Friday, March 15, 2013


Dear One,
     Continue to have faith in the favor that you have with me. 
     My favor to you is a free gift just like My love is free.  It doesn't have to be deserved.  It's freely given. 
     Favor withi others is a result of having wisdom and spreading My love, kindness, goodness and mercy freely.  Those attributes endear you to people and you are held in high esteem. Their favor is the return for your application of your favor shown to them.
     Expectations of favor to be shown to you by others when you have sown strife, discord, dissatisfaction and hatred is impossible.   The heavenly dimension only gives back what has been sown into it. 
     Remember that Jesus said that the merciful shall obtain mercy?  He also said to judge not and you will not be judged.  He spoke truth on sowing and reaping many, many times.  My Holy Spirit led others of My children to speak the same truths of sowing and reaping in the Instruction Book.  So you must realize how important those truths are to all My Children.
     Yes, I said that My favor is free and it doesn't have to be deserved.  It is freely given because of My love for you and all of My children.  Because of the truth of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you, you must treat others with favor so that you will be treated with favor in return.
      Treat everyone with favor, as if they are your favorite people, and you will become their favorite.  Do you see the connections between the words favor and favorite?  My wisdom has always taught that My favor toward you is free and undeserved.  However, your favor with people comes from the seeds of favor that you have sown with everyone.  You can't sow into unrighteousness and expect to receive righteousness. 
       Sow goodness and kindness into My earthly family of all people, and you will have the favor you want from others.
       Love, God
Proverbs 14:35; Luke 2:52; Matthew 5:7; Matthew 9:12-13; Matthew 7:1-2; Galatians 6:7-8; Philippians 2:3-4.
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