My Dearly Prized Child,
I desire that you and the rest of My children will be rooted and grounded in My love for you. I desire that you deeply and intimately know the height, the breadth, the width and the depth of My Love for you and all of My children so that Christ can more fully and completely live in you. Pray that My Spirit will reveal My Love to you so that you will be filled with My fullness, with all of My attributes and My character. I want you to be so rooted and grounded in Me that your revelation of My Love for you far surpasses mere earthly knowledge and you become a loving reflection of Me. (Ephesians 3:14-20)
My Spirit promised that through that revelation of My love for you that the results will be that I can do super abundantly more than you dare ask, think or imagine according to the firm foundation of the power of My Love for you.
When you are firmly established in My Love for you, you can never live a life guided by the weak flesh again. My Love for you takes you out of the earthly dimension and makes you a supernatural being because My love is supernatural. (Galatians 5:18-24)
Judging people by earthly standards is an act of the flesh where Our enemy works. However, It is spiritual and supernatural to never judge a person by fleshly standards but rather to see them spiritually like I do. My Love in you allows them to be individuals with free will and accepts them the way they are, just like I do. My Love covers all of the sins and shortcomings of others and only sees their needs. When you allow My Love for people to operate in your life, you will allow My compassion and mercy to be released from within you and flow from you to all people regardless of what they have or haven't done for you or to you, and what they have or haven't done for others or to others.
LOVE is:
Looking Over Vain Elements in other people.
What does love cost you? Nothing of real value. I have already paid the price because I gave My son, your Brother, so that you might intimately know My Love for you. My Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead has been given the mission of revealing My Love to all of My children. He does it from the inside of you. (I John 4:7-8)
There are some things that being rooted in My love will cost you, but they are attitudes which are damaging to you. You will give up prejudices, judging others, condemning others, pride, arrogance, bitterness, grudges and selfishness. You won't have to struggle to give them up because they will merely fall away when you are filled with My love for all people. My mercy, My forgiveness, My love, My humility, My meekness, My goodness and My kindness will replace the former negative characteristics of the devil to which you yielded. With the revelation of My Love for you, you will become spiritually powered with My Love.(I Timothy 1:7)
When you are firmly and deeply rooted and grounded in My Love, your thoughts, attitudes and actions will be changed into loving thoughts, attitudes and actions and your love will then transform others and peace will come to your world. Then you will ask what you will and it will be done for you because you will not ask amiss.(James 4:3;John 15:7)
Your Loving Father
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