Acts of kindness will always be met with acts of kindness because of the action in the heavenly community of returning to you what has been sown.
Plant kindness; reap kindness. Plant love; reap love. Plant joy; reap joy. Plant mercy; reap mercy. Plant faith; reap faith. Plant patience; reap patience. Plant self control; reap self control. Plant goodness; reap goodness.
Everything in the earth produces after its own kind. The earth is a mirror of the spiritual kingdom; therefore, everything spiritual produces after its own kind, also.
The miraculous thing about the spiritual kingdom is that when kindness is sown in the earth in a particular ground, that seed of kindness is immediately multiplied, and kindness is returned from many various sources because the spiritual community is full of kindness and they will permeate your spiritual atmosphere with kindness.
Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit and when a seed of fruit is planted, fruit is produced that has many, many seeds. So it's not a one on one ration in the production, but it's a one seed producing millions of the same fruit ratio.
You can also consider the planting of seeds of the flesh, those being jealously, strife, doubt, conflict, sarcasm, domination, envy, railing; licentiousness, drunkenness, carousing, selfishness and the like. The returns will not only be from one particular source, but they will be from many, many sources of like evil spirits. The effects of them will go on and on and on and on.
The fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of the enemy grow in multiples, and the individual fruit all have multiple seeds. So what is planted is returned in multiples of the same fruit with multiple seeds within each one. So it's not one return for one seed planted. It's many, many, many returns.
That truth is what I was trying to teach about seeds that you plant and the different rates of return, some hundreds and some thousands.
Make sure the seeds that you plant are from My seeds, not from the seeds of the enemy. You will eat the fruit of what you plant, for sure. It's a spiritual principle instituted from the beginning.
Rejoice in the truth that I can redeem the effects from bad seeds you have planted. But, remember, sometimes it's a battle in earth and in heaven before complete redemption is accomplished. It's better to sow good seeds.
Love, God
Galatians 5: 16-36; Galatians 6:8 - 10; II Corinthians 9:6
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