposition from anyone, go into your closet and pray for the opposing person. Seek My wisdom and truth pertaining to the situation. Then you will be free of the inclination to wage opposition, disagreements and wars. I have a host of angels who work with Me. I don't need your defenses in the earth which are based on doctrine. If a doctrine is not of love, it's not of Me. Love, God II Timothy 2:19-26; Matthew 7:24-29; Matthew 15:7-14; Matthew 16:11-12; Matthew 22;33-46; Matthew 18:7-14; Matthew 23:13-39.
photo from Sapphires Moonbeams 

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