Friday, November 9, 2012


Dear One,
     Community is so important.  The community of believers is important to your social, your emotional and your physical life.  Even the community of nonbelievers is important to your happiness because each person has his gifts that I gave to My children which would enable everyone to get their earthly needs met.
     You have seen when tragedy strikes how people rush to meet the needs of the person, supplying what is needed according to the talents of the community. The community in every venue exists for the good of its members.
     You have seen how different groups have the talents and gifts needed within that group to supply every area of need, whether it's a spiritual need, a material need or an emotional need.
     Community members go outside of their own usual gatherings to extend love and earthly benefits to others, perpetuating the fulfillment of all earthly needs.
     There are needs that go beyond what a community can supply.  Those are needs that are spiritual and go beyond the spiritual fulfillment that people can meet  That is why I sent My Holy Spirit, to meet the needs that are demonic in origin.  Jesus came to earth to destroy the works of the devil and My Spirit is continuing His work in the earth.
     Some of those needs are for healing where physicians and medicine cannot cure.     
     There are emotional and mental needs that psychologists and medications cannot meet that only My Spirit can give insight and wisdom relating to those problems. 
     There are problems involving conflicts between people that counselors do not know how to negotiate.  I can give the perfect strategies toward creating peace in those situations through My Spirit. 
     There are battles and onslaughts by the devil that humans have absolutely no weapons which are effective against the evil forces at the base of the situations.  Only My Spirit and His words in prayers can deal with the perpetrators of the evil, chasing them out and sending them to hell, bringing peace to the people.
     The community is important, but there are limits to the effectiveness of community.  That's where I come in, to do what humans cannot do.
     You can study the power of My Spirit and what He can do in the earth.  All of My power is available in Him to correct and perfect what people do not have the ability to perfect in the earth.
     I have provided everything necessary for life and godliness through My Spirit.    
     Learn about Me and My Spirit and then you will be educated on My power.  You will be able to employ My promise to My children to the fullest degree. I am your Father.  I supply everything for you.
     Love, God    
I Corinthians 2:12-16; I Corinthians 12: 29-31; I Corinthians 13:1-8; Ephesians 4:10-16;  Colossians 1:25-29.
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