Sunday, March 31, 2013


Dear One,
     You must learn to let peace be your umpire, letting you know when things are going according to My plans in every matter that concerns you. I will let you know when you are safely on good paths or whether you are outside of My created paths for you.  I will let you know if you are either safe or out.
     When peace leaves you, there is a need to be quiet, come to Me and let Me be your guide.  I will let you know where you have gotten off of My paths of peace and gotten into enemy territory which is replete with unrest and fear.
     If things in your life are harried, over active and stressed, don't make an;y decisions in a hurry. Nothing is worth the problems that can happen when you make a big decision when there are already multiple stressors in your life.
     Losing your sense of peace is not worth anything. I am your guide and your teacher. 
     Mistakes are made when you override the gut feeling of uneasiness in your spirit.  That is My signal to you, what is referred to as your umpire, telling that you are treading in waters that can possible engulf you.  
     I want to lead you into the paths of righteousness for your sake.  I want to protect you and provide for you.  I give My peace to you to let you know when you are on the right path.
     Before Jesus left the earth and came back to heaven, he said, "Peace I leave with you.  My peace I give to you; not  as the world gives, give I to you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."  So My peace is a gift that Jesus gave to everyone who will receive it.  Where there is peace, there is no fear.
     Live in close unity with Me, let Me lead you onto the right paths,  and fear will disappear.  Peace will reign in your heart.
     Love, God
Luke 2:14; John 14:27; Acts 10:36- 38; Romans 5:1; Romans 15:13; Romans 15:32-33; Romans 14:19 Colossians 3:15-17;

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Dear One,
     My Kingdom became available to be accessed by My children when My Holy Spirit entered into the earth to live within any man or woman who would invite Him. 
     My Holy Spirit was inside of Jesus when He walked the earth. He provided My power to do miracles and to give wisdom and knowledge to Jesus. 
     My Holy Spirit does the same thing within My other children, gives them power to institute miracles, healings, wisdom, knowledge, speak and pray in My spiritual languages, interpret them, prophesy and have supernatural faith.
    Yes, My Spirit is power.  He is wisdom.  He is knowledge and truth.  He is healing.  He is prophesy.  He is faith. 
     I live in the earth through My Holy Spirit who dwells within you.  He is not lacking in any of My power.  It is through Him that your citizenship is in heaven.  It is through Him that you are seated with Me in the heavens.    It is through Him that My kingdom is present in the earth inside of you. 
     Jesus said that My children would do more of My works in the earth because He came back to Me.  The only things blocking your ability to do those works are the passions of your flesh which are at enmity with Me.  Those passions are introduced to your mind by the author of evil, the devil. You have the authority to refuse those passions of the flesh, which are from hell, and you have the Holy Spirit authority to cast them into hell where they belong.  When you choose to do the promptings of My Spirit rather than doing the temptations of the evil one, then your gifts that are provided by My Spirit to do good works will soar.  Blessings will overtake you.
     My Holy Spirit is the captain of My team in the earth.  Listen to His instructions and heed them.  He will make you a winner every time.
     Love, God
John 14, 15, 16; I Corinthians 12:1-11; Romans 8L5-13.

Friday, March 29, 2013


Dear One,
     I remind you that it's imperative that you do your share by introducing into your mental and spiritual atmosphere what is termed as the fruit of the Spirit while I am introducing into the heavens the necessary activities to change and perfect every situation into which you have invited Me.
     You have sung, "A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down."   The same principle applies to spiritual matters.  Loving, kind, good, merciful, forgiving, beneficial thoughts, attitudes and actions on your part set the earthly stage for the introduction of My miraculous workings to be manifested in your situation.
      Read the words of My Holy Spirit spoken through Jesus and the words of My Holy Spirit written through Peter, Paul and James.  Everything good that I do for you is positively or negatively affected by your thoughts, attitudes and actions toward other people in the earth.
     When your thoughts, attitudes and actions are reflective of My Holy Spirit, who lives within you, then the spiritual atmosphere in the earth is in agreement with My thoughts, attitudes and actions in the heavens.  Where there is agreement, everything is established.  Where there is strife, disagreement, disgust, dissension, muttering, griping and quarreling, there is no agreement with Me and My wonderful plans for the answer to your prayers.
     Good and evil don't mix to bring a positive outcome.
     Work with Me instead of against Me and you will behold wonders. Miracles will happen.
     Love, God
Matthew 5 21-26; Matthew 5:38-48; Matthew 7:1-12; Mark 11:23-24; Galatians 5:13-25; James 3;13-18; James 4:1-3; I Peter 1:13-22; I Peter 2:1-5.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Dear One,
    Changing your bad circumstances to good circumstances is no problem for Me.  My desire for you is that all of the circumstances in your life are good circumstances. 
     Changing your bad situations to good situations is no problem for Me.  My desire is that all situations in your life are good situations. 
     Changing the attitudes and behaviors of other people with whom you exist in the earth is no problem for Me.  My desire is that all people come to a knowledge of the Truth and that you all live together in harmony and peace.
     So we get back to the determining ingredient in the scenario of answering your prayers, which is changing your thoughts and attitudes toward the people, the circumstances and the situations.  Changing your thoughts and attitudes from ones of disgust, anger, unforgiveness, strife and judgment to thoughts and  attitudes of forgiveness, validation, love, mercy and approval will accelerate the arrival of the answers to your prayers.
      I have said many times that where there is strife, bickering and dissension that there is every evil work.  When you are working against people by having bad thoughts and attitudes toward them, how can you expect My work in their lives to change their bad thoughts and attitudes plus change the bad circumstances to good ones?  It is like i am constantly cleaning mud off of a wall while you are constantly throwing more mud onto it.  You are working against Me while expecting Me to clean up the mess.
     I have all power in the universe to perfect your situation and your circumstances. Since you have the instructions from Me at the beginning of the world to be the authority in the earth by having dominion over it, you must work with Me rather than against Me while I am using all of My power and all of the angelic forces to perfect everything that concerns you.
     Jesus wasn't just talking theories when He taught about your being a person of  good attitudes, commonly called the Beatitudes.  He was teaching workable principles to you so that you would create a spiritual atmosphere in the world which will expedite the answer to your prayers and which will usher in the abundant life that I promised.
     Thoughts and attitudes are powerful in the earth just like My thoughts and attitudes are powerful in the heavens.  When Jesus told you that if a man looks upon a woman with lust that he has already committed adultery in his heart, he was using that as an example of the power of thoughts and attitudes.  He was telling you to pluck out those thoughts the minute they enter your mind because they have been sent by your enemy to entice you to sabotage your own prayers from being answered.
     Learn these truths completely so that you will recognize the thoughts from the bully who wants to rob and steal from you.
     Love, God
Matthew 5, 6 and 7.
photo from:  SapphiresMoonbeams

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Dear One,
     The subject of most of the prayers of My children relate to asking Me to change circumstances or change people so that peace and comfort will increase in their lives.  When you think about it, you will recognize that most of your prayers are related to changing people and/or changing circumstances.  When people and circumstances change, the situations change and there seems to be no apparent problems to anyone.
     You often miss an important ingredient in the scenario of prayers being answered.  I very often ask that your attitude toward the circumstances and the people involved in the situation be changed first. 
     Do you remember that Jesus taught that when you stand praying about something and have anything against anyone, that you forgive the person first?   Does that signal to you the importance that Jesus taught about changing your attitude?
     Also remember that Jesus taught that if a person is angry with his brother, he is in danger of judgment, meaning that the anger seeds that are operating in his attitude of anger will sow seeds of anger and his judgment will be that anger will return to him and judge him with a vengeance. 
     Jesus taught that if you are offering gifts at the altar and you realize that someone has something against you, you should make peace with that person before you return to offer your gifts at the altar.  Jesus was teaching about bad attitudes towards others as being a problem which delays answered prayers and that good, forgiving attributes creates a clear avenue as far as prayers being quickly answered.
     The ministry of the Prince of Peace is that My children keep peace with all people.  The result of that is that the spiritual climate is so clear that your prayers are easily answered.  In other words, forgiving someone and establishing peace with others means you are clearing the spiritual atmosphere and then the answers to your prayers will easily be manifested.
     You must remember that I never say no to your prayers.  The problem is that My children sabotage their own prayers, causing them not to be answered because of attitudes which block the spiritual climate around them which interferes with the blessings that I promised.
     Love, God
Mark 11:23-24; Matthew 5:21-30;  
photo from:  SapphiresMoonbeams 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Dear One,
     Oh, that heads of governments and countries would listen to My insight and wisdom.  If they would, there would be no wars, no devastation, no conficts, no needless deaths. 
     My words to My children always bring peace and they teach how to bring peace.  Peace would reign in the world if heads of governments and countries would seek Me and hear My words. There are wars, killings, devastations and constant conflicts because people listen to the father of wars, the devil.
     Jesus was prophesied to be the Prince of Peace.  The reason He was manifested in the earth was to destroy the works of the devil.  When you have the same Holy Spirit that raised Him from the deal living inside of you, then you will become a prince of peace, a restorer of the brethren, a person of forgiveness toward all people who offend you and curse you and do all manner of evil against you.  You will be a champion of peace.
     My words always bring peace.  In a war-torn world, you can live in your own atmosphere of peace if you choose to listen to My words, even while others are being motivated by the father of conflict, strife and wars.
     Yes, there is peace available to all people.  My children need to turn from sowing conflict and strife into the earth and the heavens.  When that happens in the lives of My children, then other will follow the lead and also turn t Me for guidance in resolving the  conflicts that cause wars.  My children must stop the wars in their lives first.  Just like some countries are addicted to war, some of My children are addicted to the conflicts that cause wars. It should not be so.
     Seek My peace every day and seek peace with all people every day.
      Love, God
Isaiah 9:6; II Chronicles 7:14; I John 3:8; James 4:1-4; John 16:13-15; Luke 2:14. 

Monday, March 25, 2013


Dear One,
     You have experienced many, many times that My personal words to you always bring peace that passes understanding.  While in the middle of a problem or when you are perplexed about something, My words come to you in either a scripture, a song, a quotation, some vision of encouragement or some word of guidance.  Peace floods your mind and the problem vanishes, burdens fall off and My insight enters into your mind. 
     After you have heard My peace-giving words, the logic and insight that I gave into the situation seems so simple and you wonder how you had previously missed it.
     What caused you to be blinded to the wisdom is that the confusion in your mind clouded your understanding and you couldn't decipher My wisdom that I was speaking to you all the time.
     The important thing is that you came to Me and My words caused calmness to your racing mind. My heavenly logic brought insight and peace to your mind. The period of confusion fell away like rain water down a rain gutter and you felt  immediate relief, just like I promised, in the twinkly of an eye.  You usually wonder why you didn't submit your mind to Me much earlier in order to receive peace and comfort.
      Sometimes the scenario that plays out is that you come to Me for My insight and peace and when you don't hear it immediately, you leave it with Me and go on your way, trusting that I will infuse it into your mind when you are not so desperately seeking that you block it.  Then, when you are in a state of calmness of mind, voila, the insight and wisdom become revealed.  You are elated and praise Me for My gift to you.  It was yours all the time.  You only needed to submit the problem to Me.
       All of My wisdom, knowledge, insight, guidance and encouragement are yours.  The price has been bought and paid.   You don't have to strive for it.  You only have to come to Me and ask, believing that you will receive it. 
       Love, God  
Matthew 7:7-11; Ephesians 3:14-20; Ephesians 1:16-22; James 3:17-18.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Dear One,
     You need to realize that passions, which come from your emotions, are full of power.  They emit power in the atmosphere around you and also in the heavens around you. 
      Passions can bless or they can curse, depending upon where they originate, either the spirit of a person or the flesh of a person.  
     If the passion is unconditional love which comes from the spirit of a person, then it will bless, heal, encourage, uplift, build up, validate and forgive others as well as do the same thing in the heavens around the person.
     If the passion is strife and anger which comes from the evil one who influences the flesh of a person, then it will curse, injure, discourage, tear down, rob from, be worrisome, be fearful and divide and kill others as well as do the same thing in the heavens around the person. 
     Joy affects everyone and everything around it because it spreads lightheartedness, laughter and joviality into the atmosphere and the heavens.
     Strife and fear affect everyone and everything around them because they spread heaviness, sadness, discouragement and hopelessness into the atmosphere and the heavens.
     You have experienced walking into a room where there is strife and fear having been released by the people in the room.  They engulf you in sadness and distress, making you want to leave immediately.
      You have experienced walking into a room where there is happiness and joy being  released by the people in the room.  It engulfs you in happiness and good will, making you want to stay and participate in the joy.
      So can you see that if those passions or emotions affect you positively or negatively that they do the same in the heavens, either inviting either My angelic spirits or the devil's demons to join into the spiritual climate. 
      Emotions come from the word emote, which means to spread strong feelings that cause changes in the physiological and psychological aspects of the body, both your body and the bodies of other people.   I have said that there are bodies terrestrial and there are bodies celestial.  Not only do emotions affect the terrestrial, earthly bodies of people but they affect the celestial, angelic bodies in the heavens, inviting like spirits into your cloud of witnesses.  That is where the truth of My children choosing either blessings or curses comes in.  Your emotions are either blessing passions or cursing passions.
     You still have authority in the earth, so what you emote or pass on (passion) will affect your inheritance, either blessings or curses.
      I gave you My Holy Spirit in whom all of My passions dwell.  When you have Him inside of you, you have all the heavenly passions that Jesus did when He was in the earth.
     Yes, you are still human, but don't use that as an excuse for spreading injurious passions into the earth and the heavens.  Jesus told you to be perfect just as I am perfect.  We want you to spread My love and joy into the earth and the heavens so that you will inherit every good thing from My kingdom of blessings instead of inheriting destruction from the kingdom of unrighteousness.
      Let all of your passions come from My Spirit within you.   Then you will enjoy the abundant life that I promised.
     Love, God
I Corinthians 15:39-45; Hebrews 12:1-2; Galatians 5:13-25;   Matthew 5:26-28.   

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Dear One,
     When you can truly forgive someone of their emotional, physical and verbal abuses of you, then those afflictions never existed because there is no record of them having happening in the earth.  They have already been forgiven and erased from any heavenly registry because of the  blood of Jesus so there is no record of them anywhere when you can finally conquer the mental image of the occasion and release them from your mind.  The earthy record is clean and white as snow and any heavenly record is erased and white as snow.  When you have conquered the mental images, the event never happened.
     You must realize that I have blotted out your transgressions and your emotional, physical and verbal abuses, too, in the heavens because of the blood of Jesus .  When you ask that they be forgiven, then any record of them in the earth is also blotted out and erased.
     Jesus prayed, "And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."  Maybe you never realized that prayer also teaches the truth of sowing and reaping.
     You have a powerful responsibility because of the truth spoken by Jesus when He told the disciples, "Whoever sins you forgive are forgiven and whoever sins you retain are retained." 
     So when you combine the truth of those two keys to My kingdom, you understand that if you retain the sins or transgressions against you in your mind, then your sins and transgressions are also retained.  Also, when you forgive the sins of everyone, then your sins are also obliterated from any record in heaven and earth.
     What a powerful responsibility that is, that you have the authority to obliterate the sins and transgressions of others and also with that mental exercise of forgiveness you also obliterate any mental record of your own sins and transgressions.
      Walk in that truth and you will have no burdens because there will be none that exist.  The greatest prayer that Jesus prayed was, "Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."
       That covers every sin, transgression and iniquity.  My children do not know that all sins, transgressions and iniquities are performed at the prompting of the devil who is the father of all evil in the earth.  That's what Jesus meant, that what was happening to Him was performed at the prompting of the devil, that the people didn't instigate it.  That should be the basis of all your forgiveness, "Forgive them.  They don't know what they are doing."
        I have forgiven you of your shortcomings before they happened.  Be of the same thought and attitude, forgiving people before they ever do anything to hurt you.  My children should not be record keepers of the transgressions of other people because if they do it guarantees there is a record of their own transgressions in existence.
         Pay attention to this prayer of Jesus: "Forgive us our transgressions as we forgive those who transgress against us."
        Love, God
Matthew 6:12-15; Mark 11:24-26; Luke 11:4; I John 1:9-10; Luke 23:34;    

Friday, March 22, 2013


Dear One,
     I continue to dwell on the teachings of Jesus relating to seed sowing and harvest, recognizing that you will harvest the fruit from the seeds you have sown.  When you sow seeds into the garden of righteousness you will obtain fruit from that garden, pressed down and running over.  When you sow seeds into the garden of unrighteousness you will obtain the fruit from that garden, pressed down and running over.  Sometimes you don't realize that the seeds you are sowing are unrighteous seeds. 
     For instance, My children think that they can think and speak unrighteous seeds of judgment of others just because they are called by My name.  You do have the right to make that decision if you so choose because I gave all of you free will.  But, Jesus explained to all My children that judging others will give others the right to judge you.  If you want to loose the spirit of judgment upon yourself in a greater degree, then you will choose to judge others.   The same is true about condemnation, anger, division, disgust, dissension, abuse and the like. That''s why I said if you live by the sword you will die by the sword.  I don't desire that you die that gruesome way, but it is your choice to make, whether to live empowered by My Spirit of Love or to live empowered by the spirit of destruction. 
    That's why you must be alert to bring every judging, condemning, divisive, angry, abusing, disgusting thought into captivity and cast them out before they become attitudes. Those thoughts of judging others because of their beliefs, their behaviors, their looks, their doctrines, their political views or their ideosyncracies need to be identified and stopped in their tracks and immediately replace them with merciful, forgiving thoughts, being sympathetic and being filled with My love toward them.
     Don't ever forget that the basis of all thoughts of judgment is self righteousness, the belief that you are always right in our own beliefs or actions and others are wrong.  Jesus told people that they practiced the religious laws but they neglected mercy and forgiveness and love, which are more important.
     Remember that what people thought was the judgment seat in My kingdom is actually the mercy seat.  It was always the mercy seat.  People were just deceived to believe that I was a judge rather than believing the truth, that I am Love.
    Jesus also said, "Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy."  Sowing merciful seeds will automatically cause you to obtain mercy from others.
    You have no authority in My family to judge people or their actions.  You do have the authority to judge the demons who tempt you and try you, testing your faith in Me to see if they can get you to follow their guidance into the valley of death rather than you following My guidance into the places where you lie down in green pastures and your soul is completely restored and overflowing with My peace.
   That's what I want for you, to have peace that truly passes understanding.  It's My supernatural peace that comes from being merciful and forgiving.
    Love, God
Psalm 23; Matthew 7:1-5; Luke 6:37-45; Luke 12:57-59; John 7:24; John 12:47; Luke 1:78-70; Romans 12:1; Ephesaians 2:4-10.   

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Thursday, March 21, 2013


Dear One,
      I want you to fully understand that I never cast My children away just because they have yielded to the temptations of evil.  You don't.  Why would I? 
     My children often forget that I didn't come to earth to condemn people.  I came to earth to save them from the destructive effects of yielding to the wiles of the devil.  I have never, ever abandoned My children who are created in My image. 
     Forgiveness and mercy are always extended from Me to all of My children.  If you doubt that, read about the old covenant that I had with Israel.  I never withdrew My love and guidance from them.  The problems they had were because they withdrew their allegiance from Me.  They were the ones who always broke our covenant.  When that happened they always became united with other spirits, spirits of evil who cursed them in all ways.  I couldn't rescue them unless they abandoned their other spiritual gods and returned to Me for My love and guidance. I accepted them back every time.
     How much more is My loyalty to My children now in My new sonship covenant with My children who accept My Holy Spirit into their own lives.   I never leave them.  They often leave Me when they fall for temptations of evil and abandon Me.  But I am always there to welcome them back into My loving fold. It often will take a while to restore all of their blessings to them that they lost during either their long or short  allegiance with the negative spirits.  Reversing the curses that they inherited from their temporary relationship with evil can take a while to accomplish even though, the minute they return to Me, immediately I begin working on the return of blessings. 
     My peace, My love, My mercy, My goodness and kindness is immediate, but the restoration of earthly benefits may take longer because of seeds of destruction that were sown by My children while they were in allegiance with the devil.
     For instance, if you allow yourself to yield to the devil's judging spirit, there are things in your life that will be affected by that relationship because of the principle of judgment returning to you if you judge. I gave you authority in the earth just like I have authority in heaven, so what you sow in your kingdom will come back to either bless you or curse you, depending on what you have sown.  Sowing to evil will cause you to inherit the curses of evil.  Sowing to My kingdom of good will cause you to inherit the blessings of My family.
     Stay alert to differentiate the difference between good thoughts and evil thoughts.  You can identify them by reading the teachings of Jesus and listening to the discernment of spirits given by My Holy Spirit .  Jesus  began his ministry  by teaching about the dangers of judging others because in return you will be judged by others.  He also taught that merciful people will obtain mercy.  He couldn't have made it more clear.
     The spiritual battle in which you are engaged is the battle for your mind.  Your choice is to either choose evil thoughts of judgment in relation to others or to choose good and loving thoughts in relation to others.  I asked you to bring every thought into submission to My Spirit. 
     Stay on My side.  We always win.
     Love, God
Matthew 5:7; Matthew 7:1-2; Matthew 4:1-22: James 4:7; I Corinthians 10:5; Hebrews 13:5.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Dear One,
     Judgmental thoughts are sneaky, just like the devil who is the source of them.  They will creep into your mind so quickly that you don't recognize that they are there.  Sometimes you entertain them until they become attitudes.  If they remain in your mind as attitudes for very long, they become actions in the form of damaging words spoken which are critical, filled with disgust, condemning, strife-filled, and divisive.  Then your unity with the person or people to whom you are speaking to or about is severed.
     What you fail to recognize is that at the core of all judgment is the most perverse of all attitudes, which is self righteousness. You have read what Jesus said to the ministers who were self righteous.  Watch out for judgmental speaking from religious men and from politicians who are the ones about whom Jesus spoke.  If you join into it, you join the team of unrighteousness and are in danger of losing your peace, your love and your mercy.  You have joined the wrong team. 
     The idea that you are superior in some way and that you have the right to deem others as inferior to you in order to deserve your criticism is at basis of self righteousness. That attitude of pride and superiority is what got satan thrown out of My heaven.  When you fall into judgmental thoughts you are buying into his own elevated ideas of being above others rather than being equal to them. The motive of evil spirits is to put judgmental thoughts into your mind, believing that if they can temp you to judge, criticize and condemn others then they will accomplish what they desired, which is to separate you from Me.  I never leave you or forsake you, but when you join with the destructive spirits you separate yourself from the benefits of My family.  Temporarily sacrificing your inheritance is not worth it.
     Love, God  
Matthew 7:1-2; Luke 6:37-38; Luke 12:37-39; John 7:24; John 12:47-48; Romans 14:13-14.
photo from:    

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Dear One,
     Negative spiritual attitudes can latch onto your mind  just as quickly as a germ or bacteria can enter your body through your nose or mouth.  When you allow the negative, strife-filled and divisive thoughts to enter into your mind, you all of a sudden feel absolutely right in a tense situation or you feel superior than someone else when judgment tempts you to entertain itself. Those thoughts don't usually originate with you, they are temptations of your spiritual enemy to jerk you out of the love thoughts you were entertaining and put you into the negative thoughts which will result in negative attitudes and actions. 
     You often find yourself starting to condemn someone who doesn't believe the same way you do religiously or politically.  That is the bacteria of judgment, division and strife which brings every evil work with them, eventually leavening the whole lump if you continue to entertain those thoughts.
     When I asked you not to judge, I did it for your benefit, so that you will not be judged by others.  I never put a codicil on it that said that righteous judgment is allowed.  True rrighteous judgment discerns the evil spirits behind the actions of everyone and forgives the person.  That is righteous judgment, judging satan as the instigator behind every bad action of people.
     I know that judging is dangerous to our mental health because you will eventually find yourself judging everyone for what you perceive as their bad health, the size of their bodies, their physical actions toward others or their beliefs. If you think about it, you have done the same or similar things in your life.
     Self righteousness is at the basis of all judgment of people. Remember when someone had persecuted you for receiving My Spirit into your life and you were complaining to Me about her unjust actions toward you?  You were expecting Me to take your side against her, but I asked you, "Who are you using as the measuring stick when you judge her in return?"  You knew by revelation of My Spirit that you were using yourself as the measuring stick, thinking that she wasn't nearly as righteous as you.  That was your first lesson in the damaging effects of judging. You certainly didn't want to ever become self righteous at the time, but you had become self righteous because you deemed her actions towards you as wrong and yours as right. 
    In that incident you learned to bless those who curse you and to do good toward those who spitefully use you.
    I want you to learn more completely that judging others is not beneficial to you.  It is dangerous for you because once you get over into the activities of the kingdom of hell you will inherit all the curses that satan has for you. .
    If something is not pure, don't listen to it. Reject it.
    If something is not gracious and kind, don't listen to it.  Hit the reject button. 
    If something is not loving, just reject it from your mind.
    If something is not of a good report, immediately reject it. 
   You are the watchman, watching for what goes into your eyes, your ears and your mind.    It things are not of Me, then you are to reject them just like you reject a germ, a virus or a bacteria.
     You can restore our relationship, one of love and favor and goodness.
     Love, Tommye
Matthew 5:25-30; Matthew 7:1-2; Matthew 5:43 47;  Matthew 12:36-37;  Philippians 4:8.
photo from:

Monday, March 18, 2013


Dear One,
     If a house adjacent to your own was known to be inhabited by a person with a highly infectious and communicable disease, you would avoid it completely in an effort to protect yourself and your family from the disease.  In fact, it might be good if the house were quarantined and the proper signs put on the doors.  Yes, it would be very prudent to avoid the house.
     If some forms of media are divisive, fearful, critical and judgmental in its productions, you must avoid them like the plagues that they are.  They will infect your mind just as badly as a disease infects your body.
     You very often do not recognize the plague of strife because it is clothed in some small bit of truth.  It is also clothed in patriotism and nationalism.  Jesus was tempted by the same tricks of the devil.  He recognized them as lies and temptations to cause him to fall for those mental tricks, all in an effort for the devil to get control and dominance over Him.  If the devil could get control over Jesus He could get control over thousands and thousands of people   The methods of satan are always deceptive.  You have seen the same thing happen iin cults who call themselves My children.  They become mesmerized by people who use religion and nationalism to control and dominate their followers.
      There is a gauge by which you can determine whether something is of Me or whether it is of the devil who is using the flesh of people to deceive.  The gauge is love for all people.  If their rhetoric is not filled with love for all people, then you can reject it.
       Judgment, criticism, strife, division through peculiar sects, domination and control are not derivatives of love.  In fact, all judgment of others comes from self righteousness. 
       Love  produces peace, mercy, goodness, kindness, faith, self control, joy and patience.   If those attributes are absent, then the message is not from me and you must avoid it like the plague that it is.
     Love, God
Galatians 5:16-26;  I Timothy 1:7; Matthew: 12:25; Mark 3:24-25; Romans 16:17-18; I Corinthians 1:10-11; I Corinthians 13:4-7. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Dear One,
     Intently listening to the words of a troubled person can be the most loving thing that you can do.  You are allowing the person to her his or her woes off of his or her chest.  The person feels better for talking about the problem but he or she also knows that someone else cares enough to listen.  To have the temporary ears and caring spirit of someone else is more valuable to troubled people than jewels. 
     Just think how many professional people  are monetarily compensated for listening to others, psychologists, psychiatrists, pastors, counselors, teachers and doctors.  If it is so beneficial to pay someone to listen to your problems, then you must realize that when you, as My child, also listen to someone you are performing a valuable ministry.
     The caution for you is not to take their problems home with you, not to fret about them.  You know how to pray about them and turn them over to Me. 
     Teach the people who tell you their woes how to also turn their problems over to Me.  However, it is still beneficial to allow them to borrow your ears and your caring spirit in order for them to vent or blow off the steam that might push them over into doing something foolish, either strike back at the person who is causing their problems or do something more extreme, like injure themselves or others.
      I don the same thing for you.  I listen to your problems.  Your prayers are actually your telling Me your woes, your problems and your cares, then leaving them with Me, trusting Me to work My solutions. So when you listen to the cares of others you are fulfilling the ministry of love by helping the person lighten his or her load just by being an understanding ear.  It's a form of emotional relief for the troubled person.
      It fulfills the request that you bear one another's burdens and thus fulfill the ministry of Jesus.
     Love, God
Galatians 6:2; Psalm 5:3; Psalm 17:1; Psalm 30:10; Luke 17:3-4; Luke 22:32; I Corinthians 13;4-7.
photo from:

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Dear One,
    Under the old covenant that I had with Israel, before My Spirit of Truth entered into people they thought that I was the instigator of evil because no one knew that there was a devil who was thrown out of heaven with all of his demons.  Not until the Spirit of Truth entered into the life of Jesus and He began to teach about evil and cast demons out of people did My children know who was the actual perpetrator of evil deeds through men, that being the true culprit who is the devil.
    The reason there were so many wars and so much devastation is because people thought their enemies were either Me or flesh and blood instead of the principalities and powers of the air. 
     Jesus said that when the Spirit of Truth came into men that He would reveal sin, meaning the origin and instigator of sin, which is the devil. So when you are baptised in My Holy Spirit He reveals your true enemies, that they are evil spiritual beings. Then you will stop blaming Me for bad things that happen in the world and you will stop blaming other people for their sins against you.  You will be able to readily forgive them because you will know that you have also fallen for the devil's temptations. 
     There are still many people who have My Spirit within them who have a hard time forgiving others because of the belief that their enemies are flesh and blood.  When they are locked into that mindset it will be almost impossible to forgive others.  That is a dangerous place for My children to be spiritually because of the spiritual principle of
forgiving others will result in forgiveness for themselves.
     I have taught many times about the origin of sin in the earth.  Become familiar with My teachings and you will not be easily deceived.
     Love, God
     John 10:10; I John 3:8; John 16:8-11; Matthew 8:16017; Matthew 4:1-13.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Dear One,
     Continue to have faith in the favor that you have with me. 
     My favor to you is a free gift just like My love is free.  It doesn't have to be deserved.  It's freely given. 
     Favor withi others is a result of having wisdom and spreading My love, kindness, goodness and mercy freely.  Those attributes endear you to people and you are held in high esteem. Their favor is the return for your application of your favor shown to them.
     Expectations of favor to be shown to you by others when you have sown strife, discord, dissatisfaction and hatred is impossible.   The heavenly dimension only gives back what has been sown into it. 
     Remember that Jesus said that the merciful shall obtain mercy?  He also said to judge not and you will not be judged.  He spoke truth on sowing and reaping many, many times.  My Holy Spirit led others of My children to speak the same truths of sowing and reaping in the Instruction Book.  So you must realize how important those truths are to all My Children.
     Yes, I said that My favor is free and it doesn't have to be deserved.  It is freely given because of My love for you and all of My children.  Because of the truth of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, you must treat others with favor so that you will be treated with favor in return.
      Treat everyone with favor, as if they are your favorite people, and you will become their favorite.  Do you see the connections between the words favor and favorite?  My wisdom has always taught that My favor toward you is free and undeserved.  However, your favor with people comes from the seeds of favor that you have sown with everyone.  You can't sow into unrighteousness and expect to receive righteousness. 
       Sow goodness and kindness into My earthly family of all people, and you will have the favor you want from others.
       Love, God
Proverbs 14:35; Luke 2:52; Matthew 5:7; Matthew 9:12-13; Matthew 7:1-2; Galatians 6:7-8; Philippians 2:3-4.
 photo from:

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Dear One,
     When an enemy attacks a soldier in a battle, the soldier doesn't stand thinking about what he should do, doesn't reason about what is the matter in the situation, doesn't think about retreating into drugs or alcohol, or self pity.  A well trained soldier doesn't think about abandoning his post because of fear. 
     A good, well trained soldier will immediately use his arsenal to immediately gain the authority over his enemy.  You must do the same thing.  You must use your primary weapon, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, and immediately confront the enemy with all of your My and strength.
     If you start reasoning in your own mind you will lose your power and lose the battle.  When your enemy strikes in your mind is not the time for human reasoning of what is happening or reason about the situation and what other people are thinking or saying or planning.  When you allow your thoughts to get into vain imaginations you are beginning to lose the battle.  I told My children to cast down vain imaginations and everything that exalts themselves against My knowledge, meaning thoughts that are not in line what I have told you to do. Do what Jesus did, immediately get on the offensive and speak My words to the vain reasonings of the devil.  Then he has to leave you and My angels come to minister to you.
     Be alert to recognize the weak places in your thoughts, thoughts of judging, criticism, envy, jealousy, anger, fear, strife and discontent.  Quickly realize that you are being tempted to get into a battle with flesh and blood, which I said is never your battle.  I said your battle is with principalities and powers of the air.  My words are the only effective weapons to use against the temptations.
      At the moment you realize that you are being tempted to join the battle of the mind, quickly engage in a counter attack with My words and  the power of your Spirit-led prayer language.
      Remember what I told another child, that when you start wondering it's the first step toward unbelief.   
      Being alert means always being a watchman. When you are attacked in your mind, be always ready to pull out your weapons, which are My words.  Speak them to the enemy and he will wiggle away like the worm he is.  You've seen an earthworm on hot cement, wiggling away quickly.  That's what happens to the enemy who temps you in your mind to get into strife with others.  Give him a dose of My words. He will retreat like the coward that he is.
     Love, God
Ephesians 6:10-20; Matthew 4:1-11; II Corinthians 10:5-7;
photo from: 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Dear One,
     It would benefit you to learn about the curses that came into the earth when Adam and Eve let satan into the earth by listening to him, which allowed satan to tempt people to do evil.  Adam and Eve could only hear My words of guidance until they started to also listen and obey the father of evil.  They did not know that the father of lies would mix some truths into his lies in order to deceive My children. 
     I told Adam and Eve that curses of the devil came into the earth because of their allowing evil to enter into their beautiful Garden of Edan.  The curses on My children were varied, depending upon their genders. 
    The ground became cursed by the devil and men were destined to toil by the sweat of their brow because of that curse.  There are some avenues that I have been able to give to men by which they can alleviate those curses.  Through machinery and My wisdom some men have been able to override that curse.
     Women had pain in childbirth as a result of one of  satan's curses upon women.  Because of knowledge given through My Holy Spirit to some scientists, I have alleviated the pain in childbirth curse for women who choose to use the medicines whose formulas I gave to those scientists.
     One of the curses which still is prevalent in the earth is satan's curse on women that they should have the urge to have a husband and that he would rule over them.  The devil has been able to curse more things in the earth and in the lives of My children because of that curse on women and men.
      When girls are small they start dreaming about marrying a prince who will take care of them all of their lives.  That is the urge that is part of that curse.  Instead of seeking a relationship with Me, their loving Heavenly Father, and depending upon Me to be their protector, their provider, their guide, their shepherd, their victory, they desire that a man will be all of those things to them.  They desire, more than anything else in the world, to find the perfect man to be what I was meant to be in their lives.  And because of that urge or desire for an earthly person to be their god, they put up with being ruled by a man.  Then the devil can have his way in their lives and in the lives of every member in the family.  Women will allow abusive men to rule of them and their children, even to the extent of bodily injury and even death.  You hear about women who even sell their children at the demand of their husbands.  You hear about women who allow their husbands to sexually and physically abuse their own children because the women don't want to lose their husbands.  It should not be so.
       As a part of that curse of satan upon women, which to have a desire for a husband to rule over them, satan can curse all future generations of the family and every woman is cursed with the desire to have a husband to be her prince charming.
       My desire is that women look to Me to be their loving Heavenly Father with the ability to provide everything for them, to protect them, to be their guide, their teacher, their salvation.  Then I can lead them to the right companion, one who does not have the desire to rule over women, which is part of that curse of satan.
      Some women find the perfect mate for themselves without operating under the curse of satan of desiring a man to be the answer to all of their needs.  Those unions are blessed and prosperous in the earth because an equal companionship is desired, not a ruler and servant relationship which is what the curse of men ruling over women is based upon.  The women who choose a husband while under the curse will have a life of misery which includes abuses to herself, her children and their children.
     That curse upon women has rarely been examined and deemed as part of satan's plan to rule the earth through men and their desire to rule over women, therefore ruling over their children through abuse and neglect.   Your courts are full of those problems, the domination of women and children by men who desire to enslave them, beat them, and entice them to do their illegal acts.  All of that is part of the curses put upon men and women by satan when they allowed him to enter into their earthly paradise  in which they were loving companions who daily communed with Me, receiving My love and guidance.
      Examine the curses that entered and make sure that you don't fall for any of those curses.  Jesus redeemed you from the curses.  You can walk in that redemption by listening to My voice, relying upon Me and trusting Me to bring into your life beneficial companionships.  That's part of My blessings.
     Love, God
Genesis 3:13-19; John 16:13-15; Galatians 3:13-14; Galatians 4:5-7; Ephesians 5:16-17; Titus 2;12-15.  
Photo from : 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Dear One,
     I emphatically told all of My children the truth of who their enemy really is, that they are the principalities and powers of the air, meaning the devil and his demons. 
     I also told you who your enemy is not.  I said that your enemy is not flesh and blood, meaning your enemies are neither your family, your friends, your public servants, your government officials, your neighbors nor people of differing religious practices. 
     When you consider people your enemy you lose every battle you fight against them because you use the arsenal of seeds of criticism, division, strife, unkind words and judgment.  Those seeds will return to you.  Where is the peace in that situation?
     I taught through Jesus that the arsenal against people who curse you, offend you and spitefully use you is love.  That was a shocking revelation at the time He spoke it and it is still a shock to those who truly want to follow His methods in the battles of life.  My children want to fight flesh and blood with the arsenal of their enemy, hatred, strife and like actions, joining his side in the battle by using his methods.  You can't battle with the side of good by using the methods of the side of evil and expect to win anything.  It never worked since the beginning of time and it still doesn't.  You will become a loser in the battles.
     Heads of countries think that they win wars.  They don't win.  They lose their young people to death and lifelong injuries.  They lose their prosperity to rebuilding what they themselves destroyed. They lose in multitudes of ways.  You can't be a winner when you lose in some ways.
     It's the same way with your daily battles in life.  You must use My methods and My weapons which are intercessory prayers, love, kindness, forgiveness and mercy in relation to others.  When you do those things, you sow into My kingdom and you will inherit the blessings that My family enjoys.
     Love, God
Ephesians 6:12-18; I John 3:8: John 13:34-35; John 15:12-13; Romans 12:10-18; Matthew 5:43-48.
photo from:   

Monday, March 11, 2013


Dear One  
     An important key to understanding how things work in the kingdom of heaven is the realization that you can't play on both teams at the same time and expect to win beneficial prizes.  You can't operate in the principles of My kingdom and also operate in the strategies of the kingdom of the devil at the same time and expect to inherit My blessings. In other words, you can't fight on both sides in a battle.  You will lose on the side of good if you do.  It's not a matter of Me withdrawing My benefits from you.  It's a matter of the devil robbing you of My benefits.  If he can get you to temporarily or constantly operate in his thoughts and attitudes and actions, he can eventually take every good thing from you.   
     Operating on the positive side of goodness, forgiveness, mercy and  love, which is My team, is participating on the winning team because of Jesus and His sacrifices for you.  My team has the Holy Spirit as the coach and He has all My truth and My wisdom to give to you.
     Operating on the side of evil, which is based in strife, jealousy, judgment and condemnation, has its rewards, too, which is to always be on the losing team, the team that robs, kills and destroys its own participants.  The coach, the devil, sees to it that all the people who obey his strategies will lose everything in life.  That is what he wants to do, get back at Me by destroying My children. It always starts with thoughts.
      Stay on My team, the side of goodness, and inherit every blessing imaginable.
      Love, God  
John 10:10; I John 3:7-10; Galatians 5:13-26; Ephesians 6:10-18.
photo from:

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Dear One,
     My children cannot constantly criticize their governing authorities, their  bosses, their ministers, their superiors, or their organizational presidents and expect to be blessed in any area of their lives.  I told My children to pray for all those in authority so that you  might live a peaceable life.  It is never beneficial to pray for someone in authority and then curse them in your thoughts and with your mouth.  It always boomerangs back on you because of seeds sown in your spiritual atmosphere.  Remember that judgment begets judgment and strife begets every evil work.
     Blessings in the form of prayers and also curses in the form of griping and criticism should not come out of the same mouth.  James said that you set on fire spirits from hell to come against yourself if you engage in negative verbiage.   He said that your mouths are the rudders that guide your ships on the oceans of life.  In other words, the more you think and speak criticisms, the more your life will be overcome by negative incidents.  Your rudder has directed your ship of life into tumultuous waters.
     Can you imagine how things will change in your government, your working situations, your church and your organizations if you begin to bless and pray for the those in authority over you every time you are tempted to gripe and criticize them?  You would be multiplying your prayers and you would see wonderful results because you have sown blessings of righteousness instead of sowing to unrighteousness in the form of strife and unrest.
     My thoughts concerning what I create are always good and beneficial.  My words are always words of blessings.  You are created in My image, with the ability to create by your thoughts, attitudes and words.  Make sure the images in your mind and the words from your mouth are always good and beneficial to yourself and to all mankind. When you can do that, My blessings will overtake you.
     Love, God
James 3:2-18; Romans 12:17; I Timothy 2:1-4; Colossians 3: 18-25; Hebrews 13:17; Ephesians 6:11-18.  
top photo from  
middle photo written by: Joseph O'Rourke

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Dear One,
     A popular saying is, "Build it and they will come."
     My advice is, "Build a love house and they will come to you."
     My advice is, "If you build a house of strife and judgment, everyone will avoid you."
     Love attracts to itself all those who are in need of love and those who enjoy the embracing power of love.
     The first thing about love that attracts others to you is the knowledge that you can be trusted, you can be trusted not to offend, not to insult, not to hurt, not to judge, not to condemn, not to embarrass, not to neglect and not to abandon.   Love invites another person to be safe around you and enjoy your presence.
    Since unconditional love never takes into account a wrong suffered and love suffers long and love projects acceptance, then love includes everyone.  Love knows the purity of the spirit of every person regardless of his or her outward idiosyncrasies. 
    When people notice that you project love, they will search you out, eager to receive the benefits of your love, just like they do Me.  They will want to bask in the engulfing warmth of love. 
     Love attracts all living beings to it.  Love is the greatest things in the world.
     Include everyone in your love atmosphere.  They will learn to trust Me through your love.
     Love, God
John 13:34;-35; Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 6:4749;  Romans 13:8-19; I Corinthians 13.
photo from Sapphires Moonbeams


Friday, March 8, 2013


Dear One,
     Your health depends upon your thoughts and attitudes, mainly. 
     Your prosperity depends upon your thoughts and attitudes, mainly.
     Your relationships depend upon your thoughts and attitudes, mainly.
     Toxic thoughts and attitudes will poison your body because of toxic chemicals and hormones that are released into your system.
     Toxic thoughts and attitude will negate your prosperity and wealth because of attitudes of stinginess and selfishness produced in your mind.
     Toxic thoughts and attitudes will poison your relationships because of the toxic attitudes and actions shown toward others as a result of toxic thoughts and attitudes.
     Your mind is control central to every area of your body, all of your working systems.
     I said, "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."  The thoughts of the heart will eventually speak from any toxic attitudes that were formed from your thoughts.  Since you are a created in My image and I created everything with My words, your words do the same thing, they create.  They can also destroy, just Ike the words of the devil in your mind.  Toxic words sown by you in the world will come back to you as toxicity against you.
      Kind, loving, merciful thoughts and attitudes will produce blessings in your health, your wealth and your relationships.
      By giving you this key I am endeavoring to help you facilitate all of the blessings that I have already provided for you.
      You received wisdom from the medical field recently that had the following truths:
      " Anger weakens the liver;
       Grief weakens the lungs;
       Worry weakens the stomach;
       Stress weakens the heart and brain; and
       Fear weakens the kidneys."
       Those medical truths should impress upon you how thoughts and attitudes affect your life.
       "Whatsoever things are true, worthy of reverence, honorable, seemly, just, pure, lovely and lovable, kind, gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on and weigh and take into account these things.  In your mind fix upon them." I promised that My peace, which transcends all understanding, will garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds if you will think only on the things that I have described.
        Remember that your mind is control central, affecting all of your body, soul and spirit.
        Love, God
Philippians 4:7-8 (Amplified version); Matthew 12:37; Luke 6:45l James 3:16-18.    

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Dear One,
     My river of love never stops because there is no end. There is no beginning and there is no end because I AM the river of love. It flows from the depth of My being and flows into the earth with the loving power to change every person who reaches out to drink of My life changing abilities.
     Nothing can stop My love.
     Nothing can dam up My love.
     My love can only be diverted from the lives of those people who choose to keep their old, destructive  habits and old self destructive thought patterns.  My love still flows to them.  The people are the ones who divert My love away from themselves,.  but My love is ready to engulf them the instant they choose to receive Me into their lives again.
     My forgiveness, which is an outgrowth of My love, never stops.
     My mercy, which is an outgrowth of My love, never stops. 
     My children have the choice of whether to partake of the river of My love or whether to refuse it.  It still flows mightily toward them and around them, ready to flood into their beings the instant the choice is made to have Me as their Father.
     No sane person would refuse Unconditional Love, the kind that satisfies the longing heart of every person.  The only reason anyone would refuse My love is because My children have misrepresented Me as being condemning, judgmental, wrathful and abusive.  Those children don't know Me intimately.  They only know Me through the teachings of men who also don't know Me except through religious teachings.
     To know Me intimately is to love Me completely.
     Love, God
I Corinthians 13:4-13; Ephesians 3: 14-20; Romans 5:5-8; Romans 8:38-39; I Timothy 1:7, 
Photo compliments of Mark Geistweite

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Dear One,
     Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Also, value is always in the eye of the beholder. 
     Valuation of goods to one person might not be the same valuation to another person because of sentimental attachments, upbringing, appraisals and rarity.
     The valuation of one person might not be very high in your eyes as the valuation of another person because of family pride, position in the family, different personalities and attributes.
     To me, every person has the highest value given to men because I created all of them.  I see only their hearts and their spirits, not the flesh by which you judge them.  I see their desires and expectations, their hurts, their emotional injuries and failures.  I understand.  In My eyes all people are equal in importance and value. 
     They should be the same for you, not preferring one to another but treating all people equally, the peasant as well as the king. 
     The flesh, by which people judge one another, will pass away.   The true person, the spirit, will remain forever. 
      Train yourself to look on the spirit of every person.  That's what I do.  You are My child and you have the ability, through My Holy Spirit, to also look past the flesh and look on the spirit of every person.  Then judging will be nonexistent in your life.
     See everyone through My eyes.
     Love, God
Matthew 7:1; Matthew 19:14; I Corinthians 10:7;John 3:16-17; Ephesians 4:13; I Timothy 2:4.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Dear One,
     Jesus warned you about false prophets.  There have always been many and there will always be many false prophets.  They expound on what people want to hear, that they are right and everyone else is wrong in their religous practices.  They tickle the ears of their followers, enticing them to remain exclusive.  They expound upon rebellion to governmental authorities. 
     False prophets tell their followers that they are not subject to those governing authorities, that they must only listen to the prophets' own interpretation of My messages. 
     I told you though Jesus and through apostles that you should render to your governing authorities what is theirs and to Me what is Mine.  I told you to pray for all those who are in governing positions so that you will lead a peaceful life.
     Jesus would never tell anyone to leave  their loving families and follow after the prophets.  That is opposed to My teachings.  Your families are avenues through which I work.  I would never tell you to become so over involved in a church that you neglect your families and their welfare.  I would never tell you to use finances that are necessary for your family so that you can give them to a religious organization.  That is not prudent.  I spoke of this many times in the books of wisdom in the Instruction Book called the Bible. 
      You don't need to prove your faith in Me. I know your faith because I live inside of you.  The trying of your faith comes from the devil who wants to snatch you away from Me. You must resist him and his enticements.  Then after he leaves you it will be just like it was with Jesus, My angels will minister to you. There will be no blockages to your receiving My blessings.
      My children don't need to prove anything to Me.  You just need to walk in love and pray in the Spirit and then everything will be added to you.
      Always weight the words of a person with love.  If it is full of My love, then it is from Me.  Check their fruits.  You know them by their fruits.  Make sure the fruits have not lost their savor. 
      Love, God
John 10:1-5; Matthew 7:15-20; Matthew 24:11-13; Proverbs 14:15-18; Proverbs 14:19-20; Proverbs 15:5;  Galatians 5:22-23; Romans 8. 

Monday, March 4, 2013


Dear One,
     Life never has to be mundane and boring. 
     Life doesn't have to be chaotic and dramatic.
     Neither of those extremes comes from Me.
     You are in charge of what you allow to be involved in your life because I said that you would be in charge of the earth, that you would have dominion over it with My guidance.
     You can become uninvolved and nonparticipating in the exciting events that are going on around you or you can become over involved in the exciting events that are going on around you.  You will be tempted by both extremes.
      My desire is that you are balanced in your work, your family and your social activities so that you will be balanced in your emotions.  Overloading is what causes stress in your life.  Depression can come from under involvement in life.
      Life is motion, always changing motion, interactions with events in life that are also moving and changing and exciting.   It can be enriching or it can be overpowering, depending upon what choices you make for your involvement.
      Some people choose over involvement in civic and social affairs so that they won't have to be involved with their children.  In those instances they give the guidance of their children over to others whom they don't know for sure will be good examples.  The parents become extended members of the family in those instances rather than close members of family.  The over involvement of the parents in outside affairs causes them to be uninvolved with their children.
       Some parents choose to be over involved with their children, fearing that without the constant guidance of the parents that the children will fail.   The over iinvolvement of the parents cripples their children in many areas out of fear. The children need to learn to reject evil and choose good themselves, not rely upon their parents all of their lives to do that for them.  Overprotective parents rob their children of social skills and growing in favor with people and with Me.  Jesus grew in grace and in favor with other men and with Me.  His earthly parents allowed Him to learn to discern the difference between good and evil.
       So you must have the wisdom to know the level of involvement that is good for you.  What is good for one person might not be good for another person.  I have that wisdom.  Come to Me and I will be your umpire, either your go-ahead or your stoplight relating to every issue of involvement that beckons.
       Participating in the right amount of meaningful activities make your life enjoyable in your days on the earth.  I can be your guide, your shepherd in the matters of involvement. I want you fulfilled and happy, not overburdened or depressed.
      Love, God
Philippians 4:6-8; Colossians 3:15-17; I Thessalonians 5:21-23;I Corinthians 14:33; John 16:13-15. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Dear One,
     My first commandment to love Me with all your heart, your soul and your might was not given from My having an ego problem and demanding that you love Me as a result.   It was given for your benefit because I know that when you seek to know Me intimately that you will love Me as a result.  You will love Me because My personality of love will have invaded your body, your soul and your spirit.  You will have full blown, rock solid faith because you know that I will never fail you and I will never leave you.
     I know that when you love Me you will follow My leadership, My guidance and My shepherding.  As a result I will show you how to overcome all of the evil in the world.  I will also show you how to facilitate the acquisition of all of your inheritance while you live in the earth.  You will have My gift of faith because you know Me and trust Me when My love for you has been revealed. 
      Fear is present in the lives of My children because they don't intimately know Me. When you have a perfect revelation of My love for you, all fear will be easily cast out of your life because fear cannot exist along with perfect Love.
     When your child is going to run into the path of a speeking vehicle, you yell at that child to stop, hoping that that child loves you enough to immediately obey your command.  That is the same principle I was trying to teach when I asked My children to love Me with their heart, soul and might, hoping that, as a result of their love for Me, that they will follow My advice when I lead and guide them, causing them to avoid the intentions of evil, which is to destroy them. 
     I want you to love Me so much that you will allow Me to protect you, guide you, lead you, encourage you, reveal wisdom to you and deliver you from evil.
     I want you to know that I am your Loving Papa, eager to give you My gifts and My blessings.  You will only know that when you have a full revelation of My love for you.
     You can begin to intimately know Me by reading the stories of Jesus over and over and over until you get a clear image of the love that He showed to people.  I sent Him so that My true personality of love could be revealed to the rest of My children.  Your Big Brother Jesus is the perfect revelation of My Love.   When you know Him, you know Me.
    Love God
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John's Gospels; Ephesians 3:14-20.