Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Dear One, In the beginning Adam walked and talked with Me, gaining guidance from Me on how to care for his earth that I gave to him. I warned him not to listen to the temptations of the devil because if he did it would cut off his ability to hear from Me for guidance and it would give the devil permission to take his life through the temptations. Adam did not take my advice but, instead, started listening to both of us, the devil at times, and Me at times.

 That is called the knowledge of good and evil which I warned Adam would be the result of letting the devil into the earth that I created for men. When the line of uninterrupted guidance from me was compromised, it became necessary for Me to give laws and rules which would identify the works of the devil so that the people would not fall for all of his toxic temptations. So I gave beneficial guidance through what is called the commandments. Paul was right later when he said that the laws were given to identify evil so that My children would sidestep the evil and stay in communication with Me. As you know, then the devil used the commandments as measuring sticks on which to judge My children and even use them to judge others. So what I meant to be My insights of written guidance became vehicles for the devil to bring more of his judgment and condemnation into the world. That diabolical work of the devil to use My words meant for My children to be protection from him, he turned them into temptations for My children to judge themselves, creating guilt and condemnation, and to also judge other people., which comes from the power of pride. My plan from the beginning, in case Adam did fall for the temptations, was to send My son Jesus into the world to be the substitution for My children who do fall for temptations, which include all of humanity. Jesus became the vehicle through whom I restored direct communication and guidance to My children. He showed people that they can know Me and receive My guidance directly from Me. He sent My Holy Spirit into the earth to be received into the spirits of My children to create a new creature, sin free, with the same guidance that Adam had from Me at the beginning, one on one. In other words, I would come to live in My children as their true Father, a Father who is ever present to give My loving guidance to anyone who asks for it. When you have clear guidance from Me, you are free from the laws which the devil used to condemn My children. You are free because you have direct guidance and you don't need the laws that were polluted by satan and used against My children. Small children need rules which will protect them from getting into trouble when the parent is not around to guide them and protect them. When you have My Holy Spirit in your body, mind and spirit to guide you and tutor you, you don't need the elementary tenets of religious laws to guide you. Remember that Jesus healed on the Sabbath and was condemned for not keep the commandments. Jesus said that the mercy necessary to heal people on the Sabbath is much better than making sacrifices after a person has disobeyed the religious laws. So My Holy Spirit, who lives inside of your spirit, is the true guide, the tutor, the protector of My children. He will show you through the discerning of spirits which activities are going to bless you and which are going to curse you. My Spirit is the Lord of your life now, the true spiritual link between us. Through that link comes all wisdom, all knowledge, all truth, all guidance, all discernment, all My love for you, all of My mercy for you, all of My goodness toward you. My Holy Spirit is the spiritual manifestation of My life force inside of you. Jesus called Him My Promise. If you listen to satan as well as to Me, which is the tree of knowing good and evil, you will have a few blessing and lots of curses. Listen to Me and you will have all blessings and all peace in your life. Come to Me all who are heavy laden with the burden of religious laws and I will give you rest, Your Loving Father Genesis 2:15-17; John 1:1; John 20:21-23; Romans 5:18-21; Romans 8:1-6; Romans 7:21-25; Acts 1:4-8;
picture from koinonia.org.il 

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