Sunday, May 15, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, Knowledge is power. Spiritual knowledge is power over all evil in the world. Spiritual knowledge is power over all flesh. My Son Jesus Christ professed to Me that I had given to Him POWER OVER ALL FLESH, meaning power over all of the demonic spirits that influence and dwell in the flesh of people in the earth, those being demons who harass, tempt, condemn, judge, deceive, destroy and kill My children who are created in My image. (John 17:1-3) He said ALL FLESH, not limiting My power to only some flesh. In that profession of His faith in Me and a declaration of Truth, Jesus Christ asked that through that power over all flesh that I had given to Him, that He would be able to give the same power of the Holy Spirit, My Eternal Life, to everyone who believes in Him. Then He described Eternal Life as personally and intimately knowing Me and Jesus Christ whom I had sent into the world as Savior. As He was getting ready to retire from His ministry in the earth and sit down with Me in heaven, He was eager to be assured that I was going to send My Holy Spirit to carry on His ministry, the ministry of power in the earth by giving My power to people in intercessory prayers. It was My new and last covenant with humanity in the earth, making them partners with Me in eradicating evil demons from the earth. When I come in the person of My Holy Spirit to live inside of a human being, taking up residence by being present in the person's own human spirit, there is the ability inside of that person to have a one-on-one relationship with Me because We live in the same body in the earth. There is no more close existence than to share the same body. It is then that I can speak My deep truths through My Holy Spirit personally to your human mind, the truths that set you free from the words of unbelief and doubt from the devil that he uses to taunt you in your mind. My powerful words of truth cast the devil and his lying words out of your mind and into the fiery furnace in the abyss that is reserved for the demons and the devil. You and I are One; you and I are One with Jesus Christ, and We can be One with other humans who have My Eternal Life of the Holy Spirit living inside of them, just as Jesus prayed that I would do. (John 17:21-23) Just like Jesus Christ cast demons out of people while He was performing His ministry in your world, My Holy Spirit, My Eternal Life of power, is able to cast demons powerfully out of all human flesh when My children pray in the language of the Holy Spirit in intercessory prayers. My Authoritative words coming out of your mouth in My heavenly language in intercessory prayers can cast out all offending demons who are deceiving, oppressing and binding you, your friends and your family to evil works in their lives. It is the truth of the sheep and the goats, the wheat and the tares, as taught by My Son Jesus Christ when He taught about My Eternal Life of the Holy Spirit who was coming to live in the body of a human being. When My children allow the Holy Spirit to pray His intercessory prayer words through their mouths, it is then that My will is done in executing My judgment on the offending demonic spirits who keep My children bound to evil works in their lives. (Mattew 13:36-43) It is done so efficiently and perfectly because they are My words of authoritative power spoken through the mouths of humans to whom I had originally given dominion over all things in the earth. Demons have no choice but to obey My words and leave people, situations and circumstances in the earth when My children pray in fervent prayers which produce wonderful results. My Holy Spirit is always willing to pray intercessory prayers, but your flesh is often weak. When that happens, you must persevere and begin praying. The rivers of Living Waters will begin to flow and your flesh will no longer experience weakness. My words of Eternal Life will flow from your mouth, bringing My kingdom of God more fully into your life on earth. My plan was fulfilled for My new and last covenant with humanity to begin on the day of Pentecost and continues to be fulfilled when individual humans experience their own Pentecost. That is when My kingdom of heaven comes to earth in answer to the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples to pray. (Matthew 6:7-13) When My kingdom of God lives in you, it is then that I can speak the words of My daily bread of Truth to humans which free them from bondage to all evil. The bonus is that it is also then that My forgiveness of all sins becomes reality in their understanding when My kingdom of heaven comes to live in their bodies in the earth. The reality of a new heaven and a new earth happened on the day of the first Pentecost. (Isaiah 65:17; Romans 5:17-21) My children must learn to enjoy their new earth where Jesus Christ reigns over all flesh and a new heaven that has come into the earth surrounding My children of promise. (Hebrews 12:22-29) Your Father of Accomplished Salvation

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