Sunday, November 20, 2011


Dear One
Negative emotions will defeat you every time.
Jesus taught that if a man is angry with you, you should react with love.
Jesus taught that if a person wrongs you, you should forgive him and pray for him.
Jesus taught that if a person strikes you on the cheek, turn the other cheek, too, not necessarily to be stricken again but as a sign of showing that you seek peace. If you strike back, it is said that all hell will break loose. That is a good description because when you react with anger there are demonic spirits who join in the situation and cause more turmoil, cursing you.
Jesus taught that if a person asks for your cloak that you should give him your coat also.
Jesus taught that being merciful is My way to handle the wrongful acts of people. He taught that getting even or judging or returning evil for evil is not My ways of reacting. In other ways, My ways are never the ways of usual emotional responses of people. My ways are the opposite. The reasons for My teachings on attitudes , actions and reactions are for your benefit. I want you to keep anger, retribution, judgment and vengeance out of your life because when you get into the devil's territory you will reap the seeds you have planted and those things will come against you.
My advice to keep peace with all men is for your protection. It is protecting yourself and your family.
I said to come to Me and let's reason together. I never said to come to Me and let's get emotional or mad together against someone. I want to reason with you and show you the reasons for what I taught through Jesus.
I sent the Holy Spirit to be your teacher. He is the Spirit of Truth. He will explain My reasoning to you.
Love, God
Matthew 5:21-26; Matthew 5:37-49; Matthew 5:14-15; Matthew 6:1-12; Romans 12:18-21.

Photo is a Norman Rockwell print

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