Thursday, June 23, 2016


Dear One,
     I promised when your ways are pleasing to Me that I will be able to  make your enemies to be at peace with you.  (Proverbs 16:7)  That is a firm promise.  It wasn't until Jesus came to earth that I told you how to implement that truth into your life.   The first thing He taught was about forgiving your enemies, blessing them and praying for them. (Matthew 5:38-48)  That was diametrically opposed to the old religious laws of an eye for an eye.  Instead, Jesus said to forgive, bless and pray for your enemies. 
    Then My Holy Spirit explained this teaching more explicitly when He said through Paul that you must pray for your enemies. because when you do that it heaps coals of fire on their heads.  (Romans 12:18-21)  That is not a bad thing.  It is a wonderful thing. 
    When Ezekiel saw into the heavens, his report back to the people was that the cherubim angels have coals of fire in their beings. (Ezekiel 10:2)  So what My Holy Spirit was saying through Jesus and Paul is that when you pray for, bless and do good things to your enemies that you are sending My angels to your enemies to use the fire of My Spirit to burn out the demonic spirits from them, which will cause them to be at peace with you instead of opposing you. 
    There is no more powerful instructions from Me than this truth.  The power of My Holy Spirit in His instructions to My angels to burn out the dross from your enemies and make them at peace with you is the only way to change your enemies and make them to be at peace with you.  Fighting doesn't work; it only increases the evil.  Opposing them with words doesn't work; it only increases the evil.  What does work in turning the hearts of your enemies toward making peace with you is blessing them, praying for them and doing good to them.  When you do those things, it adds your 'yes and amen" to My "Yes and Amen," and so will it be.  (II Corinthians 1:19:20)
    There are more examples of this promise from Me involving this glorious privilege you have of blessing your enemies, praying for them and doing good to them so that they will turn from their evil ways and bless you instead of cursing you.  In doing this, you work alongside Me to turn the hearts of your enemies from doing evil to doing good.
    David wrote that when you dwell in My shadow, that a thousand of your enemies will fall at your side and you will look and see the payment for the wicked spirits who caused your enemies to oppose you.  (Psalm 91)  He even said that My angels would guard and protect you because you cleave to Me in love.  Jesus said later that if you love Me you will take My advice and do what I admonish you to do, one of which is to not oppose your enemies but to bless them, pray for them and do good to them.  It is a privilege for you to work with me in turning the hearts of your enemies from evil to good simply because you have loved Me enough to do what I asked you to do, which is merely to bless, pray for and do good to your enemies.  That is the easy part.  My part is the hard part.  My part is in using My angels to completely change the hearts of your enemies from evil to doing good.  I am very capable of doing My job.  You need to be very capable in doing your job of blessings instead of cursing your enemies.
     You and I can work together to change the minds of people who have followed the devil's temptation to do evil in the world.  Your Instruction Book is replete with instructions on how do to this.  It involves your refusing to seek vengeance, but to allow Me to avenge you by turning the hearts of your enemies from doing evil actions to doing good to you.  Jesus said if you love Me that you will keep My words that I speak.  (Romans 10:17-21; John 15:9-10)
     My ways work every time.  I would not have told you to bless your enemies, doing good to them and praying for them if it were not so.  You will behold a miracle when you do your part because I always do My part.
     It takes faith for you to do these things that I ask you to do in relation to your enemies.  I can even give you the faith through your reading these scriptures and digesting them with the help of the Holy Spirit since faith comes from hearing My words. (Romans 10:17)
     Your Miracle Producing Father 

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