Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Dear One,
You have found out that you cannot predetermine a good future by worrying about things. You know that excessive worry will cause your future to be insecure and negative.
I have the means to make your future secure, firm, happy and stable
Worry is a subtraction. It subtracts good things from your future.
Trusting in Me, which is having faith, adds beneficial things to your future.
So you must choose which you will implement in your life, faith or worry, addition or subtraction, positive or negative, + or -, adding to or taking from.
That is the secret to your future, plus + or minus -, positive thoughts and actions or negative thoughts and actions.
Undo all the negatives in your mind and make them into positive images. Negatives will subtract good things but positives will add good things.
You really don't want the things that conflict brings, which are chaos, because they subtract your blessings from you with your permission.
My children have a wonderful advantage because praying in the spirit will multiple positive things and make them into blessings.
It's really very simple, choose either good things to believe or choose bad things to believe. Choose to believe what faith tells you to believe and then call worry a liar for giving you bad images in your mind. Worry is the thief that comes in the night to rob you. Rejoice, I have oercome worry and its torment.
Choose to believe Me.
Love, God
Matthew 6:28-34; Philippins 4:6-8.

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