Dear One,
Those who are led by My Spirit are those who can discern the mental urgings, whether the urgings are emotional, whether they are from the devil or whether they are coming from Me.
When there are feelings of caution or discomfort, you can assume that the steps you are about to take are dangerous steps for you or or family, and that the caution or warning is from Me. You should proceed very slowly or not at all. until you know that the path is clear of obstacles.
Feelings of joy and peace mean that you can comfortably go ahead and proceed with a decision or an action, knowing that the emotions or fruit of My Spirit are giving you the go ahead.
You don't need to rush into any activity or decision . Give yourself time to become calm enough to be guaranteed that you will be able to adequately assess your response to Me and My guidance.
Many mistakes are made by people who rush into a decision or action because of outside pressures or inside pressures in the form of fear or guilt or shame or intimidation. You know that those feelings or urgings are not from Me.
Only make decisions and take actions in response to Me and My Spirit, not in response to emotions or the flesh which are influenced by the devil.
Decisions or actions made in response to fear will curse you with what you fear. It happened to Job. When Job communed with Me and I gave him the way out of his problems, everything was restored to him. It would have been better if He had listened to Me in the beginning rather than listening to the devil who spoke to him through his closest friends.
Yes, Job prospered in every way after he turned to Me for My guidance but he had many years of curses and so did his family because he obeyed the urgings of fear which were given to him by the devil. Then his friends joined in with the devil and put more fear into Job. He eventually heard me say, "Who is this that darkens counsel without knowledge?" Job was listening to the wisdom of men rather than My wisdom and knowledge. When He began to listen to Me, then I was able to show him how to get out of the predicaments that fear caused in his life. He emerged from the situation better than before, but he suffered many years in many areas.
Now you have the Holy Spirit inside of you to lead and guide you in all your ways so that the toes on your feet won't even get stumped.
Don't forget that I am your Good Father who wants to lead you in every area of life. Don't make anyone else your Heavenly Father, only Me. If you are motivated by fear and you make your friends your guides and counselors, you might be like Job who lost everything he owned for a while.
My guidance is perfect and knowledgeable. I live inside of you. Take My advice and prosper.
Love, God
Job 38:1-2; and Job 42:3-4-6 and 10; Proverbs 19:3; Romans 8:14.
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