Saturday, April 30, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
My word says that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1) The answers to all of your prayers are often in the formulas of things for which you are praying. Just like at the beginning of the earth, when I created it, I spoke the formulas for the combination of gases that were in existence in the universe and My angels scurried to combine those gases and your world was created out of things not seen in the earth because they were originally single gases, but in combination they became substances in the earth. Thus was the creation of the world.
When My children appeal to Me in prayers and when they are praying in the words of My Holy Spirit, very often they are allowing My Holy Spirit to create new and wonderful things from gases that become substance in answers to your prayers. I reveal them to the minds of people in dreams, visions or prophesies as final images so that they are images in your own mind just like they were and are images in My own mind before they become substance and evidence in the earth. I am the Creator, the One who imagines the end product before I speak the formulas for them to My angels who go and produce the final product out of something that is already in the world or I cause My angels to produce the desired product out of gases that are still in existence in the universe.
The reason that words in the earth must be spoken in My desired formulas in order for Me to answer the prayers of My children is because when I originally created the first man I subjected everything in the earth to him. So that appointment by Me for humans is still in effect. My children are still My authority in the earth, having had the earth subjected to them from the beginning of creation by Me. They had it stolen from them by the devil and then restored to them by Christ Jesus after He went to hell, wrestled from the devil that authority to earth and the heavens, then He rose from the dead, proclaimed that the authority had been given to Him, and He told His disciples to go and make disciples of all people in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, which meant that My children would regain authority to the earth. (Genesis 1:26-31; Matthew 28:16-20) When My children are baptized in the name of Christ Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit they have authority over the earth again.
My delight as a Father of born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in the Holy Spirit children is when they begin to pray in My intercessory prayer language of the Holy Spirit, as I commanded through the apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians and in his letter to the Romans. (Ephesians 6:10-19; Romans 8:22-27) It is then that I can speak forth formulas for things that need to be created, situations that need to be rearranged, people who need to be directed to different places, formulas for healing of diseases spoken in the ears of scientists, and other things that need to be created, resituated, redirected or whatever is necessary to be done by My angels in order for the prayers of My children to be answered. There are other things being created, like medicines that heal diseases, that if you were to see them being created with human eyes you would not believe them. That is why I do not incorporate the human brain of people in order for Me to do for My children what are being requested of Me. I bypass the human brains of humans in order for the answers to their prayers to become reality in the earth by having My children pray in My Holy Spirit with no knowledge of what I am ordering out of their mouths. The reason that I bypass their human mind is because that is where the devil works full time in the earth, tempting them to do evil things in the earth that I originally created to be perfect for them. So My plan for the salvation of the earth only uses the words of My Holy Spirit which are spoken through the mouths of humans who have authority in the earth over everything. It is with that magnificent plan that I concocted in My mind that I am able to have My creative words to be spoken into the earth with formulas, plans, designs, adjustments, etc. in order to answer the prayers of My children.
I wrote though Paul that the whole earth is waiting for My children to realize the power that they have in praying in My Holy Spirit so that the completion of My salvation of the earth in the lives of My children is instituted. (Romans 8:18-27) My children who follow the commands of My Holy Spirit to pray at all times in all occasions in the Holy Spirit will experience the salvation of the earth in their lives by having all of their prayers answered and their desires fulfilled. I spoke through Paul and said that when My children have a revelation of My love for them and a revelation of the power of My Holy Spirit that is working in their lives, it is then that I can do exceedingly, abundantly over and above and infinitely more than they dare think, pray, request, hope or dream. (Ephesians 3:20 Amplified version) That is when salvation comes into the earth in the lives of My children who have sought My kingdom of God and My righteousness so that everything that I have as their inheritance comes into their lives on earth. (Matthew 6:33)
I told you in the past that the more you know about the spiritual world that surrounds you, the more faith you will have. Consider yourself informed about My ability to create things visible out of things celestial in answer to your prayers. (I Corinthians 15:40-58)
Your Father of Infinite Possibilities and Probabilities
Friday, April 29, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
Not only does the devil send diseases, conflict, strife, divorce, adultery, war, jealousy, perversion, drunkenness, revelry and other demons to afflict the lives of My children, but then he sends guilt and condemnation in order to completely devastate them and send them into the pits of despair and depression. My children who appeal to Me, trust in Me and follow My instructions can emerge from the depression and overcome everything that evil has done to them and their circumstances. Abandoning participating in evil ways that opened the door to the problems is important to the miracles of answered prayers that can flood into their lives when My children are motivated to remain on the side of good that comes from Me and they abandon following the devil and his evil ways.
In dealing with the children of Israel I named the ways in which they would be blessed if they followed My instructions that I gave to them, saying they would be blessed in the city, in the field, their children would be blessed, their animals would be blessed, their food supply would be blessed, they would be blessed coming into the world and blessed going out of the world, that I would beat down the enemies that come against them from one direction and their enemies would flee from them in seven directions if the children of Israel would follow My instructions and walk in My ways.
I also said that they would be blessed by other people seeing that they bore My name and stand in awe of them. I said that not only would I bless everything that concerned them, that I would increase their offspring, the offspring of their animals and the produce of their soil in the lands that I gave to them if they would follow My instructions and avoid participating with evil.
I also said that I would open up the rich treasure house of the heavens and give to them rain in due season so that they would lend to other people and not borrow from anyone. I said I would make them the head and not the tail in every area of life, and that they would always mount higher and never decline as long as they followed My instructions in order to avoid participating with evil by turning to the right or left side in order to follow other gods and serve them. All of those blessings would flood into the lives of the Israelites if they heeded My instructions and avoided the paths of evil. (Deuteronomy 28:1-14.
In that litany of blessings which I taught to the Israelites that are available to all of humanity, I also told them that if they turned aside from My instructions which I had given to them to help them avoid the devil's curses and destruction, and if they began to join with the devil in any way that they would be cursed in every area of their lives. (Deuteronomy 28:25-69) Because the children of Israel with whom I had a covenant were not privy to the truth that all good comes from Me and all evil comes from the devil, they thought that I am the originator of both good and evil, which is a lie programmed in their minds by the devil.
In the poem of Job, he became an example of having been cursed in every area of life. He was cursed because of becoming fearful that his children would abandon Me and begin to follow evil ways, which they did by drinking wine to excess. Job began to make sacrifices to Me just in case his children did evil deeds. (Job 1:4-5; and 18-22) The poem of Job is a poem about a fictional man, a poem through which I used to speak some truths, one being that after a person becomes overwhelmingly cursed by the devil there are always friends whom the devil sends to that person to tell him lies about the reason for his being cursed, which Job's friends did. Their suppositions about why he was so horribly cursed were all inaccurate but had been adopted by people as truth, even though their reasons were lies. In that poem, even though his friends offered Job those inaccurate reasons for his curses, Job never believed them but instead Job remained loyal to Me which allowed Me to reveal My true nature to him personally in open communion and dialog. Only when Job confessed that he had never really known Me, but that he had only known facts about Me which were inaccurate, and once I had revealed My true nature as being GOOD to him, not interlaced with evil, then Job began to realize that I am love and the Father of goodness. In the poem, when Job forgave his friends, his curses from the devil were restored to My blessings in his life. (Job 42:1-10)
The poem of Job is a picture of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit which was to come in the future on the day of the feast of Pentecost when Jesus Christ told His followers to go to Jerusalem and wait for "the promise of the Father." (Acts 1:1-8; Acts 2:1-13) In My new and last covenant with humanity, the revealed knowledge of My true character as being complete and total love is the ministry of the Holy Spirit, revealing to everyone who asks Me to become born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in the Holy Spirit. In answer to that request I can change their own nature from evil to good, as did Job's nature in the poem when he saw Me face to face and refused to go on the suppositions of his friends that were inaccurate as to why he was cursed in every area. Only My Holy Spirit can reveal My true nature to My children as being love. And only then can My children expect My gifts of love to flood into their lives on earth. In some areas the poem of Job became prophetic.
Only My blessings come from Me and My heaven. Curses only come from the devil.
Your Father of Glorious Blessings
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
My words are creative, powerful and transforming.
Your words are creative, powerful and transforming.
My loving words to you can transform your mood from depressed to joyful.
Your loving words can transform the mood of other people from depressed to joyful.
The words of condemnation and guilt from the devil in your mind can alter your mood from feeling valued to feeling hopeless and introverted.
Your negative words to other people can make them feel depressed and impoverished.
Because attitudes exude energy, that's why the enegy within positive words transforms the moods of people. The attitudes within angry words changes the energy in an entire room filled with happy people from being highly energized to being robbed of any beneficial attitude or hope.
Children are highly motivated both positively and negatively by the words and attitudes of their parents. You have noticed the children who are being displaced by war. They look confused and lost because the parents are confused and lost by losing their homes, their careers, their country and their identities. That is the motive behind the devil using domineering men to start wars. Their selfish actions not only cripple the children of that generation but the insecurities cripple the future generations also. What the selfish men do to the children, they also do to Me. No one should choose to sow those seeds. The devil can heap his curses on the chaos-crazy adults who yield to the devil's design for wars. The parents' attitudes can change the terror of the situation into either a tolerable event or a horrendous event, depending on their attitudes toward the displacements.
Because everything good in the earth was created by My Words, every negative thing in your life responds to My words which are spoken in intercessory prayers that are prayed by My Holy Spirit into the earth. That truth should be motivation for you to flood the earth with My Holy Spirit formed prayers that flow from your mouth. Each word is a golden nugget of goodness and kindness from Me, your Father of love.
Your Father of Love Words
My Dear Precious Child,
One of the most important truths to come from Jesus Christ's teachings and from the teachings of the Holy Spirit through the writings of the apostles is the power of your tongue. Jesus started it out when He taught that by your words you are declared righteous and by your words you are condemned. (Matthew 5:37) A valuable truth is encapsulated in that sentence. The truth in that sentence reveals that there are two kingdoms that are operable in the earth, My kingdom of good and the devil's kingdom of evil. Servants of My kingdom prompt you to speak only positive words so that your words authorize My kingdom of good to flood your life with My goodness. Servants of the devil's evil kingdom prompt you to speak negative, hurtful, hateful, angry words so that they are authorized to flood your life with the devil's curses.
If you remember, the first people, Adam and Eve, were blessed with all of My goodness, kindness and love until they listened to the devil and allowed him to flood the earth with demons who influence all of the evil that's in the world. The devil prompts every person to speak negative words so that his demons are summoned to do his will in the earth in the life of the speaker. I prompt everyone to speak only positive, loving words so that My angels are summoned to do My will in the earth in the life of the speaker. That is exactly what Jesus Christ was conveying to all of humanity in order to spur each of you to only speak uplifting words.
Words, themselves, have very little power. It's the attitudes behind words that cause them to either bless or curse the hearers. My Holy Spirit spoke through the apostle Paul about the attitudes behind words. He wrote that after My children are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Spirit that they must put the new attitudes on the outside person as well as is on the inside of the person because the spirit of the new person is created in righteousness and holiness. Therefore, righteousness and holiness must be the attitudes of My newly created person also on the outside to be displayed to the world. He went on to write that the newly created person must not sin when he or she becomes angry, never letting the sun go down on the anger that tempts the person to sin, refusing to give place to the devil. He also wrote that newly created people must not steal, but must work with his or her hands which is good, so that they will have goods to give to the poor. Then My Holy Spirit wrote more fully about words which contain negative attitudes. He wrote that you must not let any corrupt communication proceed from your mouth, but instead only speak words that are good for building up the people who hear you, ministering grace to those hearers. (Ephesians 4:23-29) My Spirit, through Paul, amplified what Jesus Christ was trying to convey to His disciples.
Paul's writing went even further in explaining attitudes behind words that grieve My Holy Spirit. He wrote that My children were sealed toward the Day of Redemption by My Holy Spirit, and so they and you need to let all bitterness, wrath, anger, loud protesting and evil speaking be put away from you, along with having attitudes of doing injury to another person. He went further to tell them the attitudes that they must have in order to cause My kingdom of God to flood their lives with good benefits, positive things working in their behalf. He wrote to always be kind to everyone, tenderhearted, forgiving one another just like I have, for Christ's sake, forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:30-32 and Ephesians 5:1-2) If you withhold forgiveness from someone, then you are authorizing the devil to block My forgiveness from coming to you.
The picture that My Holy Spirit painted from Paul's perspective was that when you walk in the earth spreading love to all people and speak uplifting words to everyone, that Christ is personified as an offering and sacrifice to Me for a sweet-smelling savor. The aroma that is released from heaven smells sweet even to the nostrils of humans as well as flooding the universe. (Ephesians 5:2) By that comparison, then you must assume that the attitudes behind negative, unkind, hateful, foolish, unclean words have a putrid aroma to the nostrils of other humans and in the universe.
Choose to disperse sweet-smelling savors instead of putrid smells into the earth and the universe. Whatever attitudes you disperse into the earth will flood back into your life on earth either cursing you or blessings you.
Speak only love words and you will be flooded with the sweet aroma of those words in the form of rewards and blessings.
Your Father of Uplifting Words
Monday, April 25, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
My instructions through Jesus Christ and the writings of My Holy Spirit though His disciples/ apostles are necessary for you to follow and for you to study as truth in order for your life in the earth to be blessed. When Paul wrote about the weapons of your warfare not being of flesh, meaning not being of human intelligence, but they must be mighty from Me for the PULLING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS, referring to demonic activity in your mind, He was mirroring a truth that he wrote in Ephesians relating to your battles not being with flesh and blood but instead they are with demonic spirits. (Ephesians 6:10-19) In those scriptures he established that your battles in your life in the earth are never with human beings, but they are with demons who the devil sends to capture you and entice you to do the devil's will. The problem is that he uses your siblings, your parents, your children, your friends, your bosses, or your neighbors to engage you in strife. He wrote in one particular letter to the Corinthians that it is My power that overcomes all of the wiles of the devil in your life, not any human power or abilities to win or bring peace to a situation. In other words, My Holy Spirit wrote through Paul that every war in the earth is between good and evil, that being between the devil's forces and My forces. (II Corinthians 10:3-4)
After My Holy Spirit used Paul's writings to establish that truth, He gave one of the most effective weapons with which to fight the devil. He wrote that you must cast down into the lake of fire in the abyss every imagination from the devil that exalts itself in your mind against the knowledge that I have given to you through either the words of Christ or of the Holy Spirit through the apostles. Then he wrote that another way to accomplish that feat is for you to bring every thought that is negative that crosses your mind to what I have taught to you, that you bring those thoughts from hell into being obedient to Christ. In other words, he wrote that every negative thought that the devil parades in your mind, you must capture it and speak to it what Christ Jesus said about it instead of meditating on the negative image until it becomes reality in your life in the form of a curse. (II Corinthians 10:5-6)
What I had told My children previously was the truth about the feast of Pentecost that had occurred in the lives of the church members. They had all prayed in My heavenly tongues, had experienced being baptized in My Holy Spirit, had been told to expect supernatural events in the form of dreams, visions and prophesies to become part of their daily lives. I said that I would give to them dreams and visions in an effort for them to have those images from Me in their mind instead of their having the imaginations of the devil remain in their mind and convince them that the devil's work was going to prevail instead of My work prevailing.
So Paul's words from My Holy Spirit told the believers in Corinth to stop battling with human beings and instead to battle in intercessory prayers with the devil and his demons who are behind every conflict that occurs in the earth. As a defense against the devil's images that he places in your mind, My instructions to you are that you cast down from your mind into the lake of fire in the abyss every thought that invades your mind that is contrary to what My truth says. According to the prophesy of Jesus Christ, every negative thought of defeat and failure needs to be cast out of your mind and into the lake of fire that I prepared for the demons who speak those evil thoughts in your mind. (Matthew 13:36-43)
Paul amplified that truth when he said to capture every thought that is not from Me and Jesus Christ when its ugly image first appears in your thoughts. They don't always look like or sound like they are evil and from hell. They look and sound like they are your own thoughts. Don't be deceived; all negative, unbelieving, doubting thoughts are from hell. The next step in your defeat of evil is for you to replace those evil thoughts with what I have spoken to you in dreams, visions or prophesies that are also present in your mind or soon will be. Quote them, image them and meditate upon them until they become reality in your life instead of the devil's images becoming reality.
You must be a watchman who is always ready to avenge against every evil thought that sneaks into your mind of defeat or lack of power or failure of My statues that I have taught to you. My Spirit wrote through Paul that you only have the power and authority to be effective against evil when your own obedience to My words are fulfilled. You cannot be in rebellion against Me and expect My power against evil to be effective in the battle in your mind between good and evil. (II Corinthians 10:6)
Make these truths foremost in your mind so that you will not allow the evil thoughts in your mind to remain for one minute. The longer you entertain negative thoughts, the more entrenched they become and their curses will begin to flood into your life. Capture them at their first appearance, cast them into the lake of fire, and keep your mind pure as the mind of Christ by replacing My images from the Holy Spirit in your thoughts.
Your Loving, Instructional Father
Sunday, April 24, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
When My Son Jesus told you to not only seek MY kingdom but to also seek My righteousness, He was giving you a key to your inheriting My kingdom of God in every area of your life while you live in the earth. (Matthew 6:33) Seeking My righteousness means that you pursue having your human mind become the mind of Christ with no hateful, prideful, judgmental, sexual, lying, jealous or other sinful thoughts because you have blocked those temptations of the devil from your mind. There is only one way in which to have the mind of Christ and that is to let My Holy Spirit train your mind to only accept thoughts and images from Me. Many of My children seek having all of the benefits of My kingdom of God without seeking My righteousness. It's impossible for you to inherit My benefits without your having the mind of Christ which rejects every evil thought from hell.
The prophet David prayed that the words of his mouth and the MEDITATIONS OF HIS HEART would always be acceptable in My sight. (Psalm 19:14) He knew that a person's mind that is filled with the devil's garbage cannot receive the words of My Holy Spirit because My words cannot live in a mind filled with garbage. My kingdom of God, which is My spiritual family, is filled with people who are eager to do My will but many of them do not know My will. My will is always found in the words of My Son Jesus Christ.
One of the most insidious demons from hell who captures the minds of My children is the demon of judgment. Jesus spoke at length about it, telling My children not to judge anyone because if they do, they will also be judged. It's the same spiritual theory as seed sowing, whatever you sow you will also reap. If from your human mind you entertain judgmental thoughts about a person, then you are sowing in the devil's kingdom evil seeds that will certainly cause someone to eventually judge you. In His teaching about judging other people Jesus said that you need to take out the demonic seed of judgment from your own mind before you endeavor to help someone take out the seed of another sin from their own life. (Matthew 7:1-5) Relating to judging, He said not to judge another person by throwing that person before the demonic swine of judgment because what will happen is that those demonic swine will turn your judgment onto your and you will be a person who also gets trampled and torn by the demons of judgment. You had authorized the flesh tearing dogs to judge both you and the person whom you judged. (Matthew 7:6)
The secret thoughts in your mind, such as thoughts of judgment of other people, are open to Me because I live in you. If you succumb to the devil's judgmental thoughts of someone, he also knows that you are entertaining judgmental thoughts because he gave them to you. The devil is waiting to tear you apart by the actions of his demons because you have bound yourself to the devil and his family of destroyers by yielding to his thoughts of judging someone. You have authorized your own destruction.
You must allow My Holy Spirit to be Lord of your thoughts. When the devil puts vengeful thoughts in your mind relating to someone who has hurt you, belittled you, been unkind or judgmental of you, persecuted you, harassed you, libeled you, stole from you, slandered you, or done any other evil action to you, then you must reject those vengeful thoughts and allow Me to seek vengeance against the demons who are behind the wickedness done to you. (Romans 12:19) My actions of vengeance will not be toward the person. My vengeance is toward the demon who tempted the person to do evil things to you. (John 8:15)
This truth is amplified when Paul wrote to the Ephesians. He wrote that your battles are never with flesh and blood but they are with the demonic kingdoms who are behind the evil. Therefore, your armor is spiritual, those being truth, integrity, peace, faith and salvation in your mind, and My words of the Holy Spirit prayed in intercessory prayers on every occasion. (Ephesians 6:10-19) When you have the mind of Christ you will look on the inner person in every conflict, not on the flesh of the person where anger is flourishing. I said that the weapons of your warfare are not of the earth, but they are mighty through Me to the pulling down of demonic strong holds. (II Corinthians 10:4; Jeremiah 1:9-10)
Your Father of Power Filled Words
Saturday, April 23, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
To your human eyes miracles are spectacular but to the eyes of the saints who have gone on before you into My heaven, they are merely normal occurrences. The miracles happen in My heaven before they appear in the earth. In fact, all of the elements in every miracle are found in My heaven. Then when I combine the elements and send them into the earth they become miracles in the earth, much like the prophesies of the old covenant prophets became flesh in the earth and lived in the earth as Jesus Christ, My Son, whom I sent to earth to be the Savoir of the earth.
When the apostle Paul discovered this truth he wrote that there are things celestial and things terrestrial, meaning things spiritual and things earthly. He wrote that each one has its own glory or heavenly makeup. He wrote that the sun, the moon and the stars all have their own spiritual combination of elements and they are all glorious. He wrote that even though the bodies of humans have their origin in the earth, they become spiritual bodies when the earthly bodies become dead and they are raised an incorrupt spirit. (I Corinthians 15:40-43) He explained that human bodies are made of the earth and so they are sown in dishonor and raised in honor, that they are sown in weakness but raised in power, that they are sown a natural body but raised a spiritual body. So natural bodies and spiritual bodies are composed of their own elements of glory. (verse 44)
All natural bodies become spiritual when I breathe My Spirit of Life into them, as in being born of My Holy Spirit. People in human bodies who are formerly naturally of the earth become living Spirits when My Holy Spirit comes to live inside of them. People who are born of My Holy Spirit were formerly earthly, but they become heavenly when My Holy Spirit comes to live inside of their human body, creating a new being in the earth, an earthly being with a child of My kingdom of God living inside of his or her body. They don't need to wait to enter into heaven to experience communion with Me. It is through My Holy Spirit in them that they commune with Me every moment of their day. It is My Spirit writing through Paul who said that born again believers must realize that their body is the temple of My Holy Spirit. (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18) He also wrote that in those human bodies the Lord of the earth is My Holy Spirit. Those people started out earthly but ended up spiritual or heavenly because of the presence of My Holy Spirit living inside of their human spirit where My Holy Spirit created a new spiritual individual out of a human body.
My intention from the foundation of the world when I imaged in My mind My last covenant with human beings where I came to live inside of them, I imaged that I would become their God, that they would dream spiritual dreams and imagine spiritual visions, even prophesying in the language of My Holy Spirit in intercessory prayers. (Joel 2:28-29) It is in their prophesying in the language of My Holy Spirit that I am able to speak forth the answers to their prayers and the solutions to their problems. Thus, My words spoken in the language of My Holy Spirit become flesh in the earth, just like Jesus Christ became flesh because of the prophesies of the old covenant prophets (entire chapter of John 1)
My plan works perfectly when My children are in unity with Me and are guided by Me through My Holy Spirit. If they listen to the devil in their mind and become motivated by him, they continue to be cursed in their lives on earth instead of their being magnificently blessed by My Holy Spirit when they are in unity with Me and are motivated by Me. It's always a choice.
Your Father of Glorious Blessings
Friday, April 22, 2022
My Dear Precious Child
My children who are filled with My Holy Spirit must fight the good fight of faith, battling against the devil in every situation. Your enemy, the devil, doesn't want you to inherit any of My blessings, so he endeavors to send humans to oppose you, injure you, insult you and persecute you for being My child in an effort to engage you in battling flesh and blood instead of battling the demons who are motivating the human beings. When he can engage you in battling against human beings, then he and his demons get off scot-free from being disciplined and judged by Me by your praying in the Holy Spirit against the offending demonic spirits. When you engage in battling the wrong enemy, meaning humans, then the devil and his demons win that battle and you lose it by continuing to battle humans who are mere pawns of the demons instead of your battling the demonic principalities and demonic powers in the spiritual dimension because they are evil spirits. (Ephesians 6:10-19)
There are millions and millions of times in the past that I had sent blessings into your life in response to your praying in intercessory tongues but just when they were about to break through into your life, the devil sent someone in your family to anger you and you began to battle that person emotionally instead of battling the devil. So you lost that battle and the demons won it because the demon of anger formed a barrier so that I could not complete the delivery of your blessings. You had battled someone made in My image, just like you are made in My image, and the demons escaped My judgment that comes from your praying intercessory prayers. (Matthew 13:36-43)
In that self-defeating situation, you did not have My truth buckled around your waist, the truth that flesh and blood are not your enemies. Plus, you did not have the gospel of peace on your feet because of the desire for vengeance. Instead, you yielded to the devil's plan in which he sent some human to spur the emotional response of anger which joined the person's anger, multiplying the demons in the situation. And so My angels and I had to leave the situation because you had authorized the devil's demonic angels to enter the situation instead of refusing evil and choosing to turn the other cheek, or to overcome evil with good as was programmed into you by your Brother Jesus Christ. (Matthew 5:43-46)
Some of My children religiously "put on God's armor" when the people oppose them. That has never worked to imagine yourself putting on My armor. When I wrote through the Holy Spirit in Paul to the Ephesian believers about your having already put on My armor, I meant that you would already have a revelation of truth relating to battling with the devil instead of battling people, that you were displaying My virtue of righteousness in your thoughts and actions, that My peace flows from you in every step that you take, and that you have My faith inside of you that intercepts and puts out all of the evil thoughts of vengeance with which the devil bombards your mind, plus that you already have the helmet of salvation in your mind which is the transformed mind of Christ, and for the sake of winning all battles that you use My sword of the Spirit, which are My own words which are stored in your mind.
When you activate My armor which is already inside of you in the person of My Holy Spirit, you exert My power to defeat the devil in every aspect of your life. He wants you cursed but I want you blessed. He works hard to defeat you. I give you the knowledge and the truth on how to defeat him and his demons. You actions are to pray in intercessory prayers of the Holy Spirit at all times which allows My Holy Spirit inside of you to speak My words which send the demons into the lake of fire in the abyss which I created for them before the foundation of the world. (Matthew 13:36-43) My fruit of the Spirit must be evident in the earth to humans or you will not win battles against evil.
My instructions to you through the mouth of Jesus Christ are truth and they are valuable truths to enable you to reign in life as My child, defeating all of the devil's wiles that he uses against you. I grieve when My children suffer at the wiles of the devil while in the earth, knowing that I have given to My Spirit-baptized children authority over every trick that the devil tries on them. Also I have given My children the authority to cast the offending demons into their final judgment just like Jesus said when He professed that all authority in earth and heaven had been given to him and that his disciples needed to be baptized in My Holy Spirit to enable them to have My same power over evil in their lives on earth, plus the authority to cast demons into the lake of fire. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Christ Jesus died so that all of this truth would become resident in your life. Meditate on it until it is becomes flesh in you so that you will reign in life as My child, which is My desire for you.
Your Father of Power and Love
Thursday, April 21, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
Because human beings are created in My image by Me, and because My words are creative, the words that people speak are also creative. (Genesis 1:26) I told the disciples through Jesus's mouth that with their words they were justified, meaning blessed, and with their words they were cursed, meaning condemned. (Matthew 12:37) In order to overcome that work of the devil of cursing My children because of their words, I instituted My new and last covenant of the Holy Spirit with humanity, in which I came to live inside of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit with the power and ability to speak My creative words into the atmosphere of the earth which would overcome all evil in the world. It is in those Words of My Holy Spirit in intercessory prayers that My kingdom comes on earth as it is in My heaven. (Mattew 6:10-11)
When a person confesses that Jesus Christ is his or her Lord, My Holy Spirit creates a newly born child with My life inside of the person. When the person asks to be baptized in My Holy Spirit, per the instruction of the risen Christ, with the ability to speak My words in My heavenly language, it is then that My creative words spew forth from their mouth, speaking My prophetic plans for bringing My kingdom of God more fully into the person's life on earth. (Acts 2:1-4) When that person begins to pray intercessory prayers in My Holy Spirit's heavenly language, they are speaking My formulas into the earth to My angelic hosts who listen for My words to be spoken. When they are spoken, My angels scurry around obeying the words of My Holy Spirit which orders them to do My will in the earth which has been prayed by My Children in the words of My Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:17-19)
You know that the arrival of Jesus Christ into the earth, the Savior of the world, was delayed for centuries because of the rebellion of the Israelites when they continued to make idols to worship instead of obeying My Fatherly advice and prophesying My words about the Christ eventually bringing My kingdom of God into the earth. Some of their prophets refused to prophesy for Me. Every facet of the life of Jesus needed to be spoken into the earth so that My words would become flesh, producing the person of Jesus Christ. Finally enough prophets succumbed to the urging of My Spirit and fully prophesied His ministry so that Jesus could be born into the earth to minister for Me and then to die for the sins of the world.
It was through Jesus Christ, Himself, that the fulfillment of My new covenant with humanity was prophesied. Through His parables He spoke prophetic truths relating to the mystery of My new and last covenant with humanity, saying that I would come to live inside of people, that they would view Me as their God, and that by the power of My Holy Spirit they would have dreams, visions and prophesy or speak for Me, which had been prophesied by old covenant prophets . (Jeremiah 30:31-34; Joel 2:28-30) Jesus Christ gave praise to My Holy Spirit through whom those miraculous supernatural events would take place. Jesus extolled in His teachings the abilities and supernatural talents which My Holy Spirit would exert in the lives of My children, giving them the power to communicate with Me and for me, inheriting My blessings in their lives in the earth. (John chapters 14 through 16)
The most wonderful result of My Spirit-baptised children having My language of the Holy Spirit in which to pray in intercessory prayers is that you are prophesying My will into the earth in answer to your needs. It is in your allowing those words of Mine through the words of My Holy Spirit to speak prophesy in your prayers that allows My Will in your behalf to become evident, or to become flesh in your life, just like Jesus became flesh in the earth because of the prophesies of the old covenant prophets. (John 1:14) Your prayers in the Holy Spirit allow Me to speak My prophesies for good things to become evident in your life in answer to your wants, needs and desires. Just like My prophesies through the mouths of the old covenant prophets brought Jesus Christ into the world to die for your sins, it is the prophesies through your mouth in the language of My Holy Spirit which allow My will for My blessings to flood into your life. Your praying in the language of My Holy Spirit allows My words concerning My will in your life to become flesh, flooding you with the rewards of being My child.
My words through your mouth in intercessory prayers eventually become flesh in the earth in the form of answered prayers and solutions to problems because I have designed them perfectly though the words of My Holy Spirit. It was My plan that was hidden in My mind from the foundation of the world, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. It is the promise for your having a glorious and blessed life in the earth. (Colossians 1:27)
Pray at all times and in all occasions in the Holy Spirit if you want My blessings to become flesh and reality in your life on earth.(Ephesians 6:12-18)
Your Father of Magnificent Hidden Plans
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
I told My children that it is by faith and patience that they obtain all of My promises. Sometimes the faith is easy to come by because I give you a gift of faith, but the patience is a problem. (Hebrews 6:12) Patience is a problem because of your five senses which affect your emotional response to what goes on in your life. You want an immediate answer to prayers because of the misery that you are experiencing emotionally. It is at those times that I give you My Fatherly encouragement which brings the fruit of patience from your spirit, where My Spirit lives in the earth, and My Spirit deposits the fruit of patience into your human mind. It is then that you experience the peace that passes understanding and you are able to yield to My patience that is inside of you. You can then refuse the impatience of the devil in your mind which brings worry, unbelief and fretting with it.
My words of encouragement today relating to this truth say, "Do not yield to unbelief, My Child, for the word seeds that you plant in the earth in the form of My Holy Spirit-led words of intercessory prayers SHALL -- I repeat -- they SHALL YIELD THE DESIRED HARVEST FOR YOU IN THE FORM OF ANSWERED PRAYERS AND SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS.
Every farmer knows that some seeds planted in the earth take longer to germinate in the ground before appearing to the eyes as the plants that yield a crop, but those plants yield the most glorious and desired crop of answered prayers if you continue to water them with the water of My words of continued intercessory prayers. I am the One who brings the harvest."
Before He went to the cross to die for the sins of the world and usher in My new covenant of the Holy Spirit, your Brother and My Son Jesus Christ said if you abide in Him and if His words abide in you, then whatever you ask for "shall" be done to you. (John 15:7) There are no ifs, ands or buts when I say that it "shall" be done for you. "Shall" means that it is guaranteed to happen. He also said that if two or three SHALL agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it SHALL be done for them of My Father which is in heaven.(Matthew 18:19) When I say "SHALL" it is My oath to you in relation to My promises.
Jesus Christ spoke of My promises to My children when He spoke about My kingdom of God, saying that a man scatters seed into the ground, such as My words of intercessory prayers. The man sleeps and rises day after day while the seed opens up in the ground and grows a plant, but the man does not know how what was formerly a seed has grown into a plant. He said that the ground itself has produced the plant. With the words of My children in intercessory prayers, your words of the Holy Spirit produce seeds which open up and grow plants, also meaning that your words of intercessory prayers grow answers to prayers from My kingdom of God. The small blade comes first, then the ear and finally the full corn in the ear. (Mark 4:26-29) It takes time for the harvest to come. That's why patience is required when you have prayed intercessory prayers for certain things.
I send My words to encourage you to persevere so that you will not miss the harvest. That is why I gave you My Words relating to faith and patience. I said that you "SHALL" inherit My promises to you.
Your Father of Words of Encouragement
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
Have you wondered why it took centuries for My plan for the salvation of the earth to begin?
Have you considered that it was not My timing that was the problem but that it was a problem that was limited to the earth, that maybe human beings caused the long delay?
Because the earth was created by My words, have you considered that it had to be the power in My words spoken in the earth that instituted My plan for the salvation of humanity and the earth?
That was the problem. It took centuries for Me to influence spiritual men who are called prophets to speak My will into the earth concerning the mysteries of My will concerning My salvation. Every aspect of the nature of My Son Jesus and His ministry in the earth needed to be prophesied by men who are made in My image, and every aspect of My plan to institute My new covenant of the Holy Spirit in the earth also needed to be spoken into the earth for My will to become a reality. In other words, My plans in heaven needed to be spoken into the earth for My words to become reality in the earth. Not every old covenant prophet whom I approached was willing to prophesy what I needed to have spoken in the earth in order to bring salvation into the earth, so I had to raise up many prophets with small truths in order to influence them to speak for Me a portion of My plan. Finally I was able to influence enough prophets to speak My will for My plan of salvation into the earth into the earth so that the angels whom I had placed in the earth to serve My children could institute My new and last covenant with humanity. It is My covenant of the Holy Spirit in which I came to live inside of human beings, making them My own children, putting My Spirit inside of them to speak My words through them which bring My will into the earth in the lives of each person.
Consider the same truth in the earth today in the lives of My children who are born in My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit who are not taught to pray My humanity-saving and earth-saving words into the earthly atmosphere in the language of My Holy Spirit in order to bring My will into the earth to be done by My angelic hosts. My world-changing words must be spoken in the earth, just like at the beginning of creation when I spoke and darkness became light in the world. Yet My spirit-filled children are waiting for something to happen that has already happened. Many are waiting for Christ Jesus to come back into the earth when He has already come back many times since His crucifixion and resurrection. His final entrance into the earth was on the celebration of the day of Pentecost when He came in the person of the Holy Spirit to live inside of My children and He came back in spiritual flesh in My kingdom of God to sit down with Me in My heaven which surrounds My children in whom My kingdom of God has become reality. He is in the cloud of witnesses, along with me, which surrounds My children who are baptized in My Holy Spirit, witnesses who are eager to bring My will into the earth. (Acts 2:1-4; Hebrews 12:1 and verses 22-29)
Many prayers requested by My children have gone unanswered, not because of any lack on My part. Like the prophet Isaiah wrote, it's the demonic influences on My children that build barriers between us so that I cannot hear and neither can I send the strength of My arms to help them. (Isaiah 59) Those demons have robbed My children of the truth that they have My treasure that I gave to them in their bodies, Him being My Holy Spirit who is the same Spirit who raised Jesus Christ from the dead. They have His power in their human bodies in My words of the Holy Spirit to allow Me to speak the elements of their answers to requested prayers but they wait for Me to perform some miracle in their behalf which answers their prayers. Don't you realize that My love action toward you in sending My Holy Spirit to live inside of you is the greatest miracle of all? Also the fact that I give to My Holy Spirit the words in intercessory prayers which speak the elements of My will in words which are to be done in earth just like they are done in My heaven is also a great miracle. (Romans 8:26-27)
What the problem is in the earth is that My children are negligent, just like the prophets of old when they delayed prophesying out of their mouths My words for My plan for the salvation of the earth so that My will could be speedily done to redeem the earth from the curses of the devil. The old covenant prophets delayed the first stage of salvation for many centuries because of their shyness in prophesying. Now My Spirit Filled children who are gifted with My Power of the Holy Spirit are blinded by the power that they have inside of them, which is allowing My Holy Spirit to speak into the earth the answers to their prayers and the solution to their problems. The prophets of old delayed the coming into the earth of Jesus Christ for centuries, by their being shy about speaking for Me. The same thing is happening in the world today. Some of My new covenant prophets who are filled with My Holy Spirit are sluggards in praying in My Holy Spirit, just like Paul chided the Hebrew believers who were still spiritual babies after many years. (Hebrews 5:11-14) They have the words of My Holy Spirit in their heart and mind and yet they refuse to speak My will in the earth in intercessory prayers which allow Me to speak through their mouths the elements to their answer to prayers and the solutions to their problems.
When Christ Jesus said that He would not leave His disciples without comfort, one of the ways He did it was to send My Comforter of the Holy Spirit to live inside of them with the words for them to speak in intercession which answers all of their prayers. (John 14:15-17) There is no greater comfort for a Father to do than to provide the desires of his children and to implement the solutions to the problems of His children. Those Fatherly duties of mine bring great comfort to My children and to Me.
All that I ask of My Spirit filled and Spirit motivated children is to partner with Me by allowing Me to speak into the earth through their mouths in the prayer language of My Holy Spirit the solutions to all of their problems and to also speak the ways for Me to grant their desires into the earth through intercessory prayers which allows My WILL TO BE DONE in answer to their petitions. I do the work and My children enjoy the blessings and rewards of being My children.
Your Father of Mercy and Compassion
Monday, April 18, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
For My children who followed the command of Christ Jesus and became born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, My kingdom of God becomes the motivation of their lives on the earth. They are the fulfillment of His prayer that Jesus taught to His disciples, that My kingdom would come into the earth as it is in heaven, which is the fulfillment of the prophesy of Jeremiah about My new covenant which is the covenant of My Holy Spirit.
Part of My new and last covenant with humanity, as announced by the prophet Jeremiah, was that I would come to live inside of people, writing My Fatherly words in their heart and in their mind, that I would be their Father God, also that everyone would know Me from the least to the greatest, and that I would forgive their iniquities and no longer remember their sins. (Jeremiah 31:31-34) That description was valuable and offered revelation insight into My being revealed as the Father of humanity, not merely just a king of the universe. (the years 598-587 BC)
Later, after Jeremiah's prophesies relating to My new covenant with humanity, when the prophet Joel also prophesied facts about My new and last covenant with humanity, he amplified Jeremiah's prophesy and described even more fully the obvious results in the lives of My children who partake of My new covenant of the Holy Spirit living inside of people. (Joel 2:28-32) He prophesied that I would pour out My Holy Spirit upon all flesh, that the sons and daughters of My children in the earth would prophesy, which means to speak for Me; also that the result of having My Holy Spirit living inside of My children would also mean that they would also dream spiritual dreams and see spiritual visions, all as part of My living inside of them in My effort to further bring My kingdom into the earth as it is in heaven. The prophet Joel added to Jeremiah's prophesy when Joel prophesied that I would pour out My Spirit even upon the servants of My children, My being no respecter of the status of persons.
Joel prophesied that immediately before that wonderful and great day of My new covenant came into the earth, which was the fulfillment of the feast of Pentecost, that the sun would be darkened,( which it did when Jesus Christ was crucified), that the moon would turn red. (which it did when He went to hell for the sins of the world), before the event of My kingdom of God coming into the earth and living inside of and surrounding My children became reality in the earth, per the Pentecost experience. (Matthew 24:29-30, Rev. 6:12-17)
All of the old covenant prophets spoke into the earth a portion of the coming into the earth of the covenant of My Holy Spirit. Isaiah spoke a portion, Daniel did also, Ezekiel also did, and when Jesus Christ came to earth, He put the stamps of approval on My words and sent them into the world to be fulfilled by My angelic hosts. In Joel's prophesy he said that whoever called on My name would be saved from the works of the devil, and that in Mount Zion and Jerusalem there would be people who escaped the tribulation of those days that was to come upon My children, that those people who obeyed Christ Jesus and went to wait in the upper room for My promise, which was the coming into the earth of My Holy Spirit who comes to live inside of My children, as Jesus Christ prophesied, and the survivors would be the remnant that I called to usher in My new covenant of the Holy Spirit.
When Joel prophesied that the sons, daughters and servants would prophesy in the days of My covenant of t he Holy Spirit, he was not speaking only about their telling about things to come, but that in the true definition of the word, "prophesy," it means that they would speak for Me in the earth, speaking from the inside of My children from their heart and mind and spoken through their mouths not only My words of instruction/guidance, but also that My children would allow Me to speak My words in the language of the Holy Spirit containing the answers to their prayers, the solutions to their problems, the words of healing for their diseases, and the gifts of wisdom and knowledge for their guidance. Those words must be spoken into the earth, just like the words of the old covenant prophets had to be spoken into the earth by the prophets before Jesus Christ could be born into the earth. Because I gave the earth to Adam and Eve, all changes in the earth must be spoken by people in the words of My Holy Spirit because I gave authority in the earth to humans
This is a key in the truth of the prophesies relating to My new covenant of the Holy Spirit. My words of power and authority need to be spoken out into the earth by humans before any changes can be made in answers to their prayers. When you allow My Holy Spirit to intercede at length in the language of the Holy Spirit in prayers, then you are allowing My Holy Spirit to SPEAK MY WILL IN THE EARTH, AS IT IS DONE IN HEAVEN, and My angels scurry to perform My works in the earth.
Sometimes when there are delayed answers to your prayers it has nothing to do with My lack of activity in your behalf. My works in the earth are always dependent upon My children speaking them out in intercessory prayers which allow My Holy Spirit to speak My plans into the earth through their mouths in My language of heaven so that your earthly angels that I gave to you can go and perform the answers to your prayers, per the instructions of the Holy Spirit that you have prayed in My heavenly language. (Hebrews 1:7-9 and Hebrews 1:13-14)
If the answers to your prayers are delayed, consider the same problem that I had in getting the prophets to speak into the earth the fulfillment of My new and last covenant. Every word needed to be spoken into the earth. It took centuries to get the prophets to speak My plan into the world which allowed My Holy Spirit to overshadow Mary and produce My Son to be the Savior of the world.
If the answers to your prayers have been delayed, then you need to increase your intercessory prayer time since your praying in the Holy Spirit's spiritual language allows Him to speak out the final solution to your problems so that the angels that I gave to you can come to attention and carry out My words in answer to your Holy Spirit led prayers.
Delays in answering your prayers are never My fault. They always are caused by people who refuse to participate with Me by allowing My Holy Spirit to complete His plans by praying the formulas to answered prayer through your mouth in My Heavenly language. (Isaiah 59) It was not necessary for My Son Jesus Christ's birth into the world to be delayed so long. My words covering every aspect of His ministry in the earth needed to be prophesied before He could be born into the earth. I called many prophets to speak before the anointed ones yielded to My calls.
This truth is why prophesies are so important. They need to be spoken into the earth in the language of My Holy Spirit. They allow My will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, but they need to first be voiced in the earth in the words of My Holy Spirit's intercessory prayer language.
To experience the answers to all of your prayers, dedicate yourself to praying in the language of the Holy Spirit with diligence and fervor. (James 5:16; Matthew 3:11)
Your Heavenly Father of Mercy and Marvelous Mysteries.
Sunday, April 17, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
Because of the veil placed over the mind of people by the devil, My children are trained to only see what their five earthly senses present to their minds. So it takes the training of My Holy Spirit for them to accept supernatural events such as dreams, visions, prophesies and My gift of knowledge as being real. The devil robs My children by telling them in their mind that supernatural events are untrue, that they are the product of their imaginations and therefore not to be trusted. Unfortunately, that is one of the ways that the devil robs My children is to tell them that only what they see by their earthly eyes is reality.
Not until My children know My words in scriptures do they realize that earthly things are made out of celestial things. In other words, things in the earth are made from heavenly, supernatural elements. With that premise of truth in their mind, My children begin to accept supernatural things as also being true. (II Corinthians 15:40-44) When an event comes into their lives requiring supernatural faith, I give to them My oath in the form of a vision, a dream, a prophesy or a word of knowledge. If they recognize it as being supernatural, then they grab onto it and begin to trust My supernatural events as being a key to their belief as far as their inheriting My promises in their lives. If any of them treat the supernatural event as being merely their imagination, per the devil's voice in their mind, then they will refuse to accept My confirming gift of an oath that I sent to confirm to them that the answer to their prayers is on the way.
It might take years for some doubting people to begin to accept My gifts of faith that I endeavor to place in their mind to be what I intend for them to be, confirmations of My promises that I make to humans; but I am patient because I know that the battle of the mind is where the devil and I have our battles for your soul. I continue in My endeavors to educate My children to accept supernatural events because knowledge of them holds great rewards. Those actions of My swearing an oath to My children in the form of a dream, a vision, a prophesy or a word of knowledge are the absolute 100% confirmations that what I said that I would do is what I will do and in many instances I am already working to get the answer to your prayers into your life. (Hebrews 6:12-17) I said that it is by My promise and also My oath, two unchangeable things, that are proof that cause My children to get a firm grip on their ability to receive My promises via the supernatural oath that I make to them which confirms that yes, amen and so be it that the answer to My promises are on the way into their life.
It is in this unveiled teaching about My gift of faith that I give to My children that affirms that I, your tutoring Father, not only give you a promise of wonderful things to come, but I also swear an oath to you in the form of a dream, a vision, a word of prophesy or a word of knowledge that confirms My promises to you, making them 100% guaranteed. Then, when the enemy sends lies into your mind that I will not keep My promises to you, you will already have My gift of faith firmly placed in your mind, a supernatural event which allows you to see the things that are not visible to the human eye as thought they were already visible because you have seen them with your spiritual eyes and so they are yes, amen, so be it, meaning they are guaranteed to become visible in the earth. (Romans 4:17) When My children become baptized in My Holy Spirit they become supernatural children of mine, not being limited to earthly senses, but they become spiritual beings who see spiritual gifts as though they were already visible to human eyes.
That is when My power in them overcomes the devil's works in the earth.
Your Heavenly Father Who Shares His Vision
Saturday, April 16, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
When I chose the old covenant prophet Jeremiah to be My mouthpiece to the nation of Judah the young man was not excited about the appointment. I told him that I had chosen him when he was in his mother's womb to speak My words to the nations of the world. Jeremiah, of course, was unprepared for My news to him. In fact, he said, "Uh, Lord God, I can't speak for you. I am only a young person." I told him that he should not say that he was only young and without the maturity to speak for Me, that he would go where I told him to go and he would speak what I told him to speak. I told him not to be afraid of the people to whom I would send him, because I would be with him. (Jeremiah 1:4-8)
I did not leave him with only human words to speak to the nations because human words had done nothing to cause the people to turn from their wicked ways, so I touched Jeremiah's mouth and put My words in his mouth, words of My Holy Spirit of Power and Spiritual Might. I told him that with those Spiritual Words that I had appointed him to oversee nations and kingdoms, to root out evil and pull down demonic kingdoms with his words, to destroy evil and overthrow cruel rulers but also to begin to build up the planting of My Spiritual Kingdom in the world. (Jeremiah 1:9-10)
In order to give to Jeremiah an oath in order to seal My promise to him, I asked Jeremiah what he saw spiritually in a vision. He said that he saw a branch of an almond tree blossoming in late winter. Then I told the young man that he had seen well, that it symbolized the truth that I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it. In other words, I would give My words to Jeremiah, he would speak the words to the people and then I would perform what I had coached him to speak. (Jeremiah 1:11-13)
Jeremiah's calling to speak for Me to the nations was prophetic of the ministry of Jesus Christ when He would send My Holy Spirit into the hearts of people to live inside of them and speak My words in the language of My Holy Spirit through their mouths in unknown tongues, that being My heavenly language. It is through those words of prophesy, which is their speaking authoritatively for Me, that I would speak My orders to the angelic hosts in which I would give them My strategies and instructions on how to defeat the demons who are behind all sins, iniquities and trespasses. It is through those words in the language of prophesy of the Holy Spirit that I tear down demonic kingdoms that harass My children, allowing Me to be Lord by rooting out and pulling down demons from their places of authority in the lives of My children, destroying and overthrowing their influence in the world. Not only do My words of Power and Authority of the Holy Spirit destroy the holds that demonic spirits have over people, but My words also call into action My angels who plant My kingdom of God in the world and build up My kingdom in the world in the lives of people who seek Me. (Acts 2:1-19)
I told Jeremiah that with My words I would speak My judgment against the demons for the wickedness of the people who influenced the evil, the ones who burned incense to other gods and worshiped idols, the gods that their own hands had built. I told Jeremiah to gird up his loins, to arise and tell the people everything that I had anointed him to speak. I told him that I had made him a fortified city, an iron pillar, brazen walls against the lands, the kings and princes, giving him divine strength which no hostile power could overcome. I told him that those enemies would fight against him but they would not prevail against him because I would be with him. (Jeremiah 1:15-19)
My words to Jeremiah were prophetic of the coming into the world of My kingdom of God on the day of the first real Pentecost when I spoke My words of prophesy through the mouth of the followers of Christ Jesus who had My Holy Spirit living inside of them with the ability to speak My words into the earth so that My angels could rise to attention and listen for their marching orders to tear down demonic kingdoms in the lives of those children of mine and other people, rooting out the demons and sending them to their final judgment in the lake of fire in the abyss. It is then that My Holy Spirit begins to plant My kingdom firmly in the lives of My children, building up My kingdom of God in the lives of My children in the earth. Jeremiah was a prophetic precursor to My sending of My Holy Spirit into the world to be Lord in the lives of My children. (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:17-18)
You have My power of the Holy Spirit in order to do in the earth what Jeremiah said would happen. I still watch over My word to perform it. I still give to My children the ability to speak My words of the Holy Spirit into the earth in order for my angels to follow them to perfection in erasing from the earth the demons who cause all evil. It's My method of salvation of the world, not only saving people made in My image, but also the salvation of the world itself. (Romans 8:19-31; John 3:16-17)
The world is waiting for My children who are baptized in My Holy Spirit to realize that I have put My words in their mouths which instruct My angels to tear down demonic kingdoms in the earth and build up My kingdom of God in the earth. My children must rise up and realize that My words for the salvation of the earth are in their mouths.
Your Father of Marvelous Strategies
Thursday, April 14, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
In Paul's explanation of My perfect ways for Me to answer your prayers, My Holy Spirit explained faith as substance and evidence. In other words, for you to have faith for something such as answered prayers, My gift of faith that I give to you comes in the form of some image in your mind of the eventual answer to your prayers. In many different miraculous ways I give to you an image in your human mind of that solution to your problem. And so because I have given to you an image in your human mind of what is eventually going to become real in your life, you can believe for it to happen with 100% of your being. The answer that you had only hoped for had become faith when you were able to picture in your mind the image of the final result that I had given to you in a dream, a vision, a word of knowledge or a prophesy.
Previously your hoping for the answer was a valuable step but when I gave to you in your human mind the image of the answered prayers, then when circumstances come that looked to the human eye like the answer to your prayers would never come, because of the image in your human mind created by My Holy Spirit in a dream, a vision, a word of knowledge or a prophesy, that image takes over and ends the strife that unbelief tries to produce in your mind. You will choose to believe the "faith" image that I put in your mind instead of the unbelief circumstances from the devil that tries to rob you of the answers to your prayers.
My gift of faith created by the image that I place in your mind is evidence and it is substance of what I intend to become reality in your life. Because you choose to believe the image that I place in your mind created by a dream, a vision, a word of knowledge or a prophesy, then that image from Me becomes reality in your life. The devil's image of bad circumstances that he sends to rob you of your answer to prayers will be replaced by My image that I give to you that are already substance and evidence in the heavens and that image will become substance and evidence in your life on earth because of My oath to you that I sent by the Holy Spirit's images that I place in your mind. (Hebrews 11:1)
My images of substance and evidence in your human mind relating to the answer to your prayers are placed there by My Holy Spirit in the same way that Isaiah and Jeremiah had visions and words of knowledge and that Daniel had in dreams about My plans to eventually institute in the world a completely new covenant, not one like I had with Israel that was broken by them many times, but a covenant where I would write My words in the hearts and on the minds of My children, that I would live in them and that I would no longer remember their sins. (Jeremiah 33:31-34)
My method of placing the images of answers to prayers in the minds of My children before they become reality is made possible by Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. When He died a human death, what happened in the spiritual world was just as important because the cherubim blocking My children from partaking of My Tree of Life were removed and My born of the Holy Spirit and baptized in the Holy Spirit children who were newly created at the feast of Pentecost, and also are still being created, began to have complete access to My Holy of Holies. It was then that I was able to truly say, "Come to Me all of you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for I am meek and lowly of heart and you will find rest for your soul." (Matthew 11:29) Christ Jesus had spoken it in His ministry before He was crucified, but only when He sent My Holy Spirit into the world to live inside of My children was He able to be completely accessible to humanity.
Take to heart and learn about My promises and My personal oaths that come to you in the form of dreams, visions, words of knowledge and prophesies. Those are My ways in which I can supply My gifts of faith to you so that you can believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that what I promised and what I swore to you would happen 100% of the time in your life. My Holy Spirit wrote in Paul's letter to the Hebrews this: "Without faith it's impossible to please God since anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that I reward those people who diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6) Pleasing Me is the key word in that statement. All parents love their children, the rebellious ones, the wayward ones and the disobedient ones. But, in addition, all parents are deeply pleased with their children who seek to take their parental advice, their parental counsel, and their parental knowledge. Parents love all of their children but they are pleased with their children who enjoy the parent/child relationship by honoring their parents and taking their advice, because the parents know they can easily reward those children for following the parents' advice.
All of My promises to My children and their becoming reality in your life on earth come into being in your life by My gifts of faith and My fruit of faith which I make accessible to My children in the form of dreams, visions, prophesies or words of knowledge. It is in those oaths of Mine that My promises to you become yes and amen, so be it. In Paul's letter to the Hebrews he was expounding upon the elementary teachings of faith, encouraging the believers to get a deeper understanding of the many ways that I gift to you My faith and how you are able to partake of the fruit of faith that grows on My Tree of Life, who is My Holy Spirit.(Genesis 3:22-24; Revelation 2:7) My Holy Spirit lives inside of you. He wants to reveal to you the mystery hidden from the foundation of the world which is, "Christ in you, the hope of glory."(Colossians 1:27) Remembering that the Christ part of Jesus was the Anointed One, being anointed by My Holy Spirit and My power through Him.
Your Father of Blessings and Rewards
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
The faith that I give to My children is spiritual faith, the faith that is resident in My Holy Spirit that will move mountains of mental obstacles out of your life and cast them into the abyss, the kind of faith that will calm the raging seas of runaway emotions and deep wounds of family chaos, the kind of faith that will bring peace in the midst of sickness, mental harassment and addictive thoughts, the kind of faith that will speak to your raging, out-of-control thoughts of unbelief and say that I am with you, that I have the ability to comfort and restore you to tranquility.
My fruit of faith grows on the Tree of Life, the Holy Spirit, who enters into the hearts of My children and instructs you to consume the fruit of My faith, the kind that calls things that are not existent as though they were, meaning the kind of faith that looks at the sinful nature of family members or other people who are contrary, rebellious, unkind or hateful and only sees in the person the need for My Love. My fruit of faith that is inside of you as a born of the Holy Spirit and baptized in the Holy Spirit child of Mine gives you the spiritual stability to remain filled with faith even when life in the earth has become the valley of the shadow of death and there seems to be no goodness of any kind wherever you look. In that situation My faith inside of you will see the sun shining on the other side of the horrors of the moment and know that there is a way out of the prison of demonic captivity.
It is in those times of deep despair that My Holy Spirit gives to anyone who is seeking Me My gift of faith. A gift is never deserved. It is from the heart of the giver. My heart does not condemn My children for getting themselves into terrible situations or for making wrong choices, even the ones that I warned against. When My children come to Me and ask for My mercy and My love, they are restored by Me without condemnation or fears of punishment or retribution.
Faith is power, as said by the apostle Paul, the power to call the things that are cursed and are not yet changed into blessings as though they were already changed by My power into My blessings. (Hebrews 12:1) The cursed things, though as yet not changed, have become the substance of things you had hoped for and seen in your spiritual eyes, the evidence of things not yet seen with human eyes but having been already seen by your spiritual eyes as you have looked beyond the circumstances and have observed through a dream, a vision, a word of knowledge or a revelation the oath that I have taken that it will become as you asked it to be in your prayers. Like Paul said, faith for the impossible, which is My gift to you, means that you have entered into My Holy of Holies and been given a glimpse into My works being done in your behalf.
My blessings which come into your life via My gifts of faith that I give to you can never be explained by human deductions, as if they had happened because of human faith. They happen via My gift of supernatural faith, a gift from My Love to My Offspring that can only comes from the abundance of My heart. You receive the answer to prayers that you desired because of My working in your behalf and only by My working in your behalf.
Jesus Christ said that He did not leave His disciples without comfort when He left them, went to hell for the sins of the world, defeated the devil in hell, wrestled away from him the keys to heaven and earth, which is My authority in the earth, and then He ascended into My heaven to sit down with Me after sending My Holy Spirit into the earth to take up residence in the hearts of people in the earth, giving to them the same supernatural power of My Holy Spirit that caused Jesus Christ to cast out demons, heal the sick and raise the dead. My children have My power. They must learn to use it in their intercessory prayers and in ministry to other people, as the Holy Spirit directs.
I wrote through Paul that the world is waiting for My children to realize the power that they have in their lives. In fact, he wrote that the entire world waits as if in labor pains for My children to wake up to the truth that they have the power of My Holy Spirit resident in their own bodies with the same power that the Christ had but that He relinquished to them, the power of My Holy Spirit. He wrote that when those of My children do not know what prayer to offer that the Holy Spirit in them will intercede in My Spiritual language of unknown tongues that are deeper and more powerful than any human language. I wrote through My Holy Spirit in Paul that when My children realize and are assured that they are partners with Me in intercessory prayers, then all things will work together for their good when they intercede in prayer in My heavenly language because I have called them, ordained them, and justified them to be more than conquerors because nothing can separate them from My Love, the same Love that was in Christ Jesus.(Romans 8:19-39)
Wake up, My children, to the power that you have in My Holy Spirit, both the dynamite power and the authoritative power that Christ Jesus sent into you after He sat down with me in heaven. My power that is resident in the person of the Holy Spirit is destined to conquer all of the demons in the earth and send them into the lake of fire which I created for them as their final judgment for terrorizing My children in the world. Paul wrote by the anointing of My Holy Spirit that he prayed constantly that I would enlighten the eyes of your understanding so that you would realize the hope to which you have been called, that you will realize the glories that you have inherited, plus he prayed that you will know how infinitely great is the power that I have given to you and to all believers, the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead and catapulted Him into My heaven, far above any other soverign, power, authority or dominion, and by My sending My power into the earth to minister through you, the body of Christ who fills all creation.
Wake up from your slumber, My children, and realize the power that is in My heavenly tongues that I gave to you to speak in your intercessory prayers. They are the words of My Holy Spirit, the same words of power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, the same power that made Jesus the Christ, the Anointed One with My power over all evil.
Your Father of Love and Power
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
I do not tell My children to have faith and then leave you alone to try really hard to have faith.
I do not tell My children to believe and then leave you alone to try to conjure up some belief in your unbelieving human mind.
I give to My children the Holy Spirit whose personal character traits are belief and faith. His words personally infuse My faith and belief into your human mind as oaths that give you an absolute assurance of My promises to you, that I will do what I promised to you in the old covenant prophesies and in the prophesies of My Son Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 6:16-17)
I promised you through Jesus Christ that you would have a life of abundance in the earth, and then I swear oaths to My children who seek Me, letting them know that it will happen in every situation where there is a need for supernatural faith or belief. My oaths to you are supernatural because they transcend human faith and belief because I show My children in dreams, visions, revelations, prophesies or words of knowledge that the answer to your prayers has already happened in My heaven and it is well on the way for it to appear in your life on earth. My oaths are simply the guarantees that what I promised that I will do 100% of the time.
My children have missed the truth that faith is a gift and faith is a fruit of My Holy Spirit. When I come to live inside of you in the person of the Holy Spirit, you have in your spiritual DNA the overwhelming faith that is resident in My Holy Spirit; but getting that kind of faith from the Holy Spirit inside of you into your human mind is a labor for Me. For My children who are spiritually mature, having left the elementary teachings of which Paul spoke to the Hebrews, I can more easily speak words and send visions and dreams that are My guarantees that I have been able to break through the veil from heaven to earth in order to deliver to you the answers to your prayers with My faith, which is a personality characteristic of My Holy Spirit. Fruit grows on trees and My Holy Spirit is the Tree of Life. (Hebrews 6:19; Galatians 5:22; Genesis 3:22) I've had angels guarding the Tree of Life from humanity until they become born of My Holy Spirit and are forgiven of their sins. (John 20: 19-23) Since the day of the first real Pentecost, the ability of My children to eat from the Tree of Life has been easily accesssible.
Through My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you I give to you My supernatural GIFT of faith for particular promises that I make to all of My children. (I Corinthians 12: 4-11) It's called My oath. My promises are universal, for everyone, but My oaths, meaning My gifts of faith, are individual pertaining to your situation, whether it's a need for a sitution, an answer to prayer, a need for healing, or another need. My personal oaths to you are Your Heavenly Father telling you that I will do in the earth for you what I promised to do through the prophets or Jesus Christ. When you perceive My gift of faith in the form of an oath to you, there are no ifs, ands or buts in relation to the answer to your prayers. It is then that the answers are YES, AMEN, SO BE IT. The answer to your prayer is on the way from heaven to earth and into your life when you perceive My personal oath to you. In that instance there is no more striving to have faith and belief for an answer to prayers because I, as your Father, have given My Holy Spirit to live in you. His character is FAITH, and I give to you through a supernatural way the assurance, called an oath, that you are about to get the answer to your prayers by first class angelic delivery.
I said that you have the Treasure of the Holy Spirit in your earthen vessel so that the excellence of His works in your life may be of Me and not of any human strife to believe and have faith. (II Corinthians 4:7; I Corinthians 3:16: II Corinthians 3:17-18) To the sluggards whom Paul was criticizing about not being spiritually mature, he was letting them know that they needed to get past the elementary teachings about human faith and grow into maturity if they wanted to inherit the promises by allowing Me to swear oaths to them. They would have a problem recognizing My oath as a gift of faith because of their spiritual immaturity.
You eat from My Tree of Life when you follow the guiding Words of My Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ told you that you must listen to the Spirit of Truth. My Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.
Your Father of Promises and Oaths
Monday, April 11, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
When Jesus Christ was prepared to die for the sins of the world he gave an enormous amount of truth to His disciples relating to the coming into the earth of My kingdom of God, which forms My family in the earth made up of My children who are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit. He ate with His disciples who had been so loyal to follow with Him and He even showed to them the truth of the feast of Unleavened Bread which is now called the Lord's Supper or sometimes called Communion in some churches.
Jesus Christ broke off a piece of bread from a loaf and gave it to each one of them individually and told them that when they ate together that they must do it in remembrance of their last meal together. He said that the real truth of the occasion is that their communion together was to be an example of Our communion with each other when My Holy Spirit came to live inside of them so that there would be a Father/child relationship between Us. He said that the bread stood for His own flesh which they must consume into their own flesh by listening to His words and taking His valuable advice, indicating that His words would become flesh in them, changing them into His image in the earth. (Matthew 26:26-29)
Then Jesus Christ poured some wine into a cup and allowed each man individually to take a drink from the cup, saying that it stood for His blood which was to be sacrificed for them. Because of their religious educations through the Jewish Law, they knew that the life of all humans is in their blood for without blood flowing there is no life to a body. So Jesus Christ tutored the disciples in the rewarding truth that without taking into their bodies His words and His Spirit, there would be no Eternal Life inside of them, the powerful life of the Holy Spirit which is the Life in all living matter. His sharing the cup of wine with His disciples represented My Holy Spirit and His Life changing power which was to come into the world after He was crucified, rose from the dead and ascended into My heaven to sit down with Me, sending My Holy Spirit into the earth to live in anyone who seeks for Me with His or her whole heart. So His lesson in that last meal together with His disciples was that they must hear His words and obey them and breathe in My Holy Spirit so that they would be born of My Spirit with His power over evil. (John 20:19-23)
The disciples did not know the importance of their last meal together with Jesus before He was crucified. Not until the day of the feast of Pentecost did they realize that His teaching about their breathing in My Holy Spirit into their own spirits was so that they would become My children with all of their sins forgiven. It was a few days later when the revelation of that meal became experiential and their entire lives changed with the reality of that supernatual experience about which Christ was speaking. It was in that setting that My kingdom of God entered into the earth and created new individuals inside of people who were gathered there. Their inheritance was that I sent My very own Spirit to live inside of them, creating My family in the earth. Real communion was instituted when they began to pray in My Holy Spirit's prayer language as they allowed Him to speak My words through their mouths and they could individually even hear My own Life-giving words individually to them which would many times be My swearing of My oath to them relating to My promises that were spoken by old covenant prophets and Jesus Christ. (Acts 2:1-4) Without having breathed into their being My Holy Spirit and His being able to write My words in their hearts and on their minds, they would not have been able to hear My swearing of My oaths to them which confirms their promises and adds My amen, "so be it" to them. (Hebrews 6:17)
Paul wrote in His letter to the Hebrew churches the truth that it is with one of My promise and My oath relating to that promise that a thing is established and becomes a reality in your life. So it is in hearing My words, consuming them, as in the example of communion at Jesus' last meal with His disciples, and drinking/breathing into their spirits My Holy Spirit that makes it possible for My children to inherit everything related to My promises that I made to My family members. Paul wrote that it is by two unchangeable things, My promise and My oath, that you can know beyond all doubt that I am able to make My promise to you a reality in your life on earth. (Hebrews 6:18) It is in that instance that, as was written by Paul, that you have actually reached through the veil through which Christ entered into the Holy of Holies and you have received an anchor for your soul of complete faith and peace. (Hebrews 6:19)
I do not leave you without My comfort. I speak constantly to you. You must become attuned to the sound of My voice and the spiritual power of My wisdom so that you will recognize My oaths which I swear to you. Your enjoying Heaven on earth is the reward.
Your Father of One-on-One Communion
Sunday, April 10, 2022
Dear Precious Child,
It is written in My Instruction Book, the Bible, that My promises to humans are yes and amen; "amen" meaning "so be it". The meaning of that truth is that My promises are meant to be accessed by everyone and if you have faith in Me and seek them that you will have them. Some of My children have accessed all of them and some have accessed a few of them. It all depends upon your pursuit or seeking of Me and your pursuing or seeking of My promises. (Matthew 6:33)
Jesus Christ warned His disciples and other believers that humans should not swear an oath to do something, not swearing if something is true or false, even though under the old covenant swearing to something was required by the religious/civil Law of Moses. In courts of law, if two or three witnesses swore that something was true, then it was accepted in the courts as being worthy of belief. However, when Jesus Christ began teaching, one of the first things that He taught was that you should not swear about anything because, as He said, you should only let your "yes" mean yes and your "no" mean no. He even revealed in that statement that anything more than yes or no was from the evil one, meaning the devil. (Matthew 5:33-37)
In the explanation of His advice to humans, Jesus said that if you swear to something to be true and it's actually false, then the devil's guilt and condemnation will consume you, sometimes even eventually leading to death. So My advice to you through Jesus was that you should refuse to swear an oath and instead of swearing that you just let your answers be yes or no, whichever is appropriate for the occasion. Jesus was protecting My children by advising you and the rest of humanity not to swear to anything. He was robbing the devil of having the opportunity to condemn people who follow My advice by His instructions. By this exact advice from Jesus Christ, you understand why the apostle Paul called the old covenant the "Law of sin and death," because just swearing an oath can allow the demons from hell to overload your mind with guilt and condemnation if you find out that you have sworn to something as being true that was actually a lie. If you are bound loyally to the old covenant of the Law of sin and death as your way to salvation, then you are bound to the demons whom My covenant with Moses was meant to identify so that you could avoid yielding to them. I did not give those laws to Moses as a way to salvation. I gave them as a way for humans to avoid yielding to the demons who the laws identified. There is only one way to salvation from the works of the devil in the earth and that is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the power of My Holy Spirit living inside of you. (Galatians 3:10-14 and 19-22)
I am Your Father who provides for Us, you and Me, being so Unified that we become One and the result is that you become the reflection of My character in the earth, which is only accomplished by My Holy Spirit living inside of you, not by obeying any religious laws, which is impossible to obey all of them. However, upon many occasions and in many situations I swear to My individual children, making sure that they know that I have guaranteed one or more of My promises to them. When that happens, it's the 100% assurance that what I promised, I will provide. The oath might come to My children in the form of a dream, a vision, a word of knowledge, a revelation of a prophesy. (Acts 2:1-4 and 17-18)
Any way that I can get My oath to a child of mine as an assurance that I will do what I promised to do, I WILL DO IT. I never want My children to question My loyalty to them or question the veracity of My promises to them. I want My children to have My complete assurance that what I promised to them I will provide. My assurance to them in the form of some supernatural way is to be interpreted by them as My oath. It is written that by two unchangeable things, My promise and My oath, it is impossible for Me to lie. In combining My oath with My promise, there is an anchor for your soul which ends all inner strife. There is no question in your mind what I will do in a particular situation when I swear an oath to you to do something for you as promised through old covenant prophets and Jesus Christ. Extreme faith is produced in you when My oath occurs in your life to confirm My promise to you. (Hebrews 6:13-20) That is when you know that you know that you know that My promise will become reality in your life.
I do not leave you without comfort and assurance. I come to you in My magnificent ways in which I am able by the power of the Holy Spirit inside of you to do super-abundantly far over and above all that you dare ask, think, pray, desire, hope or dream. (Ephesians 3:20) It is only by the power of My Holy Spirit that I have placed inside of you that I am able to swear an oath and provide everything that you need, want or desire.
Your Loving Father Who Assures My Children With Oaths
Friday, April 8, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
Under the Law of Moses, which was the nation of Israel's religious and civil laws, if a man brings to a neighbor an oxen, donkey, sheep or any beast to keep for him, and if it dies or is hurt or taken away with no person seeing it being taken away, then an oath must be taken between the two men, the owner and the neighbor, before Me, the oath taken that the man has not taken the property of his neighbor. The owner must accept the neighbor's word and not require him to make good on the loss. But, if it is stolen while in his care, then he must make restitution to the owner. Also, if it was torn apart by some wild beast or by accident, then the neighbor was to bring the torn carcass to the owner and there would be no need for the neighbor to make good on what was torn and mangled.
But, if it was stolen while in his neighbor's care, then the neighbor must make restitution. Again, it the beast is torn in pieces by some wild beast or by accident, then the neighbor must bring the carcass as a witness, and he need not make good on what was torn. (Exodus 22:10-13)
By those two legal statutes, you can only imagine the multitude of stringent laws which the people of Israel had to know about and obey in order to legally swear an oath between themselves and their neighbor in front of Me in order to be declared as being obedient to the religious/civil Law. There were thousands and thousands and thousands of the laws and more added every day as sin increased among the Israelites.
Obedience to the multitudes of laws was required in order for a person to become religiously saved from the works of the devil. Unfortunately, that was impossible. That is why I, in My mercy, sent My Son Jesus Christ into the world to be born of a human woman so that He would have the authority over the earth like I gave to the first man, Adam. When Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world, He had to give up His authoritatian spiritual rule over the earth and the heavens because He became sin so that My children would become My righteousness. Then He went to hell for the sins of the entire world. When My Holy Spirit catapulted Him out of hell and into the earth again, before He came to sit down with Me in heaven He proclaimed that He had wrestled away from the devil the authority in the earth and the heavens, the authority that the devil had stolen away from Adam. Christ Jesus said that when His disciples baptized people in My name, in His name and in the name of the Holy Spirit, that those people would inherit My Holy Spirit's authority in the earth, which happened the first time on the day of the feast of Pentecost. (Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 2:1-8) Not only did My Holy Spirit assume the ministry of Christ in the world, but He is able to write My laws on the hearts and minds of people and remember their sins no longer. In addition to those benefits, I give to My children who are born by the Holy Spirit and baptized in the Holy Spirit My spiritual authority over every demon in the earth in order for My children to cast those demons out of the earth and into the lake of fire which I created as the final judgment on demons and the devil. (Matthew 13:36-43)
Old covenant Law became null and void when My new covenant of the Holy Spirit was and is now instituted in the lives of people who seek Me and find Me. Jesus Christ advised believers not to swear any oath because it activates hell to operate in bringing curses into your life via guilt and condemnation. When My children cast demons out of the earth and into the fiery lake in the abyss, it is then that My children shine like the sun in the earth.
Your Father Who Replaces Old Covenant Laws with the Covenant of Love
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