Friday, August 12, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, Seed faith regarding money is a popular doctrine in the evangelical churches in the world. In those churches seed faith normally is related to giving money to some church, evangelist or ministry with the expectation that I will reward you by multiplying the sum many times over. Unfortunately, the true doctrine of seed faith has very little to do with enhancing the ministries of that popular doctrine. There are sound doctrines related to seed faith that have nothing to do with money. You must first understand what happened to the true doctrine of seed faith which pertains to love, mercy, faith, goodness, kindness, joy, patience, revelations, truths, insights and spiritual understandings, which are spiritual virtues and principles. Instead of understanding that My true doctrine of seed faith relates to spiritual truths and virtues, some evangelists who were in need of money but had no faith in My ability to provide it, they resorted to furthering the ministry of the demonic whore of Babylon instead of the true doctrine of seed faith. The whore of Babylon encourages you and others of My children to give money to some evangelist, ministry or church, expecting that the leader of that group is going to pray for you, instead of your having the faith to pray for yourself. In other words, that religious minister or group becomes a religious whore, promising to do your praying for you instead of your coming to Me in faith for Me to answer your prayers or multiply your gift of money which you intended to go for ministry to the sick, the diseased, the spiritually hungry or the widows and children. Instead, your money which you intended to be spent for people who were in great need went to multiply the opulent lifestyles of the ministers who are involved in the religious whoredom. They accept your money with little intention of allowing it to be spent on the poor and needy, but instead it is spent on more opulence and frivolous lifestyles of their own. (Ezekiel 23; Revelations 14:19) Though those religious ministers and evangelists exhibit their love for money in their opulent lifestyles, My children continue to pour money into their coffers and believe that those spiritual whores will approach Me with the names of their followers who in weak faith wanted the men and women who are religious whores to do their praying for them, just like physical whores perform sexual acts on men for money. (Revelation 12:17) My truth relating to seed faith relies on My Life that is in the seeds that you plant, your expecting someone to come along and water them by distributing them to provide food, water, clothing, encouragement, love, joy or whatever the need in people. Then you can truthfully expect Me to multiply the seeds of real giving. Not so with the whore of Babylon whose money is spent on furthering the love of money. I told you that I would tell you where the good ground is located so that you will not give to ministries in which the whores of Babylon are motivating appeals for your money which will be spent on their extreme wealth. The apostle Paul continually encouraged My children to give to ministries that took care of orphans and widows. He wrote to Titus and Timothy, whom he had left in charge of several churches, to make sure that the widows and orphans were cared for adequately with the money given by the saints, which is the pure reason for giving money to ministries and furthering the traveling of ministers when their locations are not already evangelized. Opulent lifestyles relating to huge beautiful sanctuaries in churches do not glorify Me. Consider the poor people who give their tithes, which is an old covenant law, and yet they cannot feed their children with healthy food or clothe their own children with adequate coverings or pay their own bills. Still, they are encouraged by the ministers of the whore of Babylon to give 10% to the church which is already overflowing with wealth and showy opulence. Money invested in your personally giving from your heart to the poor, the diseased and the widows and children furthers the ministry of Jesus Christ. When given from a pure heart, without the knowledge of anyone, that gift will be rewarded by Me because I know that when I reward you with money that that money will also continue to be used to meet the needs of people in need who are cursed with the demon of poverty. (Matthew 6:1-4) My children who are cursed with the generational demons of poverty will never have enough money because those demons will suck it right out of their pockets in order to keep them hungry and begging for money. (James 1:27; I Timothy 3-5) It is those people who must be fed and then evangelized with truth which teaches them how to work for money and then to save their money for future expenses. Giving from your heart means to give as led by the Holy Spirit. He knows the good ground. (Matthew 13:8-23) In your giving of money, be careful that you are giving as led by My Holy Spirit. If you are not consulting Him, you might be giving life to a false doctrine by vicariously giving to a ministry of a person who is teaching errors such as the whore of Babylon. Your Father of Truth in All Things

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