Saturday, February 19, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, The apostle Paul was taken before the religious council in order for them to declare whether he had preached against the Jewish religion and the temple since he had become enlightened by the Holy Spirit and Jesus on the road to Damascus. Of course he had on occasion, but his defense was that he had always been an observer of religious Law, obeying it to his utmost best. However he was a Roman citizen. During his inquisition before the religious council of the Sanhedrin, who were the religious elders of the temple, he told them that he had lived before Me, doing his duty with a perfectly good CONSCIENCE all the time and even up to that day as a citizen, a true and loyal Jew. Ananias, the head of the council, didn't like Paul's answer and he ordered the people close to Paul to strike Paul on the mouth. Paul said to Ananias that I, as God, was going to strike him, and Paul called Ananias a whitewashed wall. Then Paul said that Ananias had judged Paul in accordance with the religious Law, and yet Ananias had ordered Paul stricken which he knew was in defiance to the Law. In that reply of Paul to Ananias, is the truth behind having your conscience condemn you. Paul insinuated that when the human mind is filled with unenlightened religious Law, those tenets of the Law will not only condemn you but will also cause you to condemn other people who do not observe the Law. So Paul told the council and Ananias that his conscience had been right toward Me all the time because his CONSCIENCE had not convicted him. (Acts 23:1) Paul had laid aside all of his loyalty to the Jewish Law which would have condemned him if he had remained bound to it. Instead, Paul learned to allow My Holy Spirit to be his Guide and his Lord.(I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18) Later when Ananias came to the region where Felix was the judge, Paul had been arrested and he brought Paul's case up to that judicial authority, surmising that Felix had more authority over Paul than he did. Felix called upon Paul to defend himself and Paul spoke with respect to Felix, telling him how loyal that he had always been to religious Law and that he always had a CONSCIENCE void of offense toward Me and toward other people. (Acts 24:14-16) Paul also professed his belief that there was to come a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous. Felix judged Paul by putting off his trial and ruling that Paul was to be under the authority of a centurion, having some liberties, and he told the centurion to allow Paul to continue in his ministering to the needs of the people and serving Felix. Later in Paul's writings while he was under arrest he explained fully in his letter to the Roman believers about the commandment of Jesus Christ that they were not to judge or condemn another person or they would be themselves judged by the same standard. (Matthew 7:1-5) In Paul's letter to the Roman believers he amplified that commandment of Jesus Christ. He wrote that in passing judgment on other people that they condemn themselves because they have done the same things that they are condemning other people for doing. (Romans 2:1-3) In explaining the difference between the Jews and the Gentiles, he wrote that even though the Gentiles did not have a moral compass like the religious Law was to the Jews, he explained that they often do what the Law requires because the inclination to do good is written on their hearts. In that instance, Paul wrote that they are a Law unto themselves since they don't have any written religious Law, but there are laws which are written on their hearts and in their minds. Their CONSCIENCE tells them the difference between right and wrong so their thoughts will either be approving or condemning, which means that their actions will either be accusatory or forgiven. (Romans 2:14-15) The Holy Spirit is the One who writes My laws on their heart. He explained about the CONSCIENCE of the Jews by reminding them that if they are a Jew and depend upon the religious Law to save them by their knowing and understanding the Law, their being a guide to the spiritually blind people, their correcting the foolish people, and their being a teacher of childish men, he asked the Jews if they have taught themselves also not to steal, not to commit adultery, not to worship idols and not to rob temples for things of their own use. He said they brag about their religious Law yet they break the Law. (Romans 2:17-23) The difference between the Gentile believers and the Jews is that the Jewish Law is used by the devil to condemn people, condemning themselves as well as others. Since the Gentiles do not have written laws, only having My words written on their minds and hearts, their consciences can more effectively excuse and defend them because My words are written on their hearts and they know they are forgiven. There is no condemnation, only rehabilitation. It was for that very reason that the false prophets were determined to bring the Gentile believers under their Jewish religious Law, because then the people would have religious laws in their minds, and the devil would have written Laws with which to tempt the people and then to judge the people instead of the Gentiles continuing in the new covenant of the Holy Spirit and becoming forgiving and rehabilitated instead of their judging other people and themselves according to Jewish Law which brings them under condemnation from hell. When the devil can tempt you and condemn you using Jewish Law, then your own CONSCIENCE will often judge you guilty and condemned if you are under Jewish Law instead of your being under the Law of Liberty in Christ Jesus in which you are forgiven and deemed a child of Mine by the Holy Spirit living inside of you. Like Paul wrote to the Romans, the religious Law of the Jews was given to be the rules and regulations for the flesh of Jewish people and their civic nation, but My children of promise of the new covenant are the ones who have My Seed of the Holy Spirit living inside of them to be their guide and their salvation. (Romans 9:8) It is the power of My Holy Spirit which enables My children of promise to heed My words and follow My guidance. "There is no condemnation for My children of promise who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk after the dictates of the flesh but who follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 8:1) Your Father of A Better Covenant of the Holy Spirit

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