Tuesday, June 14, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, You thought that when you joined My family of love, peace, joy, goodness, kindness, mercy and patience that all of your life on earth would be trouble free. I intended it to be just like I intended that Adam and Eve's life on earth would be trouble free. It was not by My design that there are the devil and his demons who still travel the earth seeking whom they may desire. My plan was that the first couple in the earth would resist the devil's temptation of them and their yielding to the temptations which allowed the devil and his demons to become gods of the earth by turning their wills over to evil. I had hoped that evil would be refuted, turned away, and My children on earth would live a utopian life on earth. My plan B, just in case the first couple did yield to the devil's temptation, was to send My Son Jesus Christ into the earth in human flesh to die for the sins of the world. Then I would send My Holy Spirit to live inside of humans who had believed in the ministry of Jesus Christ, gifting them with My authoritative and dynamic words spoken through their mouths which would send the devil and his demons into the lake of fire in the abyss which I had prepared for the evil demons before I even created the earth, just in case the first couple did give their authority in the earth over to the evil demons. (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Acts 2:1-13; Joel 3:1-5)) So your experiences in My kingdom of God in the earth include troubles, problems, harassment, persecution, temptations and tribulations. However, if you are My child, you have the power of My Holy Spirit to defeat everything that the devil throws your way and you have the authority to send his demons into their place of judgment, which is the lake of fire. You inherited the same war against the devil and his demons that Jesus Christ fought when He walked the earth and went to hell for the sins of the world. I said through the apostle John that the reason My Son Jesus Christ came into the world was to defeat the works of the devil. (I John 3:8) After he completed that task, He came to sit down with Me in heaven and He sent His same power source, My Holy Spirit, to live inside of people who would believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and they would continue defeating the works of the devil while they live in the earth and also allow My Holy Spirit to cast the demons into the lake of fire in the abyss. (Matthew 13:36-43) So you see that the sufferings to which you are called are related to the demons who prowl the earth spying out My children in order to try to tempt them to make another pact with the devil like Adam and Eve did which flooded the earth with demons and thus their curses. If you do yield to the temptation of the devil, your sufferings are magnified even more because of the generational demons with which you were born, ones that go all the way back to Adam and his children who found out that the sins of the fathers are visited upon their children, not by My design, but by the devil's design through Adam. I gave My children My power of the Holy Spirit to defeat demons in the earth and allow Him to speak My judgment upon those demons, the judgment of the lake of fire where there is crying and gnashing of teeth. When My children know that their lives on earth after they are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit are often one of suffering in the same way that Christ Jesus suffered, at the hands of the devil who uses religious and political demons to further their curses in the world, just like they did when Jesus Christ ministered in the world. Rejoice! Jesus Christ said that all authority in the earth had been given to Him and He gave that authority to My Holy Spirit led children, the same authority in the earth that Christ Jesus had, which is reigning over all flesh. (John 17:1-2) During periods of suffering in the earth at the hands of the devil in battles, keep in mind that the glory that is on the horizon for those children of Mine who defeat the devil is inherently superior to anything that is in the earth. Your Father of Glorious Blessings and Rewards

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