Saturday, December 22, 2012


Dear One,
     "Bless them who curse you.  Do good to those who hate you.  Pray for them who  despitefully use you."
     That admonition by Jesus sounded revolutionary to my children the first time they heard it.  It continues to sound revolutionary and impossible to do today because your culture has taught that a person must fight back with violence when violence comes at you, that you must curse those who curse you, that you must hate those who hate you and that you must take from those who use you.  In other words, an eye for an eye has always been the philosophy since Adam's disobedience caused blockages for men from their communication with Me.  It has never been My instructions to My children.
     Jesus knew that your joining with evil in retaliation would always result in evil being returned to you in a larger way.  He knew that I will avenge the evil spirits behind every evil act of men.  I pronounce My judgment against the demonic activity that causes all evil.  My judgment is never against people.  It is always against the evil principalities and powers in the heavens. 
      Your actions against those who wrong you must always be the opposite reaction, love returned for hate, good returned for evil, forgiveness returned for unforgiveness, mercy returned when judged, kindness returned for curses.
     When you are able to do those things, returned good for evil done to you,  the effect on the evil beings behind the bad actions toward you will shrink away in fear because their actions depend on like actions being returned.  When you return goodness instead of unkindness, the other person is freed from the evil behind his or her actions and good overcomes the evil.  Then there is rejoicing in heaven because another battle has been won in the earth.
      When you return evil for evil done to you, there is also rejoicing in the spiritual dimension, but not my heaven.  There is rejoicing in the dimension of evil because they have won a battle which you helped them win by your returning evil for evil done to you.
      Even though it sounds revolutionary to you, please do what I asked you to do, which is to return good for evil done to you, bless those who curse you and pray for those who despitefully use you.  When you do, we win another battle for delivering the earth from evil.    Yes, every battle is important.
     Love, God
Matthew 5:43-48; Luke 6:28-38; Romans 12:14-21.

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