Saturday, February 28, 2015


Dear One,
   You must be alert to always see my good works toward you in your behalf.  You miss recognizing many of them because of your busy life.  You miss My goodness and My kindness that I send in small ways because you are looking for big miracles.  You miss the small, but equal, miracles. You look upon them sometimes as coincidences, but sometimes you recognize them as what they are and call them "God Incidents." (Matthew 14:25-32)
   A grateful heart will always look for My miracles, big and small, because a grateful heart lives with the expectation of the best to happen instead of expecting bad things to happen.  A grateful heart is full of expectations of evidence of My love and goodness toward you. (Galatians 3;15)
    Being alert to see My blessings is like searching for hidden treasures, keeping a keen lookout for glistening treasures to catch your eye which you had previously missed and overlooked, yet you know that there is gold in the sand or earth.  Some people think small pieces of gold have no value.  Other people collect many small pieces and together they become valuable.  It's the same with My children, some overlook My goodness toward them, looking over what they see as invaluable occurrences but they are actually of great value.(Matthew 12:35) 
     My blessings are sometimes hidden from the natural eye but are never hidden from the eye of your spirit which looks for the evidence of My abundant life, the parts of My life which I manifest into your earthly life. (I Corinthians 2:9-12)

      Expect the small and large miracles that I send in your behalf as hidden treasures which need to be viewed by spiritual eyes.  When you recognize them, they will add to you faith because they will produce gratitude in you.  (Matthew 13:44-45)
      Recognizing all of My miracles in your behalf with youthful joy and excitement will keep the waters of living water flowing into your mind and body, purifying them and increasing the knowledge of My love for you.  (John 7:38-39)
      Your Loving Father

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