Dear One,
My first attribute of My love that is identified in My Holy Spirit's instructions to My Children is that My love is patient. (I Corinthians 13:4) The best example of My patience with My children is the journey of the children of My first covenant when I brought them out of bondage and led them to the promised land. It is recorded that they tried My patience during that long journey. I fed them, led them with visible signs, caused their clothes to never rot or wear out and performed miracles for them. Yet they griped and moaned and made gods for themselves. Still, My patience with them was everlasting. When they returned to Me, I was exuberant at their return and restored the blessings that were necessary for their journey to the promised land. When My patience is described as everlasting, it means that there is never an end to it. It never runs out, just like My love never ends.(Hebrews 3:8-12)
Another good example of My patience is after the resurrection of Jesus when He returned to His disciples and told them to wait in Jerusalem for My promise that I would come to earth in the person of My Holy Spirit and live inside of people, tutoring them, guiding them, revealing Myself to them, giving them supernatural powers to defeat all evil and leading them to their promised land, which is having My kingdom evident in their lives with all of My benefits. (Acts 1:4-8)They were obedient to My instructions, gathering in one place and in unity. Only when they were in "one spirit" or in unity could My Holy Spirit and My cloud of witnesses appear to them and deliver My long awaited promise which I made to My children through many prophets. When they sought Me with their whole hearts and stayed in unity, then My promise was realized by them as they became the first fruits of My patience. (Acts 2:1-4)
They provided their earthly bodies to be the dwelling places of My Spirit just like Jesus did when He walked the earth. Their patience and their obedience paid off. They became filled with My Very Own Spirit, becoming new creatures with My supernatural powers and My love resident inside of them. (I Corinthians 3:16)
My patience didn't end there, just like My patience did not end in the account written about the second generation Israelites who entered the promised land. My patience is everlasting. I have patience with My children as they grow in wisdom and grace. I am patient with them as they seek to become My image in the earth with what I call the fruit of My Spirit which are My personal character attributes, Just like you are patient when the buds on fruit trees turn to blossoms, then to fruit, then to ripened fruit, I am forever patient with you and My other children as My character attributes begin to bud, blossom and then turn to My fruit. I am patient, knowing that it takes a while for fruit to fully develop and ripen so that it can nourish My children in the earth. It takes time for My image to be formed in My children of love.
One of the fruits of My Holy Spirit who lives inside of you is the fruit of patience. It is fully developed in your spirit where My Spirit lives, but it takes time for you to allow it to change your soul and your body into My image of patience. I am patient with you while you allow My patience to be fully developed in you.
Here is the caveat: you must seek to be patient with others in their growing in grace and you must seek to be patient in waiting for your prayers to be answered. Your patience with others is an outgrowth of My patience with you.
The patience that is required of you as you wait for your prayers to be answered is actually a time of giving My Holy Spirit the opportunity to show you what things are blocking your prayers from being answered in your life since I promised that when you ask for anything it will be done. (John 14:14; James 1:2-4) There are always attitudes and actions from the earth that block the answers to your prayers from being manifested. Unity with Me will always start the flow of blessings again as we reason together about the delay. (Isaiah 59:1-2)
A definition for patience is the ability to wait for something with a calm attitude, never griping, complaining, ranting, raving or being angry. Patience with your children means that you are willing to wait for them to grow in their maturity to where they take your advice, just like I wait for you to mature spiritually until you can immediately take My advice and defeat the works of the devil by becoming My image in the world. (I John 3:8)
Patience with yourself and others is an outgrowth of My Holy Spirit creating My character within you. It is the assurance of your prayers being answered. (Romans 15:5-7)
Patience is rooted in expectation. It is with faith and patience that you inherit My kingdom.
Your Patient and Loving Father
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