Dear One,
Is perfect peace possible? Yes, it is possible. The key to the culmination of that promise from Me is that you must keep your mind stayed on Me. (Psalm 26:3)
Is the peace that passes human understanding possible? Yes, it is possible. The key to the culmination of that promise from Me is that you will be careful for nothing, not letting cares consume your mind. Another part of that key is that you let your requests be made known to Me with prayers and supplications. The final key is that you will have the peace that passes understanding if you only think of things that are good, true, honest, just, pure, lovely. of a good report instead of a negative report, things that are virtuous and things for which to praise Me. In other words, thinking of things that are of My kingdom, My power, My abilities and My love, only think of those things and you will have the peace that passes all human understanding. (Philippians 4:6-9)
Is the peace of Jesus possible for you to have? Yes, it is possible. The key to your having the peace that Jesus possessed is if you receive My Holy Spirit and become baptized with My power. After Jesus rose from the dead He breathed on His disciples and told them to receive the Holy Spirit. (John 20:19-23) He told them three times, "My peace be with you." My peace is perfect peace.
Even before He went to the cross Jesus promised His peace to you. (John 14:25-27) He said that His peace is not the peace that the world promises but it is His and My supernatural peace. Then He gave to His followers the same key to having personal peace, He said not to be troubled with worry or fretting or fear. He said for them to rejoice because another Comforter was coming to live in them instead of merely being with them in His personage. He spoke of the Holy Spirit and the peace that He was going to give to them.
When you stay connected to Me by My Holy Spirit, who is My umbilical cord of Love, you have perfect peace, the peace that passes human understanding, the peace that is My peace.
If you want perfect peace, stay in unity with My Holy Spirit, stay out of fear, worry, fretting and negativity. Then you will have My perfect peace that only My Holy Spirit can give. I gave Him to you. You only have to receive His peace.
Jesus said not to LET your heart be troubled. You can yield to thoughts of trouble from hell or you can yield to thoughts of peace from Me. When you yield to Me through the Holy Spirit inside of you, then you are in unity with Me and My blessings and provisions are on the way into your life.
Another way to guarantee that you have perfect peace is to keep peace with other people, forgiving them of all manner of evil. ( Ephesians 4:1-3)
Keep peace with Me and others and you will have peace in your life. My Comforter will bring you comfort.
Your Peaceful Father
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