Wednesday, May 27, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    The demon of domination is the DNA programing into the minds of men while they are in the embryo stage in the womb of their mothers, per the devil's curses on mankind in the Garden of Eden.  It manifests itself in different degrees in later years in all men, depending upon on how much power the demon had been given by their families in generations past.  For instance, a good example would be the past generations in the family of Adolph Hitler before the demagogue came into political power.  At the guidance of the devil, his forefathers of the past generations had empowered the gene of domination to increase in extreme degrees in their lives in order to enable the man Hitler in future generations to have the personal inclination toward dominating even into death all people of Jewish heritage, men, women and children. There were many other contributions to his extreme hatred for people of Jewish heritage, some being his religious training, his experiences with Jewish people, his parents' verbal abuse of minorities and his educational and religious tenets which taught blame, anger, hatred, the superiority of their race and the inferiority of other races. 
   The belief in the religious and political supremacy of the white race goes all the way back to Adam when he listened to the devil and unknowingly allowed the devil to program him with the idea that he was superior to Eve and that he should rule over her.(Genesis 3:16)  Eventually that demon of domination grew in the heritage of Hitler's ancestors until their descendant Hitler acted upon the devil's temptation to attempt to kill an entire generation of Jewish people.  He almost accomplished the devil's will in the earth of killing all humans who were made in My image. 
    There were many, many people of German heritage who had been raised with the same family beliefs, maybe not to the same extreme as in Hitler's family, but there was enough deception already present in their minds that they were manipulated by the devil speaking through Hitler's mouth to accept his fanaticism as truth and participate in the killing of masses of human beings, all unknowingly in participation with the devil's will.  Hitler's theory of the superiority of the white race over other races, which is called the pride of nationalism, swept the country with religious and political fervor.  His theory of ridding humanity of all people of Jewish heritage in order to preserve the superiority of the white race appealed to his followers who also had the programming in their minds to seek superiority over others.  It was a perfect picture of the successful temptation by the devil of an entire generation of German people who wanted to be superior or greater than any other nation and so they were manipulated by the devil through Adolf Hitler to extinguish anyone whom they considered inferior to themselves.
    Do you understand now how the devil's evil plan to destroy everything in the earth that I created as good has been so easily possible in many instances, just by the manipulation of men who had in their male DNA the inclination toward domination and superiority in differing degrees?  The first example of it was in Cain and Abel, the first sons of Adam and Eve.  Cain became angry that his offering of animals to his parents was not as acceptable to them as Abel's crops, so the devil's temptation in Cain's mind was to get rid of his brother and then he would be rid of his competitor and he would be the only remaining son, the favored, superior one.  It's now called sibling rivalry. That was the introduction of the superior/ inferior, domination/submission demons having their will done in the earth through My human children whom I had originally created to be all good. 
    The devil cannot do anything in the earth except through manipulation of humans to do his will in the earth.  I also cannot do anything in the earth except through leading and guiding My children to do My will in the earth which is to overcome evil with good.  The same scenario between Cain and Abel/ Hitler and the Jews is being replayed in your lifetime over and over again every day, the devil manipulating people who are created in My image and called by My name being driven to gain superiority over other people who are also created in My image.  The devil was enormously successful in his endeavors through Cain and Hitler, all in the name of religious, political and national superiority and domination, so why should he change his tactics?
   I spoke to Cain before he succumbed to the devil's temptation to eliminate his competitor in the family, Abel.  I told Cain that sin, that being the devil, was lurking at the door to his mind and that he must master the demon instead of being mastered by it.  (Genesis 4:6-7) The demon of domination has characteristics of jealousy, deception, manipulation, the desire to control, a feeling of being a failure and the desire to be superior to others.  That demon is found in your earth to be prevalent in religious and political institutions, yet My children have such a desire to be superior to other people, religions, races, nationalities, governments and political parties that many have bound themselves to the devil and are doing his will in the earth.  Where you see people made in My image in cages with little children separated from their parents, starving and belittled by your nation, then you see the demon of domination/superiority in control of your nation and your own mind if you approve of the sin of exclusion and refusing to aid the least of My children in their freedom from oppression.
   My own children who are called by My name must wake up and examine their thoughts, attitudes, speech and actions toward the least fortunate of people. Read the parable of the sheep and the goats as spoken about My kingdom of God  through the mouth of Jesus Christ, your Savior.  He said that My kingdom of heaven is yours to enter into if you feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, cloth the naked, house the homeless and meet the needs of the sick and the imprisoned.  Those people have always been and will always be the people who are thought to be inferior by the religious and political hypocrites who rule nations and seek superiority over people, per the devil's temptations.  I said what you do to the sick, the hungry, the homeless, the naked, the thirsty and the imprisoned people -- the people who are thought to be inferior by superiority-seeking religious and political leaders -- you do the same to Me. (Matthew 25:34-46) 
    The devil has not changed his tactics.  You must change your reaction to them by refusing to participate in the superior/domineering actions of the devil toward people who have overly submissive/inferior curses in their lives.  You were called to be a servant to them, serving them from your bounty.  It is only through you and My children of promise who are led by My Holy Spirit that I meet the needs of the people who are cursed with demonic lack in areas of their lives. 
    Don't yield to the same demons who tempted Cain to be jealous and kill his brother.  Don't yield to the same demons who tempted Adolph Hitler to kill almost an entire generation of people because the same demons who tempted Cain also tempted Hitler to exercise superiority over people by annihilating an entire generation of Jewish people.
    Your enemy, the devil, is always lurking at the door of your mind to tempt you to criticize, belittle, call derogatory names, spread racial jokes, mimic, participate in strife and become bitter against anyone, labeling certain people as inferior in your mind.  The devil tempts you in order to prevent you from having the heaven on earth that I desire for you.  Jesus Christ gave specific instructions on what to do when you are tempted to participate with evil.  It is always to overcome evil with good. (Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7.) 
   People are never your enemies.  The devil and his demons are your enemies and many are still deceiving you in your mind.  (Ephesians 6:10-18)  
    Love is always the key to your entering into My kingdom of God while you live in the earth. 
Your Tutoring Father

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