Monday, October 27, 2014


Dear One, Jesus said not to LET your heart be troubled. That admonition suggests that you can let it be troubled or you can stop it from being troubled. That statement was made about worrying and fretting. It suggests that you can have faith in Me to provide for you or you can have faith in bad circumstances to continue their harassment of you.

I say don’t let the negativity continue to control your mind. Martha was worried because Mary would not help her serve the people but, instead, Mary sat and listened to Jesus. He told Martha that she was full of cares and troubled about many things. Then He told her that Mary had CHOSEN the best thing to do, which was to listen to His teachings which would bring peace to her mind. Note that He said that Mary had CHOSEN to submit herself to Him instead of submitting herself to troubles and cares. Troubles and cares will produce mental turmoil and they can devastate you, rendering you powerless. Jesus told his disciples that they would hear rumors of devastations which might come upon them, but He said to not LET those rumors affect them. He was insisting that My children have free will, given by Me, and they can choose to refuse to allow the rumors to affect their tranquility. Jesus promised that He would leave My children His peace, not the peace that the world gives but My supernatural peace which passes human understanding. My peace is the peace which chases away all fears, doubts, troubles and cares. My peace is based firmly upon faith which comes from intimately knowing Me and knowing that what you ask will be done for you. Jesus admonished His disciples before His resurrection not to be troubled because He was sending His peace to them. He continued with a long speech about My Holy Spirit who was coming to take the place of Jesus in the lives of My children. The only difference, according to Jesus, was that The Holy Spirit would live in them instead of merely being with them in the person of Jesus. Jesus promised that My Spirit would give supernatural peace to My children. Peace is a fruit of the indwelling of My Holy Spirit. Peace is constantly available for your troubled mind when you have My very own Spirit inside of your spirit. You can switch from a troubled mind instantly by switching from the negativity of troubles and cares to the positive promises that I give to you from the Holy Spirit’s truth filled words. Jesus told Martha that her sister Mary had chosen to hear faith and truth rather than troubles and cares. He said that submitting your mind to My thoughts will always produce peace for your troubled mind because I promise calmness and quietness of thoughts based upon faith in Me. I tell you today not to let negativity consume you. Don’t be like Martha, who chose to hear rumors of bad things and dwell upon them, but be like Mary and choose to only hear faith filled rhetoric so that your mind will be filled with hope and faith instead of fear and worry. You have the will to choose peace. Choose to hear My words which promise peace instead of the words from hell which promise destruction. Don't LET your heart be troubled. Your Loving Father, the God of Peace. Luke 10:38-42; Luke 24:38; John 16:1; John 14:25-27; Romans 14:17.

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