Thursday, November 13, 2014


Dear One, My kindness is extended toward all of My creation. It rains on the just and the unjust. My salvation is for the sinners and the righteous. Since I am no respecter of persons, I have given the mandate that everyone will benefit from the goodness and kindness of My heart. You ask why there are so many problems in the world and why isn‘t everyone walking in abundant blessings which I have given and am still giving. The answer is simple: there are two kingdoms at work in your world, My good kingdom and the devil‘s evil kingdom. When My children join with the evil kingdom they allow the evil to come between themselves and My blessings. I said that a person cannot serve two masters. Harkening to the voice of the father of evil will cause My children to give permission for the evil beings to set up blockages between themselves and My blessings. I never withhold blessings. My children interrupt the reception of My blessings when they join with My enemy and their enemy. However, the good news is that My goodness and My kindness endure forever. So the secret of accessing My benefits are to stay in unity with Me and refuse all of the temptations of the evil one to join with him in disharmony with Me and disharmony with any of My children. I said through Jesus that there are GREAT REWARDS to seeking Me and My Kingdom. I also said there are GREAT REWARDS to turning the other cheek, to returning good for evil, to loving your enemies, to giving your alms in secret, to fast in private instead of in public, to pray in secret instead of in public. Jesus said that praying in secret will result in your being rewarded in public by Me. He said that you are blessed when people hate you and separate themselves from you because you know Me. He said that you should rejoice and leap for joy because your reward is great simply because you have joined in unity with Me. He said that you should love those enemies who have done bad things to you, that you should do good to the people who hate you. that you should bless those who curse you, that you should give a coat to a person who steals your cloak, that anyone who takes anything from you that you should not ask for it back. He said that your rewards will be great when you can do those things. Those admonitions were given by Jesus to show that there are rewards to following My advice instead of following the temptations of the evil one to retaliate. My rewards are for those who follow My teachings or seek to follow My ways because when you sow into My garden of life you reap My rewards, My benefits and My blessings because you are declaring yourself to be My child to the heavens. Then My angels and I are poised and ready to pour My blessings upon you. I didn’t tell you to do these things for your piety. I told you to do them so that you will receive My rewards instead of doing evil bidding and receiving his curses. I am the rewarder of those who diligently seek me. The first reward you get is peace for your soul. What follows is more and more of My blessings because of My kindness. Your kindness to others pays off in big rewards Your Kind and Loving Father Matthew 6:5-6; Matthew 14-21; Matthew 10:40-41; Luke 6:22-38; Hebrews 11:6.

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