Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Dear One,
     You should care for your body like you care for your most prized possession.  It is your most prized earthly possession because it houses your true person, your spirit. 
     Your body is also My most prized possession because it houses My Spirit, too, if you have invited Him into your life.  Where My Spirit is, there I am.  My dwelling place in the earth is in the bodies of My children, not in wood or brick or metal buildings. 
     Because I live in My children, I sing when they sing.  I dance when they dance.  I pray when they pray.  You are My presence in the earth.
     I want you to take care of My temple, your body, just like people took care of the Ark of the Covenant under the old covenant.  The attention of the priests and others was commendable.  My presence was in that Ark and later in the Temple because the way had not been paved for Me to live in the spirits of My children.  But now, under the New Covenant with all people, I have chosen to live inside of My children.
     I don't want you to give Me a body that is overstressed, over tired, over worked, over involved, weak, controlling, over fed, angry, strife-filled or the like. My dwelling place should be kind, loving, clean, groomed, healthy, merciful, loving, joyful, faithful and wise.  It should be a reflection of My life which is inside of you.
     I was specific in giving the design for My temporary temple to men under the first covenant. I am just as concerned about your diligence in caring for My temple, your body, under My new and final covenant with people.
     Your attitudes should be My attitudes.  Your food should be nutritious and healthy.  Your rest should be plentiful.  Cleanliness should be observed.
     Make the outside of your body a reflection of the inside where I live. I have given specific instructions related to this in My Instruction Book relating to thoughts, words, attitudes and actions.  Jesus taught extensively about it, as did Peter and Paul.  Research them and let My Spirit enlighten you about taking care of the housing for your spirit and My Spirit.
     "Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?"
     Love, God
I Corinthians 6:17-19; Philippians 4:6-8; Matthew 5, 6 and 7; II Peter 1:3-11.
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