Wednesday, September 4, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   Attitudes derive from emotions, and they carry the power or energy of emotions with them. When a person has a bad attitude, the position of his or her body is often affected in an adverse way because of the extreme emotion that is surging through his or her body.  When a person has a good attitude, the position of his or her body is often affected in a relaxed, peaceful way because of the emotion of well-being that is surging through his or her body.
    When a person has a bad attitude, very often his or her teeth are clinched and jaw muscles are flexed and tensed.  When a person has a good attitude, his or her jawbone is relaxed and loose, showing no tension. 
    The fact that a person's body is either adversely affected or on the other hand positively affected by the emotions produced by attitudes should be a clue to you about what happens inside of his or her body also. The outward signs are indicative of what is going on inside of the person's body.  If attitudes of fear or anger linger, the person's heart rate is negatively affected, excess adrenaline pours through his or her veins, the person's vision is blurred because of the blood surging through the ocular nerves, fight or flight hormones surge through the person's blood vessels and other abnormal bodily functions take place, all to the detriment of the person's body.  Negative emotions affect not only the outward person but also negatively affect the inward bodily functions of a person. 
    The energy that is caused by bad attitudes come from emotions.  Emotions come from your interpretation of the current events happening to you or around you.  Happy emotions come from happy thoughts which produce happy attitudes which produce happy words spoken by you and lead to good actions.  
    You are constantly emoting either bad or good energy.  There is no in between.  The minute you stop emoting good energy, you are on the side of bad energy and begin to emote evil energy.  There are no emotions which do not emit either bad or good energy because emotions come from your mental state at the time.  When you have good thoughts from a feeling of pleasure, if you meditate upon them you form good attitudes and you emote good energy in the form of words and actions, summoning My kingdom of heaven to flood into your life with My blessings.  When you have bad thoughts from a feeling of displeasure, you begin to emote bad energy.  If you think on those bad thoughts long enough you form bad attitudes and you summon the devil's kingdom of hell to flood into your life with his curses. (Luke 6:43-45)
   When political news floods the earth with an emphasis upon oppressing any class of people, whether prejudicial, racial or political, if any of My children agree with the oppression and promote it with gusto in their thoughts, then the negative energy in the atmosphere is multiplied many, many times over, all emanating from the energy produced by prejudicial, racial or political demons present in the lives of My own children.  Unfortunately, that energy invites satan's demons to flood the earth with their devastation in the form of floods, wildfires, hurricanes, tsunamies, tornadoes, famines and other devastation because My children have agree with the devil's plans to destroy humanity and the earth instead of their agreeing with Me in wanting to save humanity and the earth.  The negative attitudes of My own children have fueled the devil's plans to destroy and bring death to humanity and the world instead of to save and bring life to humanity and the world. (Matthew 12:33-34)
    Under My old covenant with the nation of Israel I even made a way for prophets to urge priests and rulers of nations to repent of their sins and return to Me so that the devil's plans to destroy them and the earth would be thwarted.  Yet, sometimes My children still agree with the devil and give him permission to devastate the earth with what is called natural disasters which are not natural at all because they are demonic in origin, often all fueled by the emotional attitudes of My own children. (Daniel 4:24-37)
    Because of the sin of pride of King Nebuchadnezzar 1 in proclaiming that he built a mighty kingdom by his own mighty power and for the honor of himself, while he was proclaiming his own honor and while the words were still in his mouth My words came from heaven that said that his kingdom had already departed from him.  As a result he was eventually sent to live with the beasts of the field and eat grass with them.  His hair grew like eagle feathers and his nails like claws.  At the end of seven years his understanding returned to him and he blessed Me, proclaiming My dominion forever instead of his own.  Consequences to binding yourself to the demon of pride in political leaders or religious leaders as well as other emotional bad attitudes bring curses into your life.  (Luke 6:46-49)
    Nadab, the son of Jeroboam who had sinned against Me, reigned over Israel two years and did evil in My sight and caused all of Israel to sin.  As a result Asa, king of Judah, killed all of the people of Jeroboam in a war, not leaving any people breathing.  (I Kings15: 25-34) Nadab and Jeroboam had attracted the devil's kingdom of hell into their nation and devastation resulted.  Unfortunately, Asa also did evil in My sight and made Israel to sin. Pay attention to the tendency of kings and rulers to make an entire nation sin and receive the consequences of joining with the devil which allows the devil to flood the earth with devastation.  That is the reason Jesus Christ warned you not to bind yourself in loyalty to politicians like the Pharisees, Saduccees and scribes or you will inherit their curses. 
    Your emotions can either bless you or curse you.  Negative ones that emanate from you in bad attitudes will curse your life eventually.  That may not happen immediately but, as in King Neb's case, it will happen.  The effect of good emotions will begin immediately, blessing you with My kingdom benefits.  (Deuteronomy 30:19)
     You have the power of My Holy Spirit inside of you to guide you away from vindictive thoughts which want to punish someone for evil acts done to you.  My Spirit will infuse into your mind the fact that you have been forgiven of many transgressions and so you have the power of My Spirit to forgive everyone of many transgressions against you 490 times a day if needed.  (Matthew 18:21-22) 
     Remember that I completely obliterated your sins in my mind, so you need to obliterate the sins of everyone who does wrong to you.  When you do and your attitudes change from evil to good and you begin to sow My goodness and kindness into the world, the results are that My blessings flood into your life, as preached by Jesus Christ in His first lecture on attitudes. (Matthew 5:1-12)
    Please learn the truth about the two kingdoms who influence the earth, My kingdom of love and the devil's kingdom of death.  My Holy Spirit teaches you that truth.  (John 16:7-11)  The devil uses My own children and the negative emotional attitudes that he infuses into them to bring his devastation into the earth.  I use My Holy Spirit and His power in My children who truly make Me Lord to bring life to humanity and the earth.
    Your Father of Life

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