Thursday, March 4, 2021


My Dear Precious Child,
    In talking to His disciples Jesus Christ gave them an assurance of the blessings that would flood into their lives if they made the right choice of leaving behind their earthly fathers and mothers, sons and daughters and becoming completely devoted to Me and My kingdom of God which was being slowly revealed to the disciples through the teachings of Jesus.(Matthew 10:37)  It was a necessary choice, because their earthly families would want to bring them back under the law of Moses which brings death.  Either that, or their families would want to demand more time from the disciples than they could give, which would cause strife and cause them to abort their unity with me.
   Soon after, at one point in His ministry the earthly family of Jesus came to Him while He was ministering and demanded His time, wanting Him to talk to them.  They might have wanted Jesus to settle a family dispute or require His attendance at a family meeting.  Jesus responded that His sisters, brothers and mother are the people who do My will, demonstrating that He was concerned only at that time about His spiritual family, not the earthly family that is only bound together by earthly genes.  His true family is bound together by the spiritual genetic powers of My Holy Spirit which bring life. (Matthew 12:46-50) 
    Then Jesus went further in His teaching about the disciples having total devotion to Him and to Me.  He told them that anyone who does not take up his own cross, meaning to die to earthly things like they were being called to do by taking devotion away from earthly priorities and instead make My kingdom of God their only priority, He said by following Him they made the only good choice by their being conformed to the ministry of Jesus Christ, but the person who chooses the earthly affairs is not worthy of being My child.  He reiterated the truth by telling His disciples that whoever clings to his lower life of worldly importance will lose the higher life of being completely filled with Me and My character and inheriting My blessings while they live in the world.  He assured them that anyone who leaves behind his or her lower life of worldly importance will find a life of great blessings and rewards in My heavenly kingdom. (Matthew 10:38-39) 
    Jesus assured His disciples that anyone who accepts them and their teachings also accepts Him and that anyone who accepts Him also accepts Me, His Father who sent Him into the world. (verse 40) In that same vein of thought, Jesus told His disciples that anyone who accepts a prophet, knowing that the person is a prophet, that person receive a prophet's reward because of the person's association with My emissary of Light.  He included that anyone who receives a righteous person into his own life because the person is righteous, that person will receive a righteous person's reward for being in the presence of righteousness, absorbing the person's virtue as being a contrast to worldly character.  Jesus went even further when He said that anyone who gives a drink of water to one of His disciples, He declared to them that SURELY that person shall not lose his reward.  I said in that lesson that Jesus DECLARED that truth, which means that it deserves your extra attention. (Matthew 10:41-42)
    All of the teachings from Jesus in this particular setting related to the importance of your having complete loyalty to Me and My kingdom of God instead of sharing partial devotion to Me to also having partial devotion to an earthly nations and other earthly concerns which the devil will use to suck you back into his family by using the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches, the lust for power plus the problems and concerns of an earthly family which the devil uses as an opportunity to jerk you back into his family in the earth where hell is a daily part of your life.  (John 8:44; II Corinthians 4:4; Matthew 13:22-23)
     You can't be a partial child of Mine and a partial child of an earthly kingdom, no matter what it is. It's impossible. Jesus said that you will either love one and hate the other or you will hate the first one and love only the second one.  It's not possible to have complete devotion for two nations, My kingdom of God and an earthly nation.  Jesus used the Jewish religious and political leaders as an example.  They were so emboldened in the earthly riches that came from being the political elite in their nation that they could not and would not give up their devotion to the earthly kingdom and instead embrace My heavenly kingdom that is forever and is flooded with My glorious blessings.  (Matthew 6:24)  They made the wrong choice while the prostitutes, the tax collectors, the sick, the diseased, the crippled and the infirmed made the right choice. The political and religious leaders suffered the consequences of their making the wrong choice when My kingdom of God came into the earth.  The people who followed the instructions of Jesus Christ after the was resurrected and waited for the promise of My Holy Spirit, they were so filled with joy that people thought they were drunk with wine while they were overcome with the enormity of My blessings when My kingdom of God flooded their entire lives.  Jesus had promised them that if they left houses, lands and families that eventually they would receive 100% of My blessings in the earth and in the world to come eternal life. (Mark 10:29-31)His promise came true.
     My blessings come from your making the right choices.  Curses come from making the wrong choices.  I said I told you about the choice between blessings and curses, good and evil, and I advised you to choose My good and My blessings and you will live a life containing an abundance of blessings.  (Deuteronomy 11:26-28)
    Your Father of Awesome Blessings         

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