Saturday, December 21, 2013


Dear One, If you are against someone, you are against the whole world because I sent Jesus to die for the sins of the whole world. Since He is the Prince of Peace, He died to bring peace to every conflict, every disagreement, every war, and every volatile family matter.
  You must realize that no one is right in any conflict in My eyes because the sacrifice of Jesus was for everyone and their sins, iniquities and transgressions. So if they have all been forgiven and blotted out, then there are no right sides or wrong sides. They are all equal, a level playing field. Do you remember the time that you were being persecuted by others for having been baptized with My Spirit and I told you that I love the persecutors just as much as I love you? That was shocking to you, but you learned a truth about the breadth, height, depth and width of My love. You learned about My advice to bless those people who persecute you and do good to them. Also, do you remember when you thought you were so right in a situation and I asked you if you would rather be right and stand your ground for being right or would you rather be righteous and bless the ones who had opposing opinions? You have used that truth many times in order to become flexible, being willing to be wrong instead of being rigid and stiff necked. You forget that I don't need any defense from you because vengeance is mine. If I had been against the world, I would not have sent My Son into the world to save it. I was against satan, not people, and certainly not My creation which I called good. I didn't send My Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. The only time you get in conflict with people is when you forget that your battle is not with flesh and blood but with evil principalities and powers in the air. Instead of being against someone and their beliefs, be proactive and pray in the Spirit for My wisdom for both of you so that My truth will prevail. Keep peace with everyone and you will be called my children. Love, God Matthew 12:29-35; II Corinthians 10:3-7; James 4:1-8; Ephesians 2;1-10; Ephesians 6:12-18, Ephesians 4:3; Philippians 4:7-9; Romans 12:19-21.

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