Monday, August 11, 2014


Dear One, There are people who are theoretically acquainted with Me and there are people who are realistically and intimately acquainted with Me. The differences in association with Me are vast. Those people who are theoretically acquainted with Me are like human associations where the contacts are only through letters, where there is no face to face, or spirit to spirit, or one to one knowledge of the other person. . The people who are realistically and intimately acquainted with Me are ones who spend time with me one on one, spirit to spirit, face to face encounters where fresh words are exchanged from Me to you and you to me, where My revelations unveil to you My true character and My truths as they relate to you, so that you will become My image instead of just having a mere caricature of Me in your mind.

I love all of My children equally and without limits. Whichever association in which you choose to engage is up to you. You know Me intimately by seeking Me with your whole heart, or you can know Me casually and theoretically only by what others say about Me. The opportunity to intimately know Me goes beyond only knowing Me scripturally. It involves allowing My Holy Spirit to reveal My entire personality to you. He is the only One who can do that because He and I are one. Jesus introduced you to Me by exemplifying My nature to you, but when you invite My Holy Spirit into your life, He will reveal everything about Me to you personally. Then you will know My unconditional love, My unconditional grace, My unconditional peace which passes understanding and My unconditional mercy and joy. You will know My goodness and My kindness and my patience with all of My children. You will be infused with supernatual faith in Me because you intimately know Me. Jesus told you that you could intimately know Me with a one on one relationship when He said that you should seek Me with your whole heart, remembering that I am available and eagerly waiting for you every second of your day. My infusion of My personality into you will give you complete faith and trust in Me. I will let you know that you are My prized child. Your Loving Father Matthew 6:31-33; John 17:11-24; Ephesians 1:17-23; Ephesians 3:16-20.

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