Friday, December 20, 2013


Dear One, No problems, no conflicts, no religious debates, no controvercy, no rigid opinions, no political curses, no burdens. You have been redeemed from all of those things because your citizenship is in heaven. "Walk on by," should be your natural inclination when confronted with those situations. Do what Jesus did, walk on by them. Don't give them any of your attention or loyalty. When your loyalty is in heaven, you can just walk on by them without giving them your participation. Conflicts, debates, contovercies, rigid opinions and political rhetoric all come from strife which is sent to involve you in oppositional rhetoric in an effort to entice you to speak negatively and destructively about others. They are sent to curse you with dissension and strife. I said that when strife is present there is the present of every evil work which affects people. Don't participate in arguments or confrontational issues. Just walk on by them and let the willing participants enjoy their opinionated rhetoric. They will inherit the plants sowed from the confrontationsl seeds. Political discussions are the biggest culprits because they are based on the same ideologies that existed when Jesus walked the earth, which is promoting the views of a group of people against the views of others. They are rooted in strife. Your opinions won't settle any controversy, anyway, because the ideologies are not based in truth. When you walk on by any controvercial argument or discussion, you keep your peace and lend your peace to the situation because you have refused to add conflict to conflict. I want My children to always be rooted in truth. People involved in debates and heated discussions are not seeking for truth. They are seeking to force their own opinions on others. Always be willing to be wrong in your opinions and beliefs. That is called humility. When you receive the truth from My Holy Spirit about any controversial subject, very often you need to tell no person because the truth is not always received by people with rigid beliefs. You would be casting My pearls before swine and the people will turn and rend you. Avoiding all conflict is the way to keep peace with others and with My spiritual kingdom. Strife and controversy are not fruit of My Spirit. They are fruit of the spirit of evil. Love, God Romans 1:28-32;I Corinthians 12:20-21; I Timothy 3:15-16; Luke 22:24-33; Romans 13:13-14; I Corinthians 3:1-11.

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