Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Dear One,
   Impatience with Me is rooted in fear that I am not going to answer your prayers.
   Impatience with others is rooted in lack of knowledge that I am forever patient with My children, including you.
   Fear is rooted in unbelief that I love you and am working diligently to answer your prayers and give you My entire kingdom. (Luke 12:32)
   Unbelief is rooted in lack of wisdom because you have listened to other people and their religious teachings, sidestepping My Holy Spirit and His liberty inducing tutoring of you.  (James 1:5; II Corinthians 3:17)
   Lack of wisdom is rooted in ignorance of My promises to you and ignorance of the depth, breadth, height and length of My love for you. (I Corinthians 2:10)
   When you become intimately acquainted with Me as revealed by My Holy Spirit, then you are so rooted and grounded in Me and My love for you that you will never entertain any teaching, any unrevealed scripture or any religious tradition that erroneously teaches that I am angry at any of My children and that I am impatient with the reluctance of My children to obey My commandments.  My commandments are only admonitions, giving you the free choice to choose between good and evil, as at the beginning. My commandments were given to encourage you to make the right choices, avoiding evil at every turn.  I understand that you and all of My children are powerless to always refuse evil and choose good, and that is why I sent My Very Own Spirit to live inside of you in your spirit, to be your teacher, your tutor, the revealer of truth, your leader, your guide, your defender, your constant companion and counselor to lead you into all truth and to give you the power to defeat the works of the devil in your life just like Jesus came to earth to defeat the works of the devil. (John 16:7-15)
    Make it your aim to become so well grounded in My love for you that you will have a firm foundation of My love for you, for all of My children and for My creation. Meditating on the life of Jesus and My love as shown through Him will allow My Spirit to reveal My love to you. (Ephesians 3:14-19)
    When you do become rooted and grounded in My love for you, then you must become rooted and grounded in the power of My Spirit who lives in you if you have invited him to make His earthly dwelling place in you.  He will teach you the power that is available to you by your using His power to defeat the works of the devil and to put him under your feet, treading on him and his works, making them of no effect to you and your family. You will know that there is no fear in you when you know My love and My power that are available to you. (Ephesians 1:16-23)   
    When you are firmly rooted and grounded in My love for you and when you have learned the power that is in you in the person of My Spirit, then I can do super abundantly above all you dare think or imagine because you know Me intimately and know My love toward you and the power that is in you. (Ephesians 3:20)
   There is no fear in you when you are rooted and grounded in My love because perfect love casts out all fear. (I John 4:18-19)
   There is no strife in your life when you are rooted and grounded in My love because you know that the devil tempts you to engage in strife so that he can invade your life with all of his demons of destruction.(James 3:16-18; II Timothy 4:18)
    Remain loyal and devoted to My Holy Spirit because He is My greatest gift given to you.  Jesus called Him My promise to you from the foundation of the world.  Revere Him for what He is, My presence in your life. (Acts 1:4-8)
    There is no fear, no unbelief, no impatience, no lack of strength and no lack of wisdom when you are rooted and grounded in My love. (I John 2:5)
    Your Loving Father 

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