Friday, June 6, 2014


Dear One, I give rest for the weary, as promised by Jesus, but I also give bursts of My spiritual energy and stamina when a need for it is required by My children. My children can merely put a demand upon it by asking for My help or expecting My help to energize them beyond what can normally be the ability of the human body to do. Jesus experienced those bursts of energy when He knew He was called by Me to pray all night. I provided to Him My spiritual power in the form of energy so that He could accomplish what he needed to accomplish in praying so that He would later be able to show My power when He ministered to people. It was through My love for all people that I sent to Jesus the supernatural energy to pray all night before ministering under the power of my Holy Spirit to My children. You have heard of people who supernaturally have lifted heavy objects off of the bodies of others in order to free them from being crushed to death. That is done as a result of My providing supernatural strength to someone because of My love. Caregivers experience My supernatural strength and energy when they physically minister to gravely ill people. They have no idea how they are energized, but you know that it is from Me. You call it an anointing. It's a gift to the caregiver so that the caregiver can complete his or her difficult tasks in showing mercy and love to the ill. Otherwise, the caregiver would run out of human energy and he or she would collapse before the person who is ill. That anointed energy and stamina is a gift from Me because of My love. People comment that they don't know how someone could supernaturally lift a heavy object to save someone or how someone has the stamina to care for a gravely ill person for a long time. It's My power given as a gift to those in need. My Instruction Book says that I will provide all of your needs, wants and desires according to My riches in heaven. I have plenty of energy to provide to My children in their times of lack of power. I am the power generator for everyone in the earth. Your Loving Father Philippians 4:9-10; Ephesians 3:16-17; Colossians 1:26-28; Luke 24:-49; Luke 6:12- Jude 1:20.

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