Tuesday, April 12, 2022
My Dear Precious Child,
I do not tell My children to have faith and then leave you alone to try really hard to have faith.
I do not tell My children to believe and then leave you alone to try to conjure up some belief in your unbelieving human mind.
I give to My children the Holy Spirit whose personal character traits are belief and faith. His words personally infuse My faith and belief into your human mind as oaths that give you an absolute assurance of My promises to you, that I will do what I promised to you in the old covenant prophesies and in the prophesies of My Son Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 6:16-17)
I promised you through Jesus Christ that you would have a life of abundance in the earth, and then I swear oaths to My children who seek Me, letting them know that it will happen in every situation where there is a need for supernatural faith or belief. My oaths to you are supernatural because they transcend human faith and belief because I show My children in dreams, visions, revelations, prophesies or words of knowledge that the answer to your prayers has already happened in My heaven and it is well on the way for it to appear in your life on earth. My oaths are simply the guarantees that what I promised that I will do 100% of the time.
My children have missed the truth that faith is a gift and faith is a fruit of My Holy Spirit. When I come to live inside of you in the person of the Holy Spirit, you have in your spiritual DNA the overwhelming faith that is resident in My Holy Spirit; but getting that kind of faith from the Holy Spirit inside of you into your human mind is a labor for Me. For My children who are spiritually mature, having left the elementary teachings of which Paul spoke to the Hebrews, I can more easily speak words and send visions and dreams that are My guarantees that I have been able to break through the veil from heaven to earth in order to deliver to you the answers to your prayers with My faith, which is a personality characteristic of My Holy Spirit. Fruit grows on trees and My Holy Spirit is the Tree of Life. (Hebrews 6:19; Galatians 5:22; Genesis 3:22) I've had angels guarding the Tree of Life from humanity until they become born of My Holy Spirit and are forgiven of their sins. (John 20: 19-23) Since the day of the first real Pentecost, the ability of My children to eat from the Tree of Life has been easily accesssible.
Through My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you I give to you My supernatural GIFT of faith for particular promises that I make to all of My children. (I Corinthians 12: 4-11) It's called My oath. My promises are universal, for everyone, but My oaths, meaning My gifts of faith, are individual pertaining to your situation, whether it's a need for a sitution, an answer to prayer, a need for healing, or another need. My personal oaths to you are Your Heavenly Father telling you that I will do in the earth for you what I promised to do through the prophets or Jesus Christ. When you perceive My gift of faith in the form of an oath to you, there are no ifs, ands or buts in relation to the answer to your prayers. It is then that the answers are YES, AMEN, SO BE IT. The answer to your prayer is on the way from heaven to earth and into your life when you perceive My personal oath to you. In that instance there is no more striving to have faith and belief for an answer to prayers because I, as your Father, have given My Holy Spirit to live in you. His character is FAITH, and I give to you through a supernatural way the assurance, called an oath, that you are about to get the answer to your prayers by first class angelic delivery.
I said that you have the Treasure of the Holy Spirit in your earthen vessel so that the excellence of His works in your life may be of Me and not of any human strife to believe and have faith. (II Corinthians 4:7; I Corinthians 3:16: II Corinthians 3:17-18) To the sluggards whom Paul was criticizing about not being spiritually mature, he was letting them know that they needed to get past the elementary teachings about human faith and grow into maturity if they wanted to inherit the promises by allowing Me to swear oaths to them. They would have a problem recognizing My oath as a gift of faith because of their spiritual immaturity.
You eat from My Tree of Life when you follow the guiding Words of My Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ told you that you must listen to the Spirit of Truth. My Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth.
Your Father of Promises and Oaths
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