Sunday, April 8, 2012


Dear One,
Ups and downs, sideways and in circles, that is what life in the earth sometimes seems like.
You must realize that the more people who are involved in a situation the more chances there are for a topsy-turvy lifestyle to be evident.
Just like people carry different viruses and bacterias in their bodies which are passed on to others, there are divers forms of spirits passed on to others in the capsules of words, attitudes and actions.They are sent to infect others and make them emotionally ill and negative in attitudes so that evil is promulgated in the lives of more people.
"Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it proceeds the issues of life," is probably the best advice you will ever get. The psalmist said to keep away from a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from you."
Heed that wise advice and you will have a clean heart, unpolluted by others.
I did not create you to live topsy-turvy and upside down lives. I created you for a life of peace, calmness, joy and love.
Avoid earthly situations that have been polluted by froward mouths and perverse lips. Choose to engage in earthly situations that are overflowing with peaceful and loving words, attitudes and actions.
You will experience a bit of heaven if you will always choose goodness and kindness in all matters.

Love, God
Proverbs 4:23-27; James 1:2-18.

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