Sunday, December 5, 2021


My Dear Precious Child, In Jewish tradition there were songs of travail that were sung while the people were traveling to the feasts in Jerusalem. The people sang that I heard their lamentations. Often I cannot hear them because of the sins that build barriers between us. (Isaiah 59:1-4) In the song found in Psalm 120, the author of the song had written asking that I would deliver him from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue.(verse 2) Those lies don't just come currently from the lips of human beings but they can come from the lips of demons who speak into your mind that you are a woeful person because of My having abandoned you and refused to answer your prayers, or they lie and tell you that everybody has happy families and you have rebellious children who are making your life miserable, or they lie and tell you that you won't have enough funds to pay your bills, or those lying demonic lips keep bringing up your past and reminding you of abuse or neglect or domination or your being unloved which are all about the old you, the person who died when you were born again and baptized in My Holy Spirit. You are a new person created by the Holy Spirit. The devil's lying words in your thoughts are arrows from demonic warriors who, with glowing coals from fires that were created in your past with words spoken into your hearing which take up residence in your mind. Then they resurface later and multiply as the demons continue repeating over and over again the damaging words in your thoughts of parents, siblings, friends, bullies or strangers until you begin to believe those cruel thoughts as being your own thoughts while all the time they are from lying lips from demons who whisper them in your ear in an effort to defeat you by lighting cruel fires in your mind. In the disciple/apostle James' letter to the churches he said that the tongue is a fire that sets ablaze an entire forest. He was right, the tongues of people speak words that enter into your thoughts and then they later multiply until your entire body is depressed with a feeling of uselessness, or being unloved and devalued. (James 3:6) It all started from the lying lips of demons who have access to your unprotected thoughts. The song in Psalms 120 says that your life has too long dwelled with him, the devil who hates for you to have peace. You realize that you love peace but then when you speak you speak warring words because of your toxic thoughts and the spoken words of the devil who always fosters a war in your mind. (Psalm 120:6-7). The longer you believe the evil words placed in your mind by the lying lips of the devil, which are contrary to My loving words that I speak to you, the more entrenched you become in the mire of the "woe is me" pit until your conscious mind is awakened and you realize that you have temporarily made a pact with the devil when he revived cruel words from the past in your mind and you again entertained his damaging words which are lies relating to the new person which was initiated in you by My Holy Spirit. The real truth is that you are a child of mine who has the mind of Christ, its having been revealed to you in your times of unity with Me when we commune one-on-one and the blood of Jesus Christ rejects every thought that exalts itself against My love and validation of you. (II Corinthians 10:5) I sent My Holy Spirit to live inside of you, so you are a loved, respected, valued, child of Mine whom I validate every time you commune with Me. I gave you My Holy Spirit. That's how much I love you. You need to proclaim to all lying thoughts that you are My child and that My Son Jesus Christ died on the cross so that those lies are null and void, that they have no power over you, and then you must proclaim real truth, the truth that your past is cleansed by the blood of Christ and all lies from hell are powerless over you because you are My most loved child. The demons behind the damaging thoughts hate for you to proclaim and confess how much you are loved by Me, the Lord of heaven and your earth. It's wartime against the lying lips and treacherous tongues of the demons from hell who minister their "poor me" and "woe is Me" thoughts in your mind in an effort to continue to distribute their curses into your life on earth. You must become immune to their poisonous thoughts by speaking immediately for them to go into the fiery pit in the abyss which I created for them before I created the world. You have My authoritative power of the Holy Spirit to send them to their final judgment from Me. (Matthew 13:36-42) Your Father of Mighty Power

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