Saturday, December 10, 2022


BLESSED BY REVELATION OF THE GLORIOUS INHERITANCE OF THE SAINTS My Dear Precious Child, In the apostle and prophet Paul's letter to the Ephesian Christians he wrote that he prayed constantly that they might know by revelation, number one, the hope of their calling; number two, the glorious inheritance of the saints; and, number three, the power given to all who believe. Paul realized that without those areas of revealed knowledge that they would be tempted, deceived, caught, and become fodder for the demons who roam the earth seeking whom they may devour. Knowing by revelation what all is in the blessed inheritance of the saints that come from Me is one of the sound foundations of knowledge which My children must rely upon in order to access their inheritance. (Ephesians 1:17-23) In earthly families, if one of the children in the family does not know about the family fortune and their father's desire for them to be blessed by receiving their portion, then that child is ignorant of the fortune that is awaiting him or her. The will of the deceased is printed in publications in order for all of the beneficiaries to be located and identified in order to receive their portion of the inheritance. My Written Words called the Bible contain listings of your inheritance. In My kingdom of God it's the same thing. If you are not taught what is in your inheritance from Me through Jesus Christ, then you are also ignorant of all that is legally yours, that being what was purchased by the death of Jesus Christ on the cross; plus what was in the occasion of His going to hell which was to pay for your sins in order to wipe the slate clean of all of your sins, iniquities and transgressions; plus the legal inheritance of your receiving My Holy Spirit, who is the power that caused Jesus Christ to be able to cast out demons and heal the sick; plus the promise of your having authoritative power over the works of demons in the earth and over the devil in his hell. (Isaiah 1:18; I John 2:2; Galatians 1:4; Luke 9:1; Luke 19:19) One of the most important gifts in your inheritance is your being baptized in My Holy Spirit in which you receive My intercessory prayer language which is the language of My heaven, the language by which I created the earth at the beginning. It is in that new prayer language that I grant to all believers who seek to be baptized in My Holy Spirit that I am allowed to bypass your human mind in which there is unbelief, doubt and often confusion, and instead of those cursing words proceding out of your mouth, My living waters of the words of Life which come from My Holy Spirit will flow profusely. It is in that prayer language that all battles with evil spiritual forces are fought and won by My children. It is in that prayer language that I speak orchestrations that bless your life with My blessings instead of the curses that evil demons desire to place in your life. It is in that prayer language that I exchange joy for mourning sacks and dancing for the devil's depression. (Acts 2:1-13; Ephesians 6:10-18; Romans 8:26-27) You must discover by revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit all that that you can inherit from Me for being My child. If you don't know what is legally yours, then you can be cheated by the devil from inheriting any or all of your inheritance while you live in the world. Your Father of Legally Distributed Gifts, Blessings and Rewards

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