My Dear Precious Child,
You will find a valuable truth in the familiar parable of the sower/seed teaching about the state of mind of the hearers and how some hear but allow the devil to snatch away the words of salvation. The truths that they hear are about My desire for My children to know the secrets of My kingdom of God. Other people receive it but don't allow it to take root in them by their seeking My kingdom and My righeousness relating to the words. There are other people who hear but whose lives are filled with demonic thorns of worry, the lure of riches or other demonic passions and the demonic thorns choke out the words relating to salvation, and in that person the words produce nothing. But there are some people who hear the words, meditate upon them, seek revelation on them, and they yield a harvest of 30%, 60% and some 100% of My benefits and rewards while they live in the earth.
After explaining the meaning of the parable to His disciples, Jesus Christ told the disciples that the secrets of My kingdom of God are given to them but to the people outside of their flock everything comes in parables and the devil sees that they hear but don't understand, they see again and again but do not perceive; otherwise they would be converted and be forgiven. (Mark 4:13-20) The devil doesn't want you to understand or you will know how to defeat him in your life on earth.
Relating to the secrets or keys of My kingdom of God that He had just explained to the disciples, Jesus Christ related that truth to them by explaining that they wouldn't bring a lamp and put it under a tub or under a bed. He asked what would be the benefit of bringing the lamp with you? He told them that if they brought a lamp that they would put it on a tall lamp stand to be seen by everyone so that the people would be enlightened. Then He made a startling statement, telling the disciples that there is nothing that was hidden from human understanding that will not be disclosed, and nothing is kept secret except that it will be brought to light. He was telling My children that with the coming of My Holy Spirit to live inside of them that He would reveal all truths to them on how to enjoy an abundant life while in the earth and how to produce the fruits of love and peace in their lives on earth. As was the custom of Jesus Christ, He ended the discussion by telling His disciples that anyone who has ears to hear, let him listen to what He was saying. (Mark 4:21-22) In other words Jesus was saying that all of My wisdom and knowledge in My mind is available for My children in the earth to access and understand in an effort for them to overcome every evil in the world and reign in life as a spiritually perfect person with My righteousness as their character.
The apostle Paul knew the truths of those parables because of his having spent three years listening only to My Holy Spirit, not conferring with any man. (Galatians 1:15-20) He wrote the same truth about revelations being available to My children to his converts in the churches when He quoted a scripture in the old covenant that said that no eye had seen, no ear had heard, and neither had it entered into the heart of people what I have prepared for them. But then Paul in that writing refuted that scripture by saying that, yet, I have revealed all truth to My children by the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 3:2-5; I Corinthians 2:7-16)
In the parable of the sower and the seed and in the related parable of the lamp, Jesus Christ was foretelling His disciples that all of My secrets of My kingdom of heaven had been hidden in the past by the veil of the devil over their minds, but the day was coming when My kingdom would come to live in My children when they would have the Spirit of Truth inside of them who would lead them into all truth in order for My children to have heaven on earth with all of the solutions to problems in their lives available to them when they are baptized in My Holy Spirit. Because of those truths, My children are able to receive 30, 60 or 100 % of My heavenly blessings in their lives on earth. I desire that every one of My children attain 100% of My gifts, benefits and rewards while in the earth.
When Jesus was teaching about the lamp He was telling His disciples that He was revealing to them secrets that had never been known by people and that the Holy Spirit would teach them deeper truths so that the people who had some truth would have more truth after they were baptized in the Holy Spirit. Every nugget of truth brings peace that passes understanding and joy unspeakable. He also said that those people who have no truth, that even the little that they do have will be taken away by the devil.
In the parable of the lamp being placed on a tall lamp stand, Jesus Christ was referring to His mission of revealing My truth to His disciples, truths that had been hidden from the foundation of the world. My insights, wisdom and understanding are available to My children every moment of every day. Most of the time it is religious laws and political traditions that are the veil that keep My children from knowing the truth. That is why I taught you through Jesus Christ not to listen to the words of the Pharisees, Sadducees and the scribes. Their teachings in their words thickens the veil in your human mind. but My Holy Spirit removes the veil and He feeds My truths into your mind from the inside of you, which produces My righteousness in you. I said that you will know the truth and the truth will make you free. You can enjoy complete freedom when you seek to hear My loving words to you that are spoken constantly by My Holy Spirit from His mind inside of you and into your human mind. It is called revelation knowledge and it is available every moment of the day.
My words are truth that make you free from the works of the devil in the earth.
Your Father of Truthful Words that Lead to Victory
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