Sunday, July 10, 2016


Dear One,
    My own children are often blind to the faces of the devil.  They are blind to the truth that their own religious intolerance is one face of the devil.
    My children are blind to the truth that their own racism is one face of the devil.
    My children are blind to the truth that their own prejudice, whether religious prejudice or political prejudice, is another face of the devil.
    My children are blind to the truth that their own judgmental attitudes are another face of the devil. (Matthew 7:1-2)
    My children are blind to the truth that their own political divisiveness is one face of the devil.
    My children are blind to the truth that adherence to their own strict fundamental religious beliefs is one face of the devil because it fosters judging others who do not hold to their own fundamental beliefs which cause them to judge others.  They have forgotten that Jesus came to set them free from the old laws which give power to the devil. (Romans 10:3-4) The sacrifice of Jesus was supposed to set them free from strict religious laws so that they can love others as I love them, forgiving others instead of being judgmental.  (John 13:13; John 20:23)
   My children are blind to the truth that their own political patriotism is not a substitute for being intimately acquainted with Me.  They have lost their first love for Me and have substituted political patriotism in its place.  (Revelations 2:4-5)They shout that their political tenets are better than other people when the truth is that Jesus said they must be the servants of all, not just the servants to the people of their own political persuasions.  In leaving their first love, they rob from the poor, the sick, the diseased, the mentally challenged, the lost, the displaced and the disadvantaged, the very people for whom Jesus died, the people in need of a physician. (James 1:27)
     My children are blind to the truth that their organized rebellion against their governing bodies is another face of the devil.  They forget that I said that they must subject themselves to those in authority over them and to pray for those in authority so that they might live in peace, (Romans 13:1-8) 
     My children are blind to the truth that the seeds they sow will produce plants that either bless them or curse them.  If they sow hatred, they will reap hatred.  If they sow prejudice, they will reap prejudice.  If they sow racism, they will reap racism.  If they sow anger, they will reap anger in return.  If they sow division, they will reap division.  If they sow injustice, they will reap injustice.  If they sow religious fundamental judgment, they will reap judgment.  If they sow fear, they will reap fear.  (Galatians 6:7-10)
    Pray that My Holy Spirit will reveal to you the truth that good always overcomes evil.  If you do not believe Me when I say that truth over and over to you, and if you do not overcome evil with good, you will try to overcome evil with more evil.  Returning evil done to you with more evil will bring the devil's judgmental actions back to you with judgment of some kind, either destruction or death. As Jesus said, you will pay the entire price while being imprisoned with the devil's evil judgment.  (Matthew 5;25-26) 
    My ways always overcome human ways.  Love, forgiveness and mercy always win.  Believe My instructions and heed My words.  When you do, you will live a peaceful life.  
     Your Loving, Merciful, Forgiving Father

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