Monday, November 17, 2014


Dear One, There are children born into the world who are children of privilege because either their parents or grandparents worked hard and became wealthy, with the advantage of allowing their families to be rich in worldly goods. Jesus said that it’s hard for a rich person to enter into My kingdom because they don’t have a need for the things that I provide. They are self sufficient and self reliant, often having no need for My graciousness toward all of humanity. There are children born into the world who are children of poverty because their parents or grandparents worked hard but had generational spirits of poverty which would not allow their descendants to ever get ahead financially.

Those people are the ones who easily enter into My kingdom while in the earth because their needs are great. Jesus came into the earth for the latter, the ones who are not children of earthly privilege. He came to make them children of “super natural” privilege. He said that they are blessed because they are poor in spirit, hungering and thirsting after My righteousness and they will be filled with My Spirit and My privileges simply because they seek Me, find Me and receive from My storehouse of blessings. There are people who, by family training, do the things that I train My children to do, like love others, be merciful to others, keep peace with others, refuse to return evil for evil, refrain from anger and strife, speak only words that edify others, meet the needs of the poor and downtrodden and are kind. Because of the purity of their hearts, they inherit the things that I give to all of My children. They do what I have trained My children to do, so they also inherit My blessings because of their righteous, giving behavior. There are other people who have lived lives of spiritual, emotional and earthly poverty who seek Me for My provisions for their lack and they begin to experience all of the benefits of having My Spirit within them, which are spiritual, emotional and earthly blessings. They have peace for their souls, the revelation of being loved and prized, a joyful heart, answers to their prayers, as well as earthly benefits because they have received My Spirit into their own spirits, becoming born of My spiritual sperm, and are identified by the angelic hosts as being My blessed children. It is the duty of My angels to deliver all of My kingdom to them, spiritual, emotional and physical blessings. They become labeled in the entire heavens as My children, worthy of receiving their full inheritance. Often some of those blessed ones will temporarily depart from unity with Me and begin to fraternize again with the devil, in unity with his destructive attitudes toward others. They allow themselves to be robbed of My inheritance because they have chosen to wallow in the pigpen of curses by being deceived. That is the reason why I cautioned My children through all of My prophets to depart from evil and unite with Me lest they lose their inheritance because they have chosen another father, the devil. The prodigal son is an example. Returning to Me is easy. It involves changing their loyalty and coming back to Me to receive their inheritance again. Love, God II Chronicles 7:14; Ezekiel 33:11-19; Galatians 4:4-9; Galatians 5:13-25; Luke 15:11-24.

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