Thursday, January 8, 2015


Dear One, When I created humans, I didn't want puppets that I could control by strings or wires like a toy. I wanted children like Me, made in My image, ones whom I could teach valuable information about how to manage their earth just like I manage My heaven. I wanted spiritual beings, just like Me, whom I would cloth in earthly bodies so they could be well equipped managers of the earth, able to tend the properties that I give to them.(Genesis 2:26-31)

  In giving them free will, I took the chance that they would rebel against Me and fall for the wiles of evil spirits who were in spiritual worlds around the earth and who might seek to dominate them by temptations.(Genesis 2:9) That is exactly what happened. The first man allowed an evil spirit to gain access to the earth that I had given to My children. In listening to and obeying the evil one, the good earth that I created for My children became cursed. My children, who were able to hear My good teachings and advice also became open to the temptations of the devil who is the one who cursed them and their earth. The first man did not heed My warnings to refuse the temptations of the evil one who mixes his evil knowledge in the minds of My children with My good knowledge. The devil deceives My children. That is called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Genesis 2:17) I sent My Son with the power to defeat the evil spirits, destroy their work in the earth and then send into My children My supernatural power to continue to destroy the works of evil just like My Son Jesus did. That is called the good news, the gospel. (John 10:10; I John 3:8) My children must seek to hear My words to them because they are more use to hearing the words of the evil one. They are use to selfish thoughts, destructive thoughts, abusive thoughts, evil speaking, bitter thoughts, vindictive thoughts and other temptations that come from hell. They must seek Me to hear My thoughts on every matter that pertains to them. Then I will teach them how to defeat the evil one and his cohorts, robbing the demons of their power like they rob My children of their power. (Matthew 6:32-33) When My children choose to seek Me, seek My wisdom, seek My teachings, seek My abilities, seek My power, then they will be able to overcome every negative thing in the earth that has plagued and cursed them. They will be saved from the works of the devil and they will be in a personal relationship with Me just like the first man, Adam, was in the beginning before he let the evil one into his domain, the earth. With My power comes the authority to regain the earth for themselves and become the effective managers of it, which was My original plan for My children.(Acts 2:1-4) You want to give your children their inheritance. So do I. I want My children to enjoy the gifts I give them out of My good pleasure. (Luke 12:32) I am your problem solver, your giver of wisdom and your Good Father. Take advantage of My gifts for you which save you from destruction and defeat.(James 1:5-8) Your Saving and Loving Father(John 3:16)

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