Dear One,
When you want My new life to become real in your life, you must reject everything that connects you to the old life. Remember My teachings through Jesus about the old wine skins and the new wine, also the old material and the new patches. (Matthew 9:16-17) If you combine My new thoughts and motivations with the devil's old destructive thoughts and motivations, you will never have My kingdom living in the earth, the life that I promised to My children.
Instantaneously when you choose to receive My Holy Spirit, allowing Me to create a new life with new thoughts, new attitudes, new ways of speaking and new actions taken, you find that, behold, all things have become new. You are elated with the changes in your life, experiencing My new life in the way you think and the way you act. However, because you live in the earth, which is still influenced by the devil, you find that the devil does not give up easily. There are constant temptations by him to woo you back to his ways of destroying your new life and sucking you back into doing his will in the earth. Losing even one of his emissaries to Me is never allowed by him without his battling hard to woo you back slowly, before you even know that you are already listening to him in your mind and by your obeying his temptations that were formerly your way of life.
My mercy is always extended to you. I never chide you for obeying your spiritual enemy. Instead, I immediately forgive you and begin to entice you back into the new life that I freely gave to you. However, until you come back into My family, like the Prodigal Son, you will continue to sow seeds by doing the devil's will that will invite demonic curses to invade your life again. reproducing the old life that you thought you had left. I gave My children free will at the beginning and you have the right to choose between good and evil. My will is for you to always choose good over evil. Often you don't recognize that you are entertaining evil thoughts in your mind and you think on them until they become a bad attitude. Then you speak destructive words and do unkind actions toward people. You wonder where your new life went and why you are not still walking in newness of life. My new life never left you. You left My new life and returned slowly to the thoughts, attitudes, words spoken and actions taken when you were walking in the curses of the old life before My Holy Spirit gave you My new life so freely through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
My new covenant prophets wrote many warnings in My Instruction Book to people of the past who did the same thing, yielded again to the will of the devil which brought the curses of the old life into their new life in Christ Jesus. The curses of the old life when they were in the family of the devil by doing his will becomes evident again in their lives. (Romans 7:22-23) My Son Jesus taught you many times that the devil is your enemy and that he does not give up easily. My Holy Spirit, who lives inside of you, will discern for you when you are tempted to return evil for evil done to you and He entices you to do the opposite, which is to return good for evil so that My kingdom will remain active in your life with all of My blessings instead of your returning to the ways of the devil and doing his will in your life which brings destruction and even death.
Under My covenant of love with My children, all of My writings in My letters to My children in My Instruction Book through Paul, Peter, John and James relate to your allowing My Holy Spirit to lead and guide you instead of your returning to the attitudes and activities of the old life where the devil led and guided you. (Galatians 5:13-26) You cannot combine the two. Jesus said that you will either love Me and hate evil or you will love evil and hate Me. You cannot serve two masters. (Matthew 6:20-24)
If you will listen to My Holy Spirit, who speaks to you in your thoughts, He will caution you when you are getting into evil territory again by choosing to think judgmental, bitter, vengeful, lustful, condemning, envious, unkind, selfish and strife filled thoughts. He will encourage you to cast those thoughts into hell and you will replace those thoughts with My kind, merciful, peaceful, loving, forgiving thoughts which will bring My kingdom blessings into your life.
Pigpen living awaits you if you try to mix good and evil. My kingdom living awaits you if you endeavor to always think good thoughts and have good attitudes and speak words that built up, not tear down, and if you do My will in the earth.
My will must be done in your life for My kingdom to come into your life and bless you. (Matthew 6:10) You know My will because I spoke it through Jesus and I published it in the New Covenant in My Bible, which is My Instruction Book. (II Timothy 2:10-16) My Holy Spirit reminds you of My will and He empowers you to do My will so that you will have heaven on earth.
Walk in newness of life and let the old things pass away. My blessings will overtake you again.
Your Father of New Beginnings
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