Monday, June 4, 2018

My Dear Precious Child,
   Jesus Christ had chided some of My children for calling Him Lord but refusing to do what He told them to do to inherit My kingdom of heaven in their lives on earth.  Merely obeying religious laws written by the Levite priests did not make them His disciples.  He told them that doing what He cautioned them to do made them His disciples. In the same teaching session, He had told them to love their enemies and to do good to them.  (Luke 6:27-35 and 46-49)  That was one of His instructions that they refused to do because of religious and political laws requiring them to take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. (Matthew 5:38)
   There was a lawyer who inquired of Jesus what he could do to inherit eternal life.  Jesus asked the lawyer what was written in the religious laws.  The lawyer replied that the greatest commandment was to love Me and to love his neighbor as himself.  In order to trick Jesus, as was the practice of the Pharisees, Sadducees and lawyers, the lawyer asked who was his neighbor, all in an effort to trick Jesus into answering so that they could accuse him of breaking their religious and political laws.  Jesus spoke to him the parable of the Samaritan. (Luke 10:25-37) You must remember that all of the parables that Jesus told were related to My kingdom of heaven coming into the lives of My children of promise.
   In the parable of the Samaritan, Jesus told the lawyer that there was a man who was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho and was attacked by ruffians who robbed him and beat him severely, leaving him half dead.  As the badly injured man was lying in the road, a priest of religious laws saw him and crossed the road to the other side in order to avoid the injured man who was badly in need of medical attention or he would die.  The religious priest did not want to dirty his hands with the blood of the injured man, seeing that he was not of the same religious and political nationality as the priest.
  Another man, a Levite of the nationality through which all religious leaders descended by heritage, also observed the badly injured man lying in the road about to die; and he, likewise, crossed the road to the other side in order to avoid the injured person.  He offered no help to the injured man who was helpless, beaten and dying.  He left the injured man there to die, having offered no help at all.
   A man from Samaria, who had no religious laws which prevented him from offering help to people from other countries, also passed by and was moved with COMPASSION for the injured man.  He poured oil and wine upon the man's injuries, bandaged them, lifted the injured man onto his own horse and carried him to an inn and looked after him the rest of the day.  Then he paid the innkeeper money to look after the injured man until the man was healed, promising that on his way back from his journey that he would pay the inn keepter for any expenses that were incurred from his caring for the injured man. 
  Jesus inquired of the lawyer who was questioning Him who among the three men was a good neighbor to the man who was beaten and robbed by the ruffians.  The lawyer replied that it was the man who had pity on the injured man.  Jesus told the lawyer to go and do the same thing, confirming the wisdom of Jesus when He said that what you do to the least gifted of people you do to Me.  (Matthew 25:40-45)  Jesus had also said that the lawyers, Pharisees and Sadducees added burdens to the backs of people instead of relieving them of burdens. (Luke 11:44-46)
  The truth of this teaching of the Samaritan by Jesus is that religious and political laws keep My children from entering into My kingdom of heaven while they live in the earth.  The religious and political laws teach bigotry, racial injustice and exclusion, giving the religious participants elevated opinions of themselves instead of giving them compassion and pity for people who are in need of being rescued from oppression, cruelty and injustice. 
  In the parable of the Samaritan, Jesus was reiterating His former teachings that anyone who wants to be great in My kingdom of heaven must become a servant of all, serving compassion, pity, forgiveness, kindness, goodness, love, mercy and peace to all people who are in need to any kind of help, regardless of the nationality, religious beliefs or political tenets of the people in need. 
  Also hidden within the parable was the truth of the ministry of Jesus, that He came to earth to set people free from religious laws which bind them to the works of the devil instead of freeing them, as Jesus did when He died on the cross for the sins of the world.  (Matthew 16:19; I John 2:2) 
   Hidden within the parable also was the truth relating to His ministry of dying on the cross for the forgiveness of sins which ended the old covenant of religious laws and was replaced with My new covenant of the Holy Spirit in which I come to live within My children of promise and infuse into them My compassion, My pity, and My desire to heal and minister love and forgiveness to all people. (John 20:19-23)
  In the parable of the Samaritan, Jesus was inviting the lawyer to wait for My promise of a plan for eternal life which was soon to come by My Spirit coming to earth to live inside of My children, bringing into them My supernatural abilities and powers to do My will and to minister My love to all people, not merely to people of one nationality, religious or political belief. (Luke 9:47) Shortly before teaching about My kingdom of heaven coming into the earth in His parable of the Samaritan, Jesus had told His followers that there were people standing before Him that particular day who would see and inherit My kingdom coming into the earth before they died.  He added to that prophesy "TRULY I TELL YOU," emphasizing that what He was saying was truth.  He was prophesying the day of the first Pentecost when Jesus sent My Holy Spirit, who had been His spiritual power and ability, into the earth to be received by My children who wanted all of My promises to be fulfilled in their lives. (Luke 24:44-49; Acts 1:4-11)
  It is still the same scenario.  My Holy Spirit comes into the lives of My children who seek My promise, baptizing them in My Spirit.  With their new nationality in My kingdom of heaven, they become inheritors of My kingdom of heaven in their lives which also gives to them a new language, My language of My kingdom of heaven, a language of effectual and efficient prayers.  All countries have their own languages, and My kingdom of heaven also has its own spiritual language, giving to My children words which My Holy Spirit speaks through their mouths which brings solutions to all earthly problems into their lives in the earth. 
   My myriad of angels, which are given to My children as servants, receive the solutions to problems from the words of the Holy Spirit spoken through the mouths of My children and I answer the prayers, solve problems and facilitate My miracles in the earth through My Holy Spirit and His servants, the angels.  (Hebrews 1:7; 13 and 14; Ezekiel 10) 
   That was My plan from the beginning, that I would live in My children, be their Father and they would speak My will into the earth in the words of the spiritual language of My kingdom of heaven.  It began on the day of the first Pentecost and continues even into your day.
   When I said that all things become new, I meant ALL THINGS, even the language of My heaven replaces your former religious prayers which were repetitive and nonproductive.
   The parable of the Samaritan has many truths, the most important being that My compassion for all people is the attitude of My children of My kingdom of heaven.
   My Holy Spirit produces compassion in My children who are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  When that happens, Jesus Christ has come into the earth again with His power and lives inside of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit. 
   Do not neglect such a great miracle of allowing My Holy Spirit to be Lord of your life, giving you compassion for all suffering people as was the attitude of the Samaritan.   (II Corinthians 3;17-18)
   Your Father of Great and Effective Plans

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